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P A Ashif

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Everything posted by P A Ashif

  1. Very nice points. I have to add on the list. Learn to be patient. Patience is a very important thing in crypto. Sometimes it doesn't happen according to your wish at that time you have to be patient. The other important thing is learning. Learn and earn Do your survey, it's very important. Don't depend on anyone. Read news daily.
  2. When I read the headline of the post I was amazed. 2020 is coming . 2020 came and brought pandemic ,Corona and too much positivity with it. Nobody expected 2020 is going to be like this. Speaking about the context, the thing is if you have enough asset then you can hold and you must hold. Crypto can be very profitable buisness.
  3. I am planning to open one online store and I am facing the problem of how to bring payment feature in my website. I checked and it was charging some fee. I have never thought this idea of payment through crypto. Just think I can have the crypto online buyers attention to my store. The other benefits of this feature is that I don't need to hold. People will hold for me.
  4. Definitely that uptrend in March-April made the Bitcoin value go up the $8000 mark. AMD now the price is nearly $10000. And now I expect again a downtrend. But the thing is if there is a vaccine in next 2-3 months and if the pandemic retards, then definitely it will boost the market. And we expect the price high. There is great affect in crypto market if the pandemic is won.
  5. When talking about online payments then it's very hard that paypal is not mentioned. I guess the most used online payment withdrawal platform is paypal. Just think about the cryptotalk also. I am sending my payment from cryptotalk to a exchange then withdraw it to my bank through paypal only. Now with the joining of hands with a crypto I think we can have a crypto wallet of paypal.
  6. It's TRUE that this pandemic has not stopped this fraudsters. It's very inhuman. But there is a logic behind this fraudster in pandemic rise. People are in search of job online and some knowledgeable peoples are ahead of others in crypto world. So they are trying to find shortcut for getting money. It's TRUE that scammers are everywhere. And I am amazed to read that Royal family is targetting the fraudsters.
  7. The possibility risks. Sometimes if you invest in an exchange, then it can be a scam exchange or the exchange is hacked by the hackers. So if you want to avoid that then invest in a good one. Then selling or buying check the price correctly. Some exchange charge too much fee. If you have buyed any coin then makes sure that don't sell it before it's a profit if it's a good coin like BTC and eth.
  8. Very nice things. Have you tried personally. I am wondering how are they able to pay that. I guess they are investing our crypto in something good buisness. I will definitely try that platform. And let me check its genuinity. Generally platform instead of giving cashback charge us fee. So I am amazed to see this concept. Is there anyone who have tried this platform.
  9. Definitely I think it's not late to learn the blockchain course now. We are among the 5% of the people in the world who are linked with crypto world. So we are at the early stage I guess. And we all are aware that the one who joins at the beginning are the most successful in that field. So show your weightage to latecomers by studying earlier.
  10. I like yobit. There is so many reasons that I like it. Actually yobit is better than most of the other platform. It has so many varieties of feature. It has enlisted a large number of coin. It give so many genuine airdrops to its users. It has a investbox which is very nice investing plan. The platform is very informative. And the best feature is the bond between cryptotalk and yobit.
  11. Is it that. Do you think its bull run. I guess it was not. Now after 9 months It didn't seems that the price increased that much. And after mid February the price gone down. But it's a good guess because it seems uptrend for many weeks. i have a doubt that for how much days the uptrend should go for it to be called as a bull run. Or how much price high is needed to be called as a bull run.
  12. What a great prediction. Very nice. Why I didn't joined cryptotalk in November. I missed the opportunity. You posted in March and now after 6 months when I am writing this post its increased 3 times. If I have invested when you posted it I may have taken good profit. So friend keep posting your prediction and the reason also so that it can be helpful for beginners also.
  13. I guess there are more big traders in the platform because more than 50% of peoples have choosed Bitcoin. Usually small students who are linked with crypto and trading complains of high transaction fee and other fee of Bitcoin and litecoin because they have less fund. But for big traders it's always good to choose big cap. Coins.
  14. I like all the three questions you mentioned and you answered it very well. Well I was not aware about the custodial wallet. I thought that only we have the private key of our wallet. But this custodial wallets exists is a shocking fact. Definitely Exchanges are using our investment to invest on other productive buisness. Also they are getting server fee, withdrawal fee. Ever thought why the wallet address is so long. The reason is to provide a unique address. In fact every coin has different address so one crypto users will have thousands of wallet addresses.
  15. If you want to develop a crypto currency definitely you need not to have a computer language knowledge. There are many blockchain which works on the principle of Artificial intelligence. EOS blockchain Is one. But if you want to succeed I think you must own a website for your coin. And do some promotion work their so that people will buy your coin.
  16. Definitely there can be one. But why another rather than that why not an update to present. I think a good change in present blockchain technology will be easier and sensible. Creating a whole other system again will be a difficult task. The next thing is that what will happen after all the Bitcoin is mined. I guess there is satoshi nakamoto phase two is going to come then.
  17. Yes it's TRUE if you don't know anything then go for help. Nobody started cryptotalk by knowing everything. Everybody has done mistakes but they learned from it. Now beginners have the chance to reduce mistake. Read the pinned post. Use the search option if you have any doubt. Then most importantly don't post very small messages like 'thank you' ,' I like it". This type of mistakes are noted easily and you will earn warning point easily.
  18. In earlier days video games and crypto were big rivals. The reason was earlier the graphics card are used by gamers and then as the rising of crypto increased things changed. Crypto miners started buying all the graphics card and now it become shortages. So this news is a good. Now as the technology advances there is not such shortage in market.
  19. I have not been scammed but I have seen many attempts of scamming me. I will tell one case, once I completed the task for an airdrop and I was waiting for the distribution. And in the distribution day a bot link was sent in the group. As I clicked it. It asked my eth address and I gave but then they asked 0.1 eth as a transaction fee. I have seen a post in cryptotalk about this type of cryptotalk. So keep a distance.
  20. It's a very nice idea. There are many coins in the yobit which are not seen in other platform. Yobit have listed many small coins. I think it can include the aim of the coin or atleast all the information that we need. Yobit in all is a very good platform but due to it's small coin listing behavior many don't like it. But can be use as a weapon to.
  21. I am amazed that halving can increase the price this much. Just think after the halving process what may have happened to the peoples who have holded Bitcoin in good amount. There lifestyle must have been changed completely. Definitely I think that there will be a third halving. And if min.1000% increase is seen then the big holders are going to have jackpot. It feels impossible to imagine the price but at that time during previous halving people might not have imagined this
  22. Crypto ATM is a dream for all crypto peoples. Every one wants a atm near there living. So let's talk what all feature that atm can have. According to me it could have following features It can have exchange feature. I.e people can convert their crypto into any other crypto. Then it must have withdrawal facility. I.e we can withdraw our countries currency. It can give the latest updates of market. So what do you think guys?
  23. It is always difficult for me to make understand my family as well as my friends about the fact of crypto. I was talking with my father and we are discussing to invest money in something. So I suggest him about crypto. And guess what he ignored me. He thought it's an online scam. And I am not enough mature to choose well. So I think I have to earn and then invest.
  24. Yes sometimes many people don't read the content and just looking the title comment below it using the words of title. That's why we see some nonsense comments. It become very important to read the post. Some people use title only to attract people so don't just comment looking the title. And you well said that by reading our vocabulary increases. It's TRUE. My English professor always says me to read newspaper daily in order to be good in english.
  25. I think if that happens than probably the transaction fee of eth will also decrease. And I think that with this update the eth is going to do good in market. Eth is now in second position in its value and may be it can touch the value of $1000 after this year. I predict that corona and this update is going to affect it positively. But the transaction fee must decrease.
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