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Everything posted by Mike1515

  1. To build up a system that is accepted , that is huge, I mean try it someday and becoming an influence of any kind is absolutely important so we need to follow a certain route that does produce the right effort to it the right ieas the right effort the right processes that is how thing do work and it takes a lot of work to absolutely identify such
  2. This is such a comprehensive and proper written Post and I do appreciate it with rating it a 5, the truth is , though we may find it difficult to understand what trading crypto currency is , the truth is we still need to educate those who dont and your article puts it perfectly .
  3. No and no and no , I think thats a very bad idea and by that I mean , there is a lot of things that are happening today that need cleaning up and the truth is the first one is to make sure that you know of stable return to the market, what you have invested must be returned in perfect amount or with say 10% increment, bitcoin is not stable and so you cannot rely on it
  4. Like any other tough countries that faces tough choices its important to really look at what happens in the market today ,the way out and some of the countries that face such kind are Zimbabwe, Venezuela and Iran and when you have an option you do take it.
  5. Everybody is not excempt but the truth is , we all deserve it , if we are not keen with the work we are putting up , we deserve to be warned and the truth is also that the work we put up is trully important that it can be really tough to understand when we are making mistakes, I made a beautiful post but later learned that I did post in the wrong section.
  6. I think the price of bitcoin is usually influenced by how the demand is the truth is most people usually dont understand what to do in the most of so many cases there are so many struggles that one goes through and the truth is in the end that would be the right idea to value in the end so the truth remains the work we do is really important
  7. Bitcoin price has never stopped anyone from making money the truth is the right idea is to make some good money with whatever value , I think The reducesed structure to satoshi does show a perfect solution to investment even when its about 100K or a million
  8. I go with concept and stability , if a coin is not stable then that is the toughest and the roughest that can cause you to lose the truth is we need to follow certain strategies that do provide the good of the market we need to really work as hard and put together everything in the perfect strong hold. I think a stble coin should be really thought of very much .
  9. It was very stable and most people dont understand that, during the corona period, the whole trading was very stable and most people dont understand this thats why we need to be serious on how we thing of a crisis in crypto currency, the most influential of them all is Bitcoin
  10. And why not there is a much stable use of Ripple today and people do enjoy having ripple working for them everyday and the truth is , the gift of Ripple would be perfect for me about 100,000 of them , they can be perfect and we need to really define something its absolutely important we are able to understand that fact.
  11. I think there is and I think there is a lot of people looking for him, you may not find him but the most important thing is that he is safe, satosh shock the world of the current fiat world and that has caused a lot of rubbles to the existing monetary structure, no one has ever challenged the system Like Nakamoto
  12. The price of bitcoin can only change significantly when the full adoption happens but I highly have a challenge to that, there is a truth to the fact that it cannot be as much but to the very fact that one can be able to absorb the right idea that creates proper adoption that is where the challenge is and bitcoin has so many competitors and in the end that is what happens
  13. Yes I can there are a thousands of people if not millions who are getting this kind everyday and so its important that we are able to understand what is viable and what is not so the truth is we need to be careful not to lose ourself in something that is not rewarding the best thing to work on today is to be creative in how we earn
  14. Thats very true, 2020 came and bitcoin went through the halving and now we are about to head towards t 2021 and we are hoping things do change because there has been a lot of tought things that happened today and the truth is in the end this has become very difficult to actually understand the Corona issue and so on so we are just hoping the new year just is a perfect new year
  15. Am not really sure where the problems occur on that one,how ever its important you do realize that hatis an issue that can be solved very easily you can sign using a different email or such but the truth will always remain that the account is easy to open and no problem to it
  16. A poll does not count and remember , a poll must be accompanied by a post to make sure that the discussion for the poll does happen but if you dont include that, how are we going to understand the poll , but the truth is that when you are working as hard to put up something always make sure that you are doing the right thing
  17. And I do agree, and to me its should be calculated risk , dont just venture for there is going to be a tough time to get what will be the reward for it , but the truth is , its good to risk there is nothing far much important than to risk and in the end its going to work perfectly for the said side
  18. I just think its important you are careful with what you post for in the end there could be tough times for you , the right idea is to make sure that when quoting someone , you are careful you dont fall to the trap of such kind, I also think its a mistake that needs to be rectified kindly
  19. Halving happened This year, and the truth is , there is something far much important to work with that is all said that it can be well organized with the halving but I think we should always be prepared to it, the truth is we need to work as hard and put together everything in the perfect Direction, halving causes changes in the price of bitcoin and so its important to really work with it perfectly
  20. Yes this kind always irritate me, am always to down vote them they need to be flashed out , again there are people who read the post and in the end they just have a simple answer and thats why its always good we are able to understand the answer , put up some good post for the answer and we are going to enjoy a lot.
  21. I think its one of the esiest thing one can ever do, imagine you have dice with you and you have 1 Million of them you want to sell , look at it this way , you have to look at the top on the left hand corner to make sure that you are putting up the right trade so look from the right hand corner and make sure that click on doge, on the top because you can only exchange dice for doge, then go to where there is dice and click it, then a window for trade will appear and when it does go to your left and put the amount you want to sell, say ! million in our case, then its going to calculate the amount of doge you get and the charges for the transaction , then you click sell, remember its not automated, there has to be someone buying dice and at the price you have stipulated.
  22. Create good content and make sure that you answering people the work that you have perfectly the truth is there is a lot work to be done in this place and one of the best thing to work with is to follow certain strategies ,the right idea is to write content that make people happy and in the end that really does work properly for you
  23. Am pretty new here and I got my first warning, and the reason why I did, is that I was given a warning for posting a thread in the wrong section, so there are so many things that can make someone lose his or her account and I mean banned, and just as @Irunguhas stated there are so many reasons as to why one can lose and one of them is. . Most who write the wrong information's, false information. .Vulgar languages, .Poor English or lingual .Being very quick to collect as many points without checking what is written thats why most people are being banned from the forum.
  24. The economy of any country , let alone the world is all placed in the tried positions that have actually worked so its important that we do have a certain strategy that would work perfectly to integrate the new found world of crypto currency , the truth is , there are so many ways that crypto can help but it requires a lot of sharpening of the rough edges to make it far much better, its a very noble and good idea but the truth is it requires such.
  25. Most people do get to so many things but the truth is , there is something that happens in the end the right idea being there is a truth behind what we do , usually we need to work as hard and put together the different strategies that would help us know how to invest what we have earned, though so many people just give away or use it, its wise to look for those returns that are far much better than you can imagine the most important thing is to reassure yourself that you have not wasted the earnings
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