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Everything posted by sazzad925379

  1. In the online world, I have heard of quite a few wallets. I've used several wallets, but I don't know of any of the ripple wallets.However, I am constantly trying to find this wallet.
  2. I use the Coinbase app all the time to update my crypto.Because updating crypto with the Coinbase app is very easy.And new things are always available.
  3. What I like best is cryptocurrency between Fiat Money and cryptocurrency, because earning in crypto currency is very easy and can be earned in a short time.
  4. There are still a number of countries that have not been able to exclude bitcoin because they think bitcoin is just a scam.But hopefully they will understand their mistake soon enough and get bitcoin excluded.
  5. I think if you can do mining on a real site then that is definitely good for you because you can make money from here but if it is not on the real site then it is harmful to you because they will not pay you.
  6. Yes I think the crypto forum should be improved because the newer one can easily understand everything and we are much easier to work with.
  7. I will use ETH coins to invest in crypto because the market value of these coins is very high and there is a lot of demand in the global market that by investing I will get a lot of profit in a short time.
  8. To my knowledge, there is no need for an electricity in the absence of cryptocurrency depth.But the device we use on crypto requires electricity, so indirectly, cryptocurrency electric is needed.
  9. I know that every site has some benefits and some advantages, and the benefit of crypto currency is that it can make more money in a short period of time, but there are several scammers.
  10. There are usually a lot of games in the online world that you can earn money by playing.And the best place to put this money in the safest way is the blockchain wallet, because this wallet is more trustworthy and well done.
  11. No, I never put my Bitcoin on an exchanger or online wallet because I think it's too risky.Because anytime I have this money can be hacked.
  12. The country I live in does not consider Bangladesh and Bangladesh does not consider Bitcoin as legal, so Bitcoin is not common in our country. They think it is just a scam.
  13. No, I don't like the KYC Exchanger site because it requires verification on this Exchanger site and requires ID card for verification which I do not have.Moreover, many students work in crypto without their ID card.
  14. I have been attending crypto for just two or three days. I have already gained some experience. How to post a meaningful post and how to post it will be better and I have already learned how to invest.
  15. To work in crypto, you must know English. If you do not know English you will never be able to post in crypto because every post on crypto is done in English.And every topic is in English.
  16. Bitcoin has changed a lot of lives I have been able to make a lot of money from Bitcoin and become self-sufficient and with that money I have been able to buy a lot.
  17. I firmly believe that the future of Ethereum Coin is very bright as the number of Adrium users is increasing day by day with new members connecting.So the future of ethereum coins is very bright.
  18. I first heard about Ethereum coins in 2017.Then I deposited some Ethereum coins later and when the price went up, I sold a lot of profit.
  19. My BTC and ALTS have never been scammed because I use the strongest password wallet for coins that I can't easily hack even if I want.
  20. I have never heard about this many times before so I cannot provide any help on how to open a paper wallet. If you know how to open a paper, you must inform me.
  21. In order to be successful in trading, you must adhere to the rules of trading and have sufficient skills and knowledge about your trading so you will succeed in trading.
  22. I think it doesn't take too much time to post in a crypto forum, but just spend a little time and make a lot of money.Which doesn't require spending too much time.
  23. I never believed that cryptocurrency is a scam because crypto currency is a real site that pays for their daily payments daily.And this currency is used by most people in the world.
  24. I think crypto currency is having a huge impact on the world economically because most countries around the world are making money through crypto which is changing their financial position.
  25. I know there are many faucet sites in the online world that will never pay, only wasting your valuable time and.If you spend time on a real faucet site, you can certainly make money from there.
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