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Everything posted by Dmasked

  1. There was an issue in the past where quoted replies in english sections were of different language, Russian i think but that issue has been resolved by now. It might have been a bug on the forum or faulty use of translators. Now the problem is fixed and the English section has all threads in English and for other languages there are sections in other languages,
  2. The bandwidth has not decreased but the forum does seems to be loading slowly. I think the reason behind that is higher user traffic. People are limited to their houses during this pandemic and lockdown due to which the user traffic might have increased and stressed the servers.
  3. I am a gamer and i always aspire for the higher ranks. Even in cryptotalk i want to reach the higher ranks because it will represent my competency in writing articles and my experience in the forum. Along with rank i also desire more reputation points that denotes the quality of my answers.
  4. Yobit investbox is a great initiative to help developers to launch their coins and tokens and also to create demand for the tokens. But the problem is with the activity you need to perform to get your rewards or interests. Some of those activities are too costly and forces you to gamble on your assets. We must earn interest for holding or staking the crypto, the task to play dice certain times is irrelevant.
  5. There is no such rule regarding the time when you can post. You can post at any hour of the day and you can make as many posts as you want but they do have to be constructive and useful. You receive payment for 30 posts a day in the monetized sections and the post count restarts at midnight server time. There is no limitation regarding the time of the post.
  6. The cryptotalk campaign is officially said to be for long term so we dont need to worry about the pay per post campaign. Until the campaign is over we would have a huge archive of information available to us and even after that there would be many users still posting interesting topics. The posts can even get better if the campaign ends as greedy money hunters will go away from the campaign.
  7. I am also worried about the number of useless non informative posts here that have nothing to be discussed. Even many of the full member have gained their ranks by spamming or posting few words topics that in no way seems useful to anyone. And dont even get me started with the comments, finding a good comment is like searching a needle in a hay stack. Most of the replies i get in my topic are comments just repeating or agreeing on what i just posted.
  8. Let me explain it to you. This is not a kinder garden where we teach people how to write. If you are writing here then it means that you must already know your stuff about writing and about crypto. If you are not sure about your writing skills yet then it is your responsibility to first read the contents published here and then get into writing articles. We dont have the time to correct every nonsensical post that we come across.
  9. I havenot included any signature on my profile yet but i have been thinking about posting my social media link. I am waiting for signature campaigns to arrive in cryptotalk and after that pasting signatures would get a bit more fun and rewarding.
  10. KYC stands for know your customer so it is required to recognize the users. In some of the countries crypto is still banned so KYC helps to identify if a user is eligible to use the platform or not. Similarly KYC is also required to verify the users so that they can be trusted, But it is important that you fill the KYC form only if you trust the platform otherwise you might end up getting your account hacked.
  11. Most of the youtubers that post videos on crypto currencies are after referrals. There are also a lot of scammers that post videos with links to their scam sites. To be honest youtube is not really a good place to learn or inquire about any crypto projects. There are various crypto forums and trusted blogs or websites that post actual verified news on crypto.
  12. Bitcoin transactions need many confirmations before being executed. Six to be exact which may take upto an hour. Along with that it can only process a few transaction on its blockchain about seven per second so it may take a a lot of time if many transactions are queued in the server.
  13. Blockchain technology and crypto currencies are sure being used in many platforms by big companies but it is not yet trusted and accepted by all countries, financial institutions and the people. Mostly the older generations are slow to adapt to new technology and since crypto has so many controversies and risks, it is hard for some people to accept it.
  14. I have not fallen for any money scams but i did fall for scams that wasted my time and effort. I spent days and even weeks on many PTC and free earning crypto currency sites that ended up giving me nothing. Either the withdrawal limit was too high or the rewards were very very low.
  15. you can try and for taking part in bounties and collecting them but in my experience bounties are not a good crypto projects. They have a bad reputation for being scams and not giving its users any real reward worth real money. So i try to stay away from bounties.
  16. With the bitcoins i collected in Yobit exchange i bought two other crypto currencies, Yo dollars and Yoda. They are native currency of Yobit and launched by the exchange itself so i have high hopes that they will rise in value in future. Yo dollar has given me good returns in times but Yoda seems to be a bad investment from my part.
  17. I think you are talking about ICOs and IEOs. Currently i am not looking forward to any new coin or token in the market but i have registered for some airdrops of newly launched tokens so i might have few new tokens in my wallet after some time. Right now the market is running cold so i would not invest in any of the new tokens.
  18. Actually it has gotten harder to predict the price due to the corona virus pandemic. It has filled the global economy and crypto market with a lot of uncertainties. But right now the prices seems to be stabilizing and rising in a slow ratio and with the halving this year prices can go as high as $25000. But if the worst happens then the price may fall down to even two grands.
  19. Crypto news are often used to manipulate traders into selling at low price or buying at high price. Such news are initiated by influential parties like whales who misuse their influence for their personal benefit. It is very necessary to check the source of the news that you rely on as advice.
  20. Bitcoin is not a biological being and it will exist forever but it cannot be said the same for its price. Its price comes from its users and looking at its current hype it doesnot seem like it will go down in the future. Rather its price is expected to go higher than ever and it will fall hard only if something like global destruction or economic depression.
  21. The volatility of bitcoin indicates that its future is uncertain. Bitcoin is a decentralized currency powered by its users. So as long as it is wanted and held by its users, it will keep on increasing in value. All the statistics speculation and expert opinion suggest that it will further increase in value in near future.
  22. I believe that is for the good cause. Corona virus may be dangerous but it will not stay here forever, it will go away someday and from then they can organize as many events as they want. The most important thing here is the lives of people. Corona virus doesnot posses any threats to crypto market until people are safe from it. Price drops can recover and cancelled events can be reorganized.
  23. It would be so much easier if we can buy crypto directly from banks without running our money through different exchanges and wallets which includes further transaction costs. Buying crypto directly from banks and cards would help save so much transaction fees.
  24. After bitcoin the crypto currency that extends the legacy of these digital currency would be Ethereum. The total market capitalization of ethereum is still way behind bitcoin but it is developed on an updated technology and can handle more transaction than bitcoin. It is more efficient as a currency of exchange and trading as well and has higher potential than bitcoin.
  25. Fiat is more powerful because its legality and power comes from the government itself and it is implemented and recognized all over the world. On the other hand, crypto is decentralized and powered by its users so its is good as a currency and also for trading. Crypto market is volatile where as fiat is comparatively more secure but i would choose crypto over fiat any day because it is unregulated and doesnot require the interference of any third party.
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