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Everything posted by sazzad925379

  1. Wow It is a great offer for us that Amazon has accepted crypto as a payment.And hopefully soon all the shopping malls in the world will accept crypto as payment.
  2. Of course I agree with you that the limit for daily postage should be 40 to 50, because we can make more money in the short run.Which will be very economical for every crypto user.
  3. I've been new to crypto for only two days so I don't know how it works here, and I don't know how to post a meaningful post on crypto. Please help me.
  4. There is no Bitcoin in my BTC balance at the present time because I had invested the bitcoin I had yesterday, through trading and investing.
  5. TRX and ETH are both coins. But ETH is better than TRX because ETH market value is much higher and there is a lot of demand in the global market compared to TRX coins.
  6. I think I can share different information, videos or different links on your twitter so that you can grow your follower through this link to increase your follow on Twitter properly.
  7. Although Bitcoin will increase its value over a long time, I do not think the value of bitcoin will rise so high that it reaches $ 1 million.
  8. If the market value of Bitcoin comes to $ 100 at a sudden I would choose to buy it too.And I would choose a million dollars to sell bit coins because if I sell $ 1000000, I get a lot of profit.
  9. Of course, the price of bitcoin has been rising steadily some time ago. The price of bitcoin was only $ 7,000 but now the price has risen to around $ 8,000.
  10. Yes Bitcoin is great for the future because the market price of Bitcoin is constantly increasing.If you have some Bitcoin and you keep it, you can get a lot of profit by selling it in the future.
  11. Although it is a long time so it is not possible to say exactly what will happen to crypto in 2050, but hopefully the crypto currency will appear in our new form by 2050 and then every state in the world will use crypto.
  12. Finding a job in the current market is one of the hardest things to do, so you can make more money in a short period of time by working in Crypto without wasting your valuable time me finding a job.
  13. Certainly the reason for the security in the crypt wallet is that most of the crypto wallets are used by the security which no one can hack.
  14. Mining and trading are both sites that make money. But in the meantime I like trading best because trading can make more money in a short period of time. Which doesn't require a lot of hard work.
  15. I think LTC coins are the best between LTC and DASH coins. Because the market value and demand of LTC is more than the market value and demand of DASH.
  16. I think it is best to keep crypto between investing and investing because if crypto deposits are not raised later, we will not get any profit from it.
  17. It is best to invest in crypto investment and USD investment, as cryptos are best invested in crypto in a short time.Compared to Investing in USD.
  18. As far as I know BTC and ETH are very popular coins.However, BTC is better than ETH because BTC has a much higher market value and there is a lot of demand in the market.
  19. I think CryptoWorld and fiat world are two worthwhile sites to make money from.However, making money on crypto is much easier than Fiat because it can make more money just by posting something or investing.
  20. My thoughts on cryptocurrency are quite accurate because here I can make money in a short amount of time that I can't spend too much time on which is changing my financial situation.
  21. It is a pity for every crypto user that the videos about crypto on YouTube have been discontinued.As a result, we are not receiving any help from YouTube about crypto.
  22. There are several cryptocurrencies in the online world to hold, among them BTC, LTC, ETH.Because these currencies have huge prices and demand in the global market that you can earn a lot by holding.
  23. I don't think there is any addiction to cryptocurrency.Because cryptocurrencies do not have to spend a lot of time to make money, so everyone deliberately works on cryptocurrency and who spends their time here.
  24. To my knowledge, Hall and Trading are two suitable ways to make money.I think you can make money on a regular basis by trading but if the value of coins does not increase by holding then you will not be able to make any profit from it.
  25. Satoshi Nakamoto first discovered Bitcoin in 2009.The first bitcoin journey started with his hands.That's why Satoshi Nakamoto was first called Bitcoin's inventor.
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