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Everything posted by magd

  1. Starting through this method is not a good thing and we should expect a stop or loss in which we will be forced to return the money and it is wrong to rely on intermediaries to make profit from mining, and the best way to this mining is through our personal treatments and our money
  2. Until this wallet is trusted, its currency must be reliable and widely traded around the world. This wallet cannot store famous currencies. It is dedicated to this currency only, and therefore you will not get the required success and many traders from them. I have not heard of this currency despite years of experience.
  3. This detailed explanation explains that it is encouraging to join this tournament, book my place and start a pilot course, but it will need pre-preparations, and what caught my attention is that they do not request deposit as a prerequisite.
  4. magd

    Ebates App

    It is not available in my country, but I am not bothered because it is not available, because this application does not deserve any profits as the applications that depend on the referrals system only to achieve the gain are just fake applications to collect subscribers
  5. It is not possible to trust any news and articles that are placed on transfers of large amounts of unknown addresses. This may be a way for whales to affect the crypto market. Perhaps whales actually do this transfer and not a fraud, and it is normal for whales to have this amount.
  6. The analysis of Forex charts in principle is similar to the analysis of cryptocurrency charts, but the difference between them is that the error in the analysis and expectations of Forex trading is more risky and loss than cryptocurrencies so we must be more careful
  7. Speculation in the Forex market is a risk that involves price fluctuations through the difference in price between currencies, and despite the possibility of achieving a profit, but in the event that the expectations are wrong, it will lead to the loss of the difference in price instead of its profit
  8. It is a very wonderful idea and opens the way for the exchange of interest and experience, where information can be obtained from the professional trader for a specified amount, but it is a difficult idea in practice because of the lack of trust between traders and the different countries in which they work
  9. Patience in trading is a serious characteristic, but it must be noted the difference between patience in difficult times and long patience due to fear of loss and trading that many resort to, which makes them make wrong decisions. The trader is patient when he incurs losses and learns constantly without getting bored
  10. For beginners in this field, I always advise to start trading arbitrage by relying on two cryptocurrencies and the price difference between them so as to be able to understand the main principle of trading and monitor price charts for only two currencies more easily also
  11. Those who join the Yobit platform so far are making profits from trading. It is a distinct and safe platform. As for the platform’s investment fund, it provides ready investment plans and provides traders with the ability to create your own plan. You can use YouTube to learn to invest on Yobit
  12. This idea is not harmful, but it will not add distinction either. You mean this feature something like other forums that added time and transparency, but here we choose the right time for work and everyone adds a real time feature according to what suits him.
  13. It is not very complicated because the swap in Forex trading has the same general principle for crypto trading, but the currencies used in this swap differ and therefore you have to choose two currencies whose marketing value is large and follow the short-term swap method for currencies that fluctuate a lot.
  14. Certainly because cryptocurrency trading is a real trade that maximizes your profits while carrying and keeping coins is going to keep your profits the same but by trading you can divide the profits into two parts, the first is to continue trading and the second is to convert it to coins for personal purposes
  15. magd

    Trading + Capital

    You can start with a small capital, but this will take you a lot of time to achieve good profits, therefore it is better to choose an average amount between 100_200 $ and deposit it in one of the famous platforms and work in the beginning in trading arbitrage This means relying on the price difference between two currencies only until you start earning and expand the range of trading Your and start making investment plans
  16. Technical analysis is one of the basic analyzes of trading on any platform because we can know the steps that may happen in the future that must be observed. As for emotional analysis, it is different between traders and I am one of the traders who do not use emotion but rather rely on concrete facts
  17. All of these currencies are new and not all platforms have included them, so Coinbase must be careful and check these currencies because the presence of any fraudulent fake currency on this popular platform will negatively affect its popularity among traders.
  18. This may be possible, but it is now very difficult to track transactions due to the presence of some sites that offer fake transactions. As for through the official Blockchain network, my information says that you can track transactions if you only know the address of the portfolio. As for tracking all transactions from 2009, this matter does not matter for Me is a little complicated
  19. I will immediately enter the link and reserve a special seat for me to watch this event and the discussion that will take place. I hope that there will be an opportunity to provide some questions about these new ways to achieve additional gain because we are always looking for multiple ways to profit even to not lose ourselves after this fatigue in the field of coding
  20. There have been rumors that it will be permanently suspended due to slow transactions and very low trading values and the lack of validation of this currency which does not have any presence on the popular platforms but I have not found any official news on this
  21. During this year, it was largely absent from the cryptocurrency trading market and all the power that was reviewed to promote this currency was just an illusion. It has stabilized at a very low price and needs for many years to rise and from the risk pursued.
  22. I do not think that this opinion is correct because miners, when they extract cryptocurrencies and withdraw them to the trading platforms or store them in the portfolios, release these currencies in the trading market, and therefore these currencies will not consume themselves in the long run unless they lose large amounts in unknown mines
  23. A lot of trading and investment platforms make profit through the withdrawal and circulation fees that you place for cryptocurrencies, and thus the platforms can work because without these fees, the work of these platforms will be free and this is not possible
  24. These candles were named for two reasons. The first is that they are similar to candles in terms of multiple colors, but the real reason is because they are like candles that illuminate the way for the trader by facilitating the process of technical analysis and to be able to make the right decisions in trading.
  25. The topic should be talking about a new idea in the world of coding and not repeated and in the event it was a comment the comment should be on the topic itself and not touching on other ideas and the participation should be reciprocal giving way to discussion and exchange of experience and based on real information
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