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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/21 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Hey everybody, we all know that the best thing about cryptocurrency is its price fluctuation and its the only thing that makes cryptocurrency interesting and attracts investors, and if the price is fixed then no one will buy the coin because we can't get any profit from it, we are now investing in cryptos and buy some coins when the price drops and wait for the price increase and sell it to get some profit, that's the only thing makes cryptocurrency good for investment, just like golds and diamond and coffee.
  2. 6 points
    My friends, let us discuss this issue because many people are confused about it. I am sad to say that there are people who do trading as gambling, everything they do on crypto believes in luck more than knowledge! Of course, you can believe in luck but for a few percent because investing in crypto has its knowledge and you will see great success if you get that knowledge. Example: Normally LTC reaches up to $72+ when it pumps, but sometimes it goes down up to $38 !! Now in this case, if you will increase your thinking capacity it's very easy for any trader to earn a profit. If your trading will not depend on luck, you will understand that every coin can fall but when it reaches some point, it has large possibilities to stop and start to pump again! I told one of my friends to buy LTC when it was $44 after i saw BTC grow for some percent because there are coins that depend on BTC in large percent. He agreed with me and purchase 10 LTC, after few days it grows to $56 and he sold there, so he earned a profit of $100 after all fees in less than a month! So we used knowledge to make this decision and not luck! The good thing is that anyone can learn this knowledge for free, anywhere and anytime! Because you can learn through youtube tutorials, blogs, in this forum and etc. ____________________. So open your mind and do the right thing (learn), if you keep investing in crypto as a gambler you will lose more money than the amount you earn and at the end of the day you will hate crypto and say it is a scam! But the problem it's you.
  3. 5 points
    The other day my brother called me and asked if I could send some cash, but I did have any way to send the money because it was late in the night and the only way to send him , far away in a different country is to make sure that I did actually use my card or have some money online either on paypal or something, but I did not have any and the only way I could give the money in seconds, literally in seconds was to send him using crypto and that would be the greatest thing that would have every happened to me , so I logged to my trust wallet, I have some coins and tokens and sold them , and when the time came used ripple to send, so all this in short, everything was done in under 1 minute, so to me , someone living in a different country can get money you can send money and you know how easy it was ? he was able to shop with it the same hour that he requested, so slowly am migrating to use of crypto to transfer and am sure am going to use it even here locally so how has Crypto helped you so far? Me I have been able to transfer P2P . My family have actually joined because not only does it work but is doing very very well.
  4. 5 points
    Известно, что человек не может жить без веры во что-то или чего-то. Отклоним существующие религии и те, которые стали основными в мире - это все имеет другой многочисленный характер и многообразие. Во время быстрого роста Биткоина и кажется бесконечных проблем в этому году, в основном связанные с пандемией - вера в нечто лучшее и прибыльное сразу подставляется под руку. Ничто не напоминает? Напоминает такое же настроение во время весны этого года, когда дела шли куда хуже и внезапное сотрясение экономики повлекло большие неудачи всех людей. Но ведь на одной вере не продержаться - придется работать над собой и над всем, что принесёт больше результатов. Марк Кьюбан, предприниматель, миллиардер и инвестор, призвал осторожно относиться к криптовалюте. Он считает, что биткоин не заменит поддерживаемые государством валюты и не станет "защитой от сценариев судного дня". Если дословно, то В какой-то степени мы видим новости о якобы обложении налогами многих криптовалют и в том числе Биткоин. Страны пытаются принять все меры по защите своих валют. Получается, что вкладывание в Биткоин привлекает только больше внимания государств. Несмотря на то, что Биткоин пробил исторический максимум, а 26 декабря этот максимум пошёл на отметку в 25 тысяч долларов США и вкладывание продолжится точно. Снова дословно Вполне логично, что так и есть. Большой кризис в мире и множество других факторов заставляют верить во что-то другое, но только не в фиат. После времени все это закрутится куда дальше, сейчас это просто вера, а потом это превратится в религию, если уже не превратилось. Такое манипулирование и большое знание о психологии приведет к тому, что люди будут страдать от незнаний о рынке и его движении. Я лично не призываю вас верить во что-то или не верить вообще, но хочу услышать мнения, что для вас Биткоин и как думайте, насколько сильна эта силы веры? Сейчас думаю стоит задуматься и это более чем актуально на данный момент. Может быть у вас есть взгляды других людей и вы можете их рассказать. Источники, которые использовались для создание темы: https://incrussia.ru/news/cuban-bitcoin/
  5. 5 points
    Hey friends. I writes comments on others posts but problem is that very few person response to me. My work is according to rules and regulations of this cryptotalk forum. But my reputation is not increasing as mine work. That's why I wanna ask you that question " for good reputation,it is necessary to write your own topics?" I write some topics my own and people response to my post. In case of comments response is no more than a time waste.
  6. 5 points
    Common Cryptotalk Questions Answered! I made this topic to prevent the ever-repeating topic creation of similar questions that can already be answered within the forum topics created by moderators, but somehow users still creates topics that asks these same questions. On the bottom/end part of this post, you can see a directory of useful links in the forum with corresponding numbers. On answers, you will see [x] symbols as a reference to this links (i.e. [2] points out to the link number 2). Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ What should I do after registering here or before posting? ~You should read and understand every pinned post made by the moderators and admins in About Forum section [1]. Pinned posts are those posts with green pin icon and is always on top. Do you earn from topics/posts or just comment? ~Creating a topic is considered a post. Replying or commenting on a topic is also a post. So both are paid. What is the maximum number of post allowed per day? ~5 days from registration, you are limited to making 50 posts/day [2]. After 5 days, the post limit is removed, but the maximum number of paid posts are only 30/day [3]. What is the cut-off time on the forum for counting posts? ~Moscow Standard Time (GMT+3) at 00:00 (Midnight). Convert to your local timezone using online timezone calculators. What are the rules and regulation in the forum? ~Read, understand, and follow at useful link below this post [4]. Why does my post get deleted everyday in Yobit? ~Short tips: 1. Don't reply on spam topics, 2. Don't reply on plagiarized posts (from online sources), 3. Don't post one-liner non-sense post. How can we increase reputation? ~Post quality and detailed content with effort and not just copy-paste/plagiarized (not allowed in the forum!). Don't beg for likes. Don't abuse reputation by exchanging with your 'friends'! What topics could I post and where? ~I have made a guide regarding the topic at useful link below, and is also pinned here [5]. How to withdraw earnings? ~I still don't have a step-by-step detailed guide for it. But on simplest steps: 1. You click 'Transfer to BTC Balance' in Yobit dashboard, 2. Go to your Yobit Wallet in the navigation bar above, and 3. Withdraw your bitcoins on another BTC address. You could also exchange it to other cryptocurrencies for lesser fees (Yobit Trade). Can I post in different language? ~No. If you know russian, then go to the Russian section here [6]. If not, then only English is allowed as per the rules [4]. Local boards are not yet established. [1] https://cryptotalk.org/forum/30-about-forum/ [2] https://cryptotalk.org/topic/5327-forum-ranks/ [3]https://cryptotalk.org/topic/21-get-paid-for-every-post/ [4] https://cryptotalk.org/topic/207-general-rules-of-cryptotalkorg-forum-official/ [5]https://cryptotalk.org/topic/61050-tips-sections-in-the-forum-explained/ [6]https://cryptotalk.org/forum/15-russian/ Special thanks to the admins and moderators in the forum! @Admin @Bigpat @epidemia @ayatoslaw @Alex077 @Desais This thread could be locked unless there are additional questions to be added. It could also be pinned upon staff decision. Thanks to all!
  7. 5 points
    What's going on? Interaction with posts is very poor; most members reply to posts without giving any rating and without evaluating the responses that precede them. We must not forget that there are useful publications that must be supported.
  8. 5 points
    This has been a long time coming. Bittrex just announced that it will delist privacy coin pairs like ZEC, XMR and DASH. And my guess is that this is just a start and this trend will probably spread amongst all the highly regulated exchanges later. It's not even up to these exchanges if they want to keep those pairs or not. While privacy itself is wanted by nearly every company out there, we have to remember that anonymity is not same thing as privacy. Privacy in the context of human rights and business are things that are not going anywhere, but they have to be complying with the legal framework. Coins that have anonymity are making impossible to exchanges work within any regulatory framework and FATF and other organisations must be breathing on their necks constantly. So this will keep happening and even more in the future imho. What do you think? Will this trend continue and will exchanges keep delisting privacy coins? Will privacy coins have future? Delisting story source: https://www.coindesk.com/bittrex-to-delist-privacy-coins-monero-dash-and-zcash
  9. 4 points
    Can someone plz help me,how can l get better reputation here? My profile is going in negative....plz suggest me something helpful.
  10. 4 points
    Earning free Bitcoin might be small to get but it is better than investment platform. Majority of those investment platform are scam, like adturbine and mymagnet they all promise heaven and Earth and they go ahead to misbehave.
  11. 4 points
    First trade = Fail Second trade = Fail Third trade = Fail again! What would be your next step in that failing situation? When i started trading i only earned profit two times out of my 7 trades! I earned a good profit in 2 days but later in 5 days i lost 10x of the profit that i earned! I don't think if there is any trader who earns profit only and he/she never loses some amount, so it's a normal situation to a trader life but there is a solution to avoid this regularly losing. This was my problem. I learned about trading by watching tutorials on youtube and reading articles in different blogs, it's really a good way to learn (I hope you know) i learned that trading is profitable and i will earn money (a lot of money) if i will start trading, but i never learned how to trade! I don't know if you understood me, i learned that trading is profitable but i didn't learn the basics of trading! I started trading when i know only one thing, i should buy when the price is low and sell while the price is high so that i can earn a profit! I lost my 5 trades easily by learning only that and watching some tutorials then i thought am ready to trade. After losing regularly i doubted one thing, why i keep losing while am following the (buy low and sell high) formula? My solution. So from there, i decided to LEARN again and see why i keep losing while i trade in the right way. And finally, i discovered the reason for me to fail regularly after i LEARN again, make research, and got support from my friends who trade too. The problem was, i learned that i can earn money by buying a coin when it's price is low and sell it later when it grows... But i never learned at which point i can say "Yes, now LTC is low so i should buy... Now BTC is low so i should buy!!!" So i was just buying even if today LTC is $75 then tomorrow dropped to $68 i would just buy because i saw a price drop of $7 !!! But i did wrong because LTC can fall up to $40, right? Believe me, this problem faces many beginner traders. They just know that formula (buy low, sell high) but they don't know at which point they should buy or sell. So instead of giving up, choose to LEARN! Make research of any coin that you need to trade it, and ask for support from other traders! Don't worry, if you don't know any trader we will support you (we are many traders in this forum) so just ask anything and we will support you. Don't agree to lose your money easily again, losing is there but not regularly Example: It's just like learning to build a house, you start learning to build a foundation and not learn to build a wall first. And that's how works in crypto, learn coins first (in deeply), know their habits, and then start to trade them. _________________!
  12. 4 points
    Perhaps this is the time for any individual yo make the most of the knowledge available in the Crypto world. Having said this, it will be important to note that not all knowledge are profitable though. This forum can also help with lots of Crypto knowledge in the long run though.
  13. 4 points
    It was an open secret, rumors and early news on July (as it can be seen in this Cointelegraph entry or this other entry from micky) created lots of hype and boosted up BTC to the 11K. Now, several months after, we have a definitive confirmation: https://www.reuters.com/article/paypal-cryptocurrency/paypal-to-allow-cryptocurrency-buying-selling-and-shopping-on-its-network-idINL1N2HB14U As it can be read, Paypal plans to fully implement the possibility of shopping with cryptocurrency in the first quarter of 2021. This adoption will allow people to purchase items and services from more than 26 million merchants. The definitive news BTC needed to sky rocketing to the stars. And, of course, as you can see on the chart, the pump (over $12.300!!!) confirms the excellent news. Congratulations, everyone! (unless you are investing mostly on alts, in that case, I'm really sorry).
  14. 3 points
    Не так давно, мне попалась на глаза статья, где рассказывали о спортсменах, которые на своём примере пиарят крипту ( они добились получения зарплаты в крипте), и мне стало интересно, как много знаменитостей в теме. забегая вперёд, я была крайне удивлена длинному списку, а про русских селебрити (ну кроме Бузовой) я и не слышала таких новостей. итак начнём список: Джон Макафи - думаю многие слышали его скандальное заявление, что если биткоин не достигнет цены 500к$ к 2020 году он съест свой... хм... детородный орган (не слышала что бы он выполнил своё обещание) Мэнни Пакьяо - не только верит в крипту, но и выпустил свой коин Snoop Dogg - который ещё в 2013 году продавал свой альбом за биткоины. На счёт того продал или нет, информации я не нашла, но если вы в курсе, напишите, я за него порадуюсь))) Хью Лори - доктор Хаус в 2015 году затарился битком. Причём вложился на сумму 5000$. Интересно, как он им распорядился? Эштон Катчер - вложив деньги в BitPay он не плохо приумножил свой капитал, а его решение не вызывает теперь скепсис среди коллег. Майк Тайсон - стоит за запуском сети крипто банкоматов! Для меня это самая удивительная новость Стивен Сигал - тут произошла негативная ситуация, ведь он в 2018 году ввязался в скам, который очень скоро прикрыли. Джессика Верстег - актриса выпустила свой токен, который должен был сделать рынок марихуаны прозрачным! Очень интересное начинание. Мадонна, Леди Гага, Дженнифер Лопес, Келли Джойс, Мел Би - они стали первыми, кто получал гонорар в крипте, а последняя первой продавала свои песни за биткоин! Джонни Депп - он сотрудничал с одним проектом, который будет производить фильмы и прочий медиа контент на базе блокчейна Константин Хабенский - стал участником проекта, который при помощи блокчейна будет заниматься сбором средств для съёмок фильмов. Федор Бондарчук - участвует в подобном проекте, но они пошли дальше, инвесторы (держатели монет) будут получать прибыль от кассовых сборов. Оля Полякова - одна из первых отечественных певиц получила гонорар за выступление в битке Баста - автор собственного Коина, держатели которого должны были получать целую гору плюшек (скидки на билеты и прочее). О Гейтсе, Маске, Возняке писать даже не буду, они у всех на виду, как и их решения) на самом деле, список намного длиннее, и наверняка вы знаете о наменитостях больше меня) но как вы думаете, эти люди просто идут в ногу со временем, или просто получают гончарам за пиар?
  15. 3 points
    Приветствую всех форумчан. Думаю не будет лишним иной раз напомнить о том, что наш язык поистине волшебен. К написанию постов нужно относится со всей серьёзностью, не используя оскорбительные выражения, нецензурную лексику. Чистота речи и ясность мысли - наше оружие, коим мы можем поразить и доставить эстетическое удовольствие от прочтения текстов. Поэтому, предлагаю всем нам, учиться ясно выражать свои мысли, точно доносить информацию к читателю и быть лаконичными.
  16. 3 points
    I was thinking about this question. I was looking on Google but I don't want "experts" opinions. I want opinions from people like you and me.
  17. 3 points
    Hi friends, I hope you will agree with this! A lot of people are using and investing in cryptocurrencies, but only a few of them are getting profit with their investments! The biggest enemy is fear, and that's why many people are losing more than winning. Successful people are saying this "you have the decisions to choose to be rich or poor" this decision will be made right with a fearless person. A simple example of why you won't succeed when you are a coward; You fear to invest You fear to take risks You fear to try new things You fear to lose You fear new projects And many more.... Now, how can you be success when you fear all these things?! The problem its because we heard many things from many people, and we believe all things that we heard. Many of us we have been affected psychological, if we need to be success we should understand there is profit and loss in anything that we do! When we believe that, we will never fear to invest or we will never fear to lose! Because, you don't know what will make you success.. So its good to have the confidence for trying new things, we can lose opportunity just for fearing to try new things! Here are some tips that will help you to take a new step; Everything that you do, remember there is tomorrow - You have dreams to achieve, family to take care, etc. Though we don't know our tomorrow, we should work harder because we are still alive.. So stop fearing and take a good step now, be brave! Trust in yourself before anyone trusts you - There are many people who need to be trusted by many people in what they do, but unfortunately they don't trust in themselves! Build trust for yourself in what you do before other people trusts you! This will help you to do great things and have confidence to anything that you will do. Never give up.. no matter what difficulties you will face - Some people give up very easily what they do because of bad comments, stop immediately if you are that kind of person because you will never achieve your dreams! Jack Ma, the founder and owner of Alibaba Group, he was dumb and no one gave him a job when he applied, he always been rejected! When he got the idea to start his first business, he shared it with some people but many of them reject to be his partner! Only because he was a dumb, poor and he never own anything valuable! But now, he is the richest person in China! He started his first business when he was 33 years, but now he owns valuable companies. So never give up, you still have time! Have confidence to try new things - There are many opportunities in new things, if you will fear all of them you may lose your door of success! Everything that we do in our lives they have profit and loss, we should accept that so that we can have the confidence to try anything. There are many things that will help you to be confident enough, but today we will end here. I like to talk about life in many of my topics, because my success story its not easy even to listen it! That's am trying to encourage you. _____________________________________ Many words! Thanks for reading.
  18. 3 points
    Do you agree that crypto change people lives? Do you have experience that it change your life? Well, crypto was very helpful more importantly as a student, they can learn about the cryptocurrencies and bitcoins. It helps them to be imformative in a way of socializing in the different part of world and becaue of crypto, they can sustain themselves as student. Since I'm just a mere student and still wanted to be learn it changes my life because what I know can be improve using crypto and because of this It helps my suspenses in school. How does crypto change your life?
  19. 3 points
    Hi friend I have a question if I want to find any senior member or any other how can we find them. If we don't follow them. I try to search a member in search box but I don't find him. Give me suggestions if you know you know about.
  20. 3 points
    Hello members, There are many members who do not feel good like me about their topics without likes. At the end the majority of them stopped doing topics. In the last days I did my effort to show you or to facilitate you some things on this forum and Yobit, I have received many views and positive replies, but unfortunately I have just received a few likes about my topics! Thank you for your participation on my topics and thank you very much for those members who like my topics. But I think we are here to help between us and to encourage others to do their effort doing topics, so liking topics or constructive post is the good thing we can give as reward. These are my last three topics where you can see my effort about the job, positives replies and the few likes:
  21. 3 points
    I was thinking can we the regular or small time crypto traders and crypto users can help to increase the price of bitcoin and alt coins? Do you know some way to increase it with our own way. I thing we need all the info to help the rise of price of bitcoin because all of us can be benefited when it's price rises. For me the only thing I know that I can do is to introduce bitcoin to my friends and to other people. Because I believe that if we increase the user of bitcoin it will help to increase it's price. That is why I always invite people to try crypto currencies and to have crypto assets. Please correct me if I am wrong and please suggest a way that can help so that the readers from this thread can do it to help us increase the value of bitcoin.
  22. 3 points
    Hi its cold time of winter with hot cup of tea.. Hope so all of you enjoy a great time in crypto forum. I have a question is there any possibility to take a break from this forum? Will it effects our earnings?
  23. 3 points
    I noticed there is now only 3 to 5 % scammers. And the moderates still cleaning the forum from scammers. Alot of usless posts and and topics are deleting. I wish forum clean fully from scammers and percentage of deleting posts should decrease.
  24. 3 points
    Hello Cryptotalkers, A famous personnel like Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Apple, Kanye West, Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu, Uber, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet, Cashapp, Uber, Justin Sun, Bitcoin, Coinbase, Gemini , soon twitter account is getting hacked and been scamming the people claiming to double their money , please be aware and dont fall in to that, i dont think there is anything to explain much about it, so im attaching some picture below : Source: Facebook & Twitter : https://twitter.com/PMBreakingNews/status/1283509287772397569
  25. 3 points
    Kind regards to everyone! Today I want to share with you what in particular I consider the correct way of working in the forum. 1.- Go to the platform and locate in Home / Crypto / About Forum the following article “General Rules of CryptoTalk.org Forum [Official]”, read and analyze in detail. If you learn what is described here and follow everything to the letter, you will not incur in breaches of the regulations that could result in future warnings from the moderators or even being banned. 2.- Make your 20 useful publications of the day. In Cryptotalk, any contribution you make within the forum is considered a publication, either by your own creation or by generating simple but coherent responses. 3.- If your intention is to create your own publication, try to use keywords related to said publication using the forum search engine. The results give you full guarantee that what you want to publish exists or not in the forum. This ensures that you are not making repeat posts that will later be removed by the site's moderators. When publishing, classify your topic and place it on the correct topic. You don't have knowledge or reaction capacity? So, dedicate yourself to searching the web for current issues regarding the world of cryptocurrencies, study them and analyze them in depth, prepare a specific summary and then come to the forum to share useful material with the rest of the members who participate here. Do this even once a week as this will lead to new topics to interact periodically and it benefits you in the sense that you will receive good reactions, resulting in that your reputation increases instantly and that you get followers that in the future they may be supporting. 4.- Do you like that your publications receive positive reactions? If so then be fair and try to pay attention to the posts of the other members and give them your support by leaving the corresponding reactions. Remember that we are a family and that you have available the amount of 50 reactions per day, that by granting them you will receive 50 additional Talk tokens instantly. Also keep in mind that you must give value to your Talk tokens. Only react positively when a post really deserves it. Don't give reactions just by giving them. Topics that you should visit to have full knowledge of other details of the forum: - Home / Crypto / About Forum "Payment for posts (Not relevant information)" - Home / Crypto / About Forum “New payment and rating system for the forum” - Home / Crypto / About Forum “Report Plagiarism (Copy / Paste)” If you found this contribution useful, I would like to know your opinion and if you would like to add another detail I would also like to know it. When responding, express yourself in the best way, leaving a coherent and useful comment. Rest assured that by doing so you will receive my full attention, giving you a good reaction.
  26. 3 points
    Just wanted to ask guys . What if you reply to a specific topic few days ago and then you forgot that you already response to that topic . What will happen then?
  27. 3 points
    I have noticed many similar topics regarding post deletion and send to yobit balance not working, I just want to inform you that this normally happens every at the end of the month that's when moderators clean the forum heavily in such a way that we lose a lot of posts but it will get back to normal and the send to yobit balance does take about 7 days to be back in the system therefore, take time and avoid commenting on repeatedly topics regarding this issue while filling up the gap of deleted posts don't get bored but get used to it,as currently writing this post I have already lost about 30 posts in the clean up that is going on let's be strong good lucky.
  28. 3 points
    People could use cryptocurrencies to make quick payments and to avoid transaction fees. Some people might acquire cryptocurrency as an investment, hoping that it will increase in value. In this case you need to put it a safe place for a while up they increase their value. Nobody can tell you the moment they will reach the higher price. Good luck.
  29. 3 points
    We all know or have heard of , that bitcoin has been the best performing asset in the last decade. While home prices have increased just slightly. Just think what a small invested in bitcoin has become after some time, while your home has appreciated just a tiny bit compared to bitcoin's awesome performance
  30. 3 points
    It is like crypto currency is taking over, if you check well you will find out there are so many crypto currencies in coinmarketcap. My question is Will crypto currency replace all national currency?
  31. 3 points
    "By chance," they became "millionaires" between the blink of an eye and its attention, and investors shouted regret for being overlooked in Bitcoin by selling when it was equal to one dollar only 6 years ago before flying to its highest levels at 20 thousand dollars, but the decline was also the same, so what is the story? Will we witness new stories of wealth in the future?
  32. 3 points
    The whole world's people are suffering a big disaster. Now it's a international disaster, I think you already guessed what I am saying. Today I experienced a new thing, I went a shop of Berlin for buying some foods after buying the food when I gave the papper money but he didn't take it and ask me about digital currency. Actually I first time experienced it, before it no one didn't want this. So i think it's a best time to achive the extensive use and extreme trust of it. Please share what you think.
  33. 3 points
    Hello friend Hope everyone is safe and good. I'm from Nepal and many of you may not know that it's an Asian Country near India. And in our country the Crypto currency investment is taken as risk factors and illegal. But now after India allows exchanges to deal with banks our Finance Minister has spoke about it and planing to promote Crypto currency by legalising the Crypto currency and giving priority to it. As a member of this forum i thought it would be great to share mine happiness with all of you after hearing about this news. News source for more details- Link
  34. 3 points
    It is not a secret that various private firms have bought Bitcoin in the last 6 months, MicroStrategy and square are an example, but none is enough for GreyScale, which today has reported that its investment portfolio exceeds 20 billion dollars in cryptocurrencies. This is an alarming figure, considering that exactly a year ago the amount was 2000 million, this has brought to the debate the fact that GreyScale may be attacking the neutrality and decentralization of the network, since it will buy more btc than that is mined monthly. Some defend this on the basis that it benefits price, but it is small investors and traders who will be affected. What do you think about this new chapter in the history of Bitcoin?
  35. 3 points
    I was wondering when cryptotalk started. When did they made this campaign where you can get a 1000 satoshis for every post? I was only wondering because surely they will will be short of funds to pay for the users. I'm not complaining or anything, I'm actually thankful for this site because you can get satoshis for every post you make like this is a hundred times better than all the faucets there is.
  36. 3 points
    Many of us associate the weakness of the dollar against other currencies worldwide as something negative in the US economy, even though there are different criteria on the subject, what is clear is that the weakening of the dollar is beneficial for BTC, when The US federal reserve injects large capital into the economy, lowers the price of its currency and therefore the internal economy tends to become more dynamic, so large capital begins to move and investments appear, for this we see the recent rise in the price of Bitcoin, the injection of money brought as a consequence that the economy began to move and large capitals to seek investment in a scarce currency such as BTC. An equal or greater stimulus for the US economy is expected for 2021, we will be facing the possibility of a greater increase in the price of BTC, the dollar could weaken and our star currency within the crypto ecosystem will become stronger. If there is a growth of the BTC in 2021, what would be a forecast for the second half of the year? I think it could go up to 23k dollars.
  37. 3 points
    Yes, I think that those scammers who are destroying the currency market a lot because one is that the bad reaction that is causing people to lose one euro is that many people are not willing to trade in the market. Many people are willing to invest here. Nor do I think it's a big loss and for everyone, I think so What action should be taken to prevent these spammers?
  38. 3 points
    Самое главное, что вывод с криптовалюты на карту, будут отслеживать, а все что в сети плевать, значит мы можем зарабатывать много, и хранить это в тайне, до определенного момента
  39. 3 points
    Собственникам площадок сильно удобнее в своих виллах на Канарах, чем в Гуантанамо, чем и взяли за одно место), фактически сделав централизованные биржи частью традиционной финансовой системы. Так что ждём развития децентралок)
  40. 3 points
    Я так же как и вы с нетерпением ждала запуска стекинга и вот кстати сегодня в телеграм группе тона новое объявление про стейкинг подоспело, ещё не видели? Я вот только немного не поняла это официальный стейкинг запускается или же нет? Может быть кто-то уже им воспользовался? Хотелось бы услышать от старых пользователей мнения по поводу того стоит ли туда соваться или же ещё подождать.
  41. 3 points
    Плюсую, разработчики казино сделали очень хорошую систему с помощью которой они вообще могут забрать все монеты пользователей, потому что по идеи это азартная игра, где токены очень неплохо оплачиваются. Там вообще боты могут играть с бесконечным балансом, так что лучше не рисковать своими токенами, а подождать торги, ведь казино и надеется на то, чтобы все слили монеты, а через несколько месяцев благодаря этому цена монеты будет высокой))
  42. 3 points
    Да уж никто такого уж точно не ожидал от собак которых создали по приколу ))) , наверное это всё же поспособствовал рост первой криптовалюты так как другого объяснения лично я не вижу .
  43. 3 points
    Главное успеть побывать в центре этих событий, на Талк хотят повешать функционал. Может они после выпуска уберут кол-во вознаграждений на 0, будет 20 монет в день у людей и сделают кучу функций, вот от этого уже холдеры хорошо могут выйграть) Ну если они сделают много функций, то да вполне, могут отмениться выплаты в сатошах. Но мне кажется к тому появятся другие способы заработка для старичков. Все зависит от качества функционала, насколько будет качество и его разнообразие, на столько будет привлекательна монета для покупки, без учета рекламы за Толк токен)
  44. 3 points
    Вы правы, сравнивать тяжело, есть масса условностей и сложностей, и скорее всего мы в сравнениях путать будем теплое с мягким.) Есть многое, что можно и похвалит и поругать и здесь и там, но полной объективности не добьемся. Анонимность и подлость здесь мне крайне не нравятся, исправлять адекватных людей и можно и нужно, от них минус точно не прилетит, но этим ведь пользуются чаще мерзавцы посторонние, в разговоре даже не участвующие. Это жирнющий минус, если человек будет опасаться высказывать то, что он думает на самом деле, и вынужден будет оценок ради петь только то, что толпе нравится. На тапке это исключено.
  45. 3 points
    Ну пусть уже делают как лишь считаю нужным, пока иногда буду читать в инете что пишут вообще про суд и т.к, было бы гораздо интереснее если бы это произошло до spark, вот тогда явно все были бы действительно в шоке от происходящего вообще. И далеко ещё не один месяц будут лишь новости про суд, и предугадывания как могут пойти вообще все события.
  46. 3 points
    Поделюсь личным опытом. Я сам против лудомании, но привлекло в казино возможность зароботка на сейкинге собственных монет и получения в дальнейшем пассивного дохода. Посмотрел видео. И тут как раз началась новогодняя акция. Хотелось 30 сатох каждые 20 мин и крутить колесо каждые 2 часа. Чтобы набить 2 ранг я звлил около 40к сатош, это ещё очень мало. Получил за это около 2к монт BFG, несколько дней получал дивиденды. На тот момент это было около 1к сатоши в день (таблицу прибыли от сейкинга можно посмотреть в вкладке STAKING подставив туда любые цифры). Затем на азарте слил все монеты казино в играх (я лудоман), желая увеличить прибыль. Единственный раз когда повезло - сумел на аукционне за 271 монету BFG купить 74 к сатох (первое место), но тут мне просто неслыханно повезло)))). Деньги я благоразумно вывел оплатив комиссию 7,5 сатох. Так что на круг я в плюсе. Скрин о выплате прилагаю)) Но повторюсь, мне очень сильно повезло на аукционне, победу мне подарили, обычно там серьзные замесы.
  47. 3 points
    Данные с этого скама уже уплывали, более того использовались в мошеннических схемах. https://bitjournal.media/15-02-2019/exclusively-for-bitjournal-haker-slil-informaciju-o-moshennichestve-na-birzhe-exmo/ Смотрю скамчик опять нанял непорядочных пользователей, которые ставят минуса на критические посты и поют дифирамбы помойке. Это в очередной раз только подтверждает, что у помойки нет вообще никаких моральных принципов.
  48. 3 points
    Я особых глюков честно говоря не замечал. Хотя тот же поиск реализован не особо удачно и его результаты мало предсказуемы) Возможно и расслабились, как мне кажется ближе всего к Банану Хуйоби, но и она где то там за горизонтом. Это пожалуй правда, несмотря на то, что репутация у Койнбейс не очень, для развития криптовалютной индустрии они сделали немало.
  49. 3 points
    Да вы искушаете)) Я тоже себе захотела такую майку или даже худи. Нужно будет заказать где ни будь. Я уверена сразу начну ловить взгляды именно из за такого принта и вопросов будет достаточно) Вот такие бы я приобрела, можно и принт не заказывать уже есть готовые в интернете, но почему то не нашла с логотипом LTC
  50. 3 points
    Согласен, большая часть пользователей нашли этот форум через нашу биржу. Хотя кто давно в криптовалютах, наверняка знаком с бтт и давно на ней черпает информацию. Да сейчас уже баунти компании не такие как было в 17-м году.
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