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Everything posted by Barbarellah

  1. Today Bitcoin is considered by many as virtual gold and its market capitalization today has already reached $ 342,689,037,294. Bitcoin is the legacy that Satoshi Nakamoto left us with the dream that the world would free itself from the corrupt system that fiat money implies where banks are the ones who get the most out of our money.
  2. For me it does not make much sense to be placing our money in the hands of another and more so knowing that there are other means where we can have total control of our assets and I am referring to non-custodial wallets where they give us our private keys and recovery phrases. I use escrow sites when for some particular reason I have no other choice.
  3. In order to create publications that provide good content and that said content is real, we must first resort to official sources. All cryptocurrencies in general have their official sites where we can obtain the basic information of each project. A good option to use is to read in detail the white paper and the roadmap of each project that catches our attention, we can also visit reliable sites where current news about cryptography is published, such as Criptonoticias, DiarioBitcoin or Coincrispy between others. After you have well-founded ideas, you can come to the forum to create your publications with real and useful content.
  4. In particular when I allocate money to investments what I do is diversify, and if what I have available is $ 500 then I would distribute them as follows: - I would allocate 190 $ and buy the first VMining plan in Yobit. - I would send $ 110 to Binance to be used for cryptocurrency trading. - From the remaining $ 200 I would take $ 100 and use it in PrimeXBT Copy Trade. - The last $ 100 would be bought in Bitcoin to hold. As you can see, they are relatively safe options, since we cannot afford to place our money on platforms that are unreliable or simply act on impulse without first doing a good research.
  5. Actually, it is what all of us who make an active life here want, that Cryptotalk last in time. And I also think that a lot of this depends on us. That we do our job well, always adhering to the rules and that we attract new members who not only come to earn money but also to contribute useful content to the community.
  6. The principle to understand everything regarding cryptography is based on knowledge and what I always recommend is that you study the history of money to detail how it all started with the first human settlements, when its inhabitants began to exchange products that they had. in abundance for others who did not have and that others had surplus. That is the point of origin of money until today to evolve presenting its current form as cryptocurrencies.
  7. For my part I am also very grateful to this forum since for me it was the light that illuminated my path after a few months without producing in order to cover any of my needs. Today I have already started to see good results, my knowledge about cryptocurrencies has expanded since before, although I had knowledge, these were focused, now I know much more about the subject in general and my ability to react has improved. Let's do the best of the work in the forum to contribute grains of sand in the maintenance of a profitable forum that can last over time so that many others in the future will also benefit.
  8. I also support your ideas and recommendation. There are many token projects that the platform has promoted on certain occasions but with the failure that these projects do not present documentation explaining their usefulness or function. This is essential in a crypto project, presenting a white paper, a roadmap and providing the information of the entities that promote the project.
  9. Excellent! When we all start we suffer from the process of being new to the forum and getting a little confused about how it works. More I think it is a matter of determination since if you are attentive to the recommendations of the oldest ones you will be able to overcome the beginning stage and progressively improve the quality of the publications. The study for daily training is essential to ensure permanence and good performance in Cryptotalk, therefore that must be our main purpose and for this today there is no excuse since the diversity of topics regarding cryptocurrencies abound on the internet.
  10. It is an inconvenience that we are all suffering, more I think that there is no need to worry since both Cryptotalk and Yobit are serious platforms and have always fulfilled their commitments. On the other hand, many experienced members have commented that this has happened before and that it is generally due to technical problems. While we must be patient and continue doing our work and see the good side to the matter, since this can be a saving to spend the days of Christmas or the beginning of the year.
  11. I agree with you. The idea is to help create a strong forum full of members with high levels of knowledge of the cryptographic world as this will give the forum a reputation and incentivize its creators to maintain it over time. Before rejecting a newcomer and qualifying him with a negative reaction, it is better to approach him and show him the way to do a good job, apart from that in the future that person may become another friend who supports your work in the forum.
  12. Of course it has been useful my friend. Greed and fear are two states that lead you to make mistakes, mistakes that can generate total loss. If we apply these two concepts to what sometimes happens in the forum, I will cite some examples. Some users greedily create several accounts in the forum in order to earn more. Which is totally false since apart from being greedy they do their job badly. When they are discovered by the moderators all their accounts are banned, meaning that their greed led them to failure. And with regard to fear, I can cite the case that many of those who live in the forum fear to create their own publications and only limit themselves to responding without realizing that when you make your own publications you start to grow in reputation and popularity in Cryptotalk , an issue that in the future will benefit them in a greater proportion.
  13. If our problem is language management, it is a good idea to create subforums with the main languages that the members use on the platform. The fairest way to start would be to conduct a survey where the native language of each of us is asked and based on that, create the subforums. Contrary to that, I also think that generating subforums by communities depending on the language can affect us in the amount of useful content created within each community.
  14. These are tests that show that if the cryptocurrency is accepted, trust in it increases. And it is something that today has had a great boom since through this means large expenses for commissions in banking transactions are avoided in addition to complying with a series of protocols imposed by these institutions. To make these types of decisions and accept cryptocurrencies as part of payment we have to be clear enough about the volatility of their prices since if the market is trending down and our intention is not to wait then we can suffer losses. In the same way, my dream is to be able to acquire my own house bought with cryptocurrencies.
  15. In a way, the price of the Talk token has stabilized, maintaining an average of 38 satoshis for each Talk token. On the other hand, I think that what remains is a matter of taking center stage in the event and starting to keep our tokens for a period of time, I know that if we work as a team we can recover the price and in the future maximize profits.
  16. In fact XRP is the centralized cryptocurrency created by the company Ripple Labs, as a solution aimed at allowing banks and financial institutions of all kinds to use the power of blockchain technology to improve their cross-border transaction systems. As this has been the main foundation of the creation of this cryptocurrency, there is no doubt that the European Central Bank wants to use it as an intermediary in its payments.
  17. Establishing prohibitions regarding the use of cryptocurrencies for any country where it occurs would mean a great delay which could lead to considerable losses. Russia is one of the countries that uses cryptocurrencies the most worldwide, therefore its rulers should concentrate on establishing laws that regulate them and obtain a greater benefit. Instead of rejecting the evolution of the economy, why not adopt it and start promoting it for the benefit of a people?
  18. In particular, I am not very confident in participating in initial coin offerings because I have already seen many cases like yours, where there are investors who trust the projects and end up losing their money in the end. For my part, I prefer to participate in projects that have a good future and I base everything on deep research to determine if a project is well founded or not. There are many criteria that we must take into account when making decisions to make our investments and minimize the risk of loss. The basis of everything is actually knowledge.
  19. The fact that Kucoin has not retired and that it is standing up to resolve the incident and recover and return everything stolen to its platform shows that it is a serious company. On the other hand, I support what you say regarding that they must update and reinforce all security levels and it is not only a matter that corresponds to Kucoin but to all the most used exchange platforms in the world. While we must also be cautious and raise all the security protocols that the platforms provide and apart from maintaining within these sites only the amount necessary to operate.
  20. My father is approximately 60 years old and today after many attempts and methods to make him understand the system he is already managing his economy by exchanging cryptocurrencies with fiat money and vice versa. I believe that everything is a matter of knowledge, practice and interest and the method that led him to understand how to operate the system was to have used the P2P exchange system that Binance has. When my father saw that the cryptocurrencies that I had sent to his account he had been able to change into fiat money, he started to believe in cryptocurrencies and today he takes care of the devaluation of his money through them.
  21. Apart from all these institutions and sites that you have just named, there are also many trainers on YouTube who are dedicated to teaching their blockchain and cryptocurrency training courses totally free. It is also worth mentioning the whole number of forums in which different cryptography topics are discussed, among which Cryptotalk is in the first place.
  22. Definitely the study of cryptocurrencies should be a topic that must be implemented in all schools, since this system is already in place at this time as the new system that will govern the world economy, therefore include it in the basic education of any citizen ensures to prepare people for the future that is coming and therefore to create citizens with enough knowledge to achieve financial freedom, which would make all corners of the planet prosperous. Many today do not participate in the world of cryptocurrencies simply because they are unaware of its existence and therefore all the benefits that can be found.
  23. Many well-known banks and large corporations have now started to place a large part of their capital in Bitcoin, which indicates that many can have a voice and vote to make the fact that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies appear on the stock market a reality for him. next year. Hopefully this does not have a negative impact in terms of fairness and justice with respect to the reach of cryptocurrencies by all the inhabitants of the world.
  24. If China takes the forefront when it comes to quantum computers then it is very possible that it will also take the reins in the cryptocurrency market. We must also take into account that China is in a process of regulation and prohibition of the free use of crypto and this has led to many cryptocurrency companies established in that country making decisions to move. It will all depend on how legal matters regarding cryptocurrencies are handled in China.
  25. Cryptocurrencies are our new option that comes to replace or at least to face the outdated and corrupt system of fiat money where those who obtained the best benefits generated by our money were precisely the banks. Everything is just beginning and a great future awaits us as this system is completely globalized.
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