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Everything posted by Barbarellah

  1. In my opinion it should be left open, since many of those who participate here have the skill of writing, and even more so if we are lovers of the cryptographic world. I also think that those who are afraid to write should leave their fear and start to participate more actively generating movement in the forum and my advice is to study and analyze current issues about cryptocurrencies, to then organize ideas and come to leave good content for the other members. The more you post by following the rules, the more you learn.
  2. The knowledge factor is the most important when it comes to knowing how to make decisions about where we are going to invest our money. What I always recommend is to invest what we are always willing to lose and in my case I always invest 30% of my generated capital. Apart from that, if that 30% is represented by a significant figure, the best decision is to diversify the investment, that is, divide the amount invested and place it to work in different options, this leads us to ensure part of the invested capital and reduce the possible risks of losing.
  3. The best way to explain Bitcoin to me is through a historical account of the history of money since its inception. This must be done in order to understand how money has evolved over time and that cryptocurrencies, in particular Bitcoin, is a result of that evolution. To give a better understanding, it is very useful to show audiovisual material that supports everything that we are exhibiting.
  4. Incurring failures in a row indicates that we are not doing the job well and that our knowledge needs to be reinforced. The best thing to do would be to pause and dedicate to study and analyze the subject in depth in order to perfect the trading methods and be able to put into practice what we have learned. The option is not to give up but to prepare properly through study to continue.
  5. It has been a great help for me to have found this publication. Which is proof that at Cryptotalk we learn every day. I appreciate you took the time to prepare this material.
  6. To use this type of strategy in cryptocurrency trading we must have some knowledge and experience on the subject. Just as you can get excellent profits by using it in a matter of seconds, you can also have significant losses.
  7. After the appearance of DeFi, many exchanges of this type have arisen. In particular, I recommend that before committing our cryptocurrencies in any of these sites we must carry out a preliminary investigation to be sure not to lose our assets and also seek opinions from people with more experience in the field.
  8. I totally agree with what you say friend. The foundation of success not only in cryptocurrency trading but in any area of life is learning. As active members of this forum we are acquiring all that knowledge for free and better yet, with the possibility of acquiring payments for our useful participation in this community. The learner feels confident, secure and with the ability to handle any eventuality that arises throughout his life.
  9. As honorable members of this forum this is what we should all do. Making complaints or giving negative reactions every time we find content that is useless or plagiarized leads to having a forum formed by a truly functional community, dedicated to growing and contributing to the growth of others. The main thing is to follow the rules and what follows is to document ourselves to bring useful content that generates a good interaction between all participants.
  10. Great exhibition my friend! The price of Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency is mainly subject to supply and demand. Apart from that, there are other external factors that influence the fact of manipulation by the so-called "Whales". On the other hand, news such as the adoption of PayPal and the waiting for the results of the elections in the US also influence the behavior of rising prices in this market. In many of the points that you expose I agree with you. Let's hope that after a few weeks this price will remain or even exceed expectations as it would be a great help for the forum if our earnings multiply when obtaining the expected results.
  11. Actually, there are 2 operations that go hand in hand in the cryptocurrency trading system and it all depends on the needs of each user. Many buy cryptocurrencies with fiat money to ensure the value of their capital since, despite the volatility of cryptocurrency prices, it is more likely that fiat money will devalue without any possibility of recovering its value, which in a cryptocurrency popular like Bitcoin does not happen.
  12. Despite the fact that Bitcoin is considered digital gold and has many financial characteristics similar to gold, I believe that Bitcoin will not replace it. For this supposed fact, the best decisions of many investors have been to use their capital by investing in both, since they are a safe way to maintain, increase or secure their assets.
  13. As most companies and corporations have been adopting the use of cryptocurrencies in their financial systems, the methods of acquiring products through them have been increasing. The use of cryptocurrencies instead of fiat money leads to great benefits, where users do not need to perform large protocols to use their money as is the case with banks.
  14. If binance integrates the Robot Trading system into its operation, it will increase the participation of new users, since many people who are dedicated to trading cryptocurrencies sometimes prefer to use this type of system due to lack of time.
  15. In particular, I use both methods, first conducting my own analysis using mainly my knowledge on the subject and then seeking the opinion and analysis of the most expert. Acting in this way has always worked for me by reducing my chances of loss of capital.
  16. In these types of sites, those who are benefited are the first to start participating, in order to scale and see yourself benefited you must attract new members to participate, which in my opinion is somewhat unfair to generate money at the expense of money from others and more knowing that they are running the risk of losing the money invested. In particular, I recommend you stay away from these types of platforms since most of them are fraudulent and with the passage of time they end up taking all our capital.
  17. I am just starting to participate in the forum and this type of problem has not occurred to me so far. I hope it was an error due to a bad connection with the server or because of the slowness of your internet service. My recommendation is to update the site repeatedly to see if the problem persists or is eliminated completely. The next thing would be to report through a report to the moderators. I hope your case is solved soon so you can give your reactions.
  18. This is a great guide for those of us who are starting to participate in this forum. Being here present is one of the best opportunities for us to acquire knowledge about cryptocurrencies. The fact of participating by making useful publications in the forum not only benefits us by being paid with Bitcoin but also enriches our way of expressing ourselves about issues of this type.
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