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  1. Здравствуйте друзья. Интересно, где вы покупаете криптовалюту, используете ли вы ее в повседневной жизни? какая самая большая сумма, которую можно купить за Crypto?
  2. ✨✨✨ Website Twitter Telegram ✨✨✨ ✨✨✨ White Paper ✨✨✨
  3. Smart Money is a new deflationary DEX token at the start, which brings investors passive income from each transaction + the token is constantly burned! The advertising campaign is just getting started, listings on 30+ crypto-observers have already been passed, an application for listing CoinGecko has been submitted! Listing on CoinMarketCap is yet to come! SMT token listings on CEX will be held! After the launch of Smart Money Swap, there will be an opportunity for staking tokens 💰 At this stage, the team is launching a lot of ads! To help popularize the project, build a strong and large community and increase the value of deflation tokens 📈 ✅ You can get acquainted with the company, tokenomics and its future plans in: The first, the largest burning of 50 million tokens (50% of the issue) was carried out, link to the transaction: 🔒 LOCK Token liquidity is safe 🤓 it was closed for 10 years 😳 to guarantee our holders (Proof LOCKED Liquidity): By purchasing tokens and keeping them on your personal wallet, you receive passive income and your balance is constantly increasing! Smart Money Token can be purchased at: Contract address on BSC: 0x32D6b4BD2c3196CFb5ec466b09602707396c43B4 🧠 Be smart... With Smart Money CHAT: Web site:
  4. Зарабатывай в интернете привлекая клиентов (инвесторов и партнеров) в инвестиционный проект в сфере Искусственного Интеллекта. Вы как партнер компании строите сами свой доход, который может быть от 1000 до 5000 у.е. и выше. Сейчас повсеместно разрабатываются проекты в сфере Искусственного Интеллекта и вкладчики, которые войдут в этот рынок на начальном этапе существования компании могут зарабатывать пассивно, так как стоимость 1 акции меньше доллара, со временем будет рост акций. К 2030 году планируется повсеместное внедрение технологий Искусственного Интеллекта. Суть проекта заключается в привлечении инвестиций, которые будут направлены на разработку продуктов в области искусственного интеллекта. Эти продукты будут использоваться пользователями на платной основе, а инвесторы, вложившие средства в разработку этих продуктов, будут получать доход от компании, так как именно она разработала эти продукты. Получение дивидендного (пассивного) дохода: акционеры получают 50% прибыли от продукции компании. Продукты искусственного интеллекта будут иметь разные направления: например: 1 / биометрия-обнаружение злоумышленников по лицу, дистанционное подтверждение личности, распознавание силуэта и поведения человека. 2 / компьютерное зрение-отслеживание времени лица, Распознавание продукта, обнаружение и диагностика заболеваний. 3 / обработка естественного языка-понимание смысла информации для ведения диалога с человеком, извлечения конкретной информации 4 / речевые технологии-замена операторов искусственным интеллектом, интеллектуальный голосовой помощник, повышение производительности с помощью голосовых команд и другие продукты. И доход инвестора тоже будет складываться за счет того, что инвестор будет владеть акциями самой компании и чем больше у него акций, тем больше будет доходность. Одна акция сейчас стоит около 1 доллара. Благодаря накоплению данных и внедрению многих сервисов планируемая цена акций вырастет более чем на 10 000% за 5 лет. Сайт проекта: Зарегистрированным пользователям дается возможность получить 500 акций бесплатно их успеют получить ещё 10 000 новых аккаунтов, которые станут доступны после подтверждения своего профиля в личном кабинете проекта. Нельзя с 100% гарантировать успех той или иной компании, но шанс нужно давать каждой, ведь некоторые из них становятся успешными. Для примера, акции Uber за 8 лет выросли в 16000 раз.
  5. Буквально 11 дней назад основатель компании "Tesla" Илон Маск заявил о том, что будет инвестировать более 1.5 млрд долларов в биткоин. Также, было опубликовано то, что в скором будущем можно будет купить автомобиль Tesla за биткоины. В прямом смысле за биткоины, без конвертаций и других махинаций. До публикации новостей об инвестициях Илона Маска курс биткоина колебался в районе 39 тысяч долларов. После публикации всех новостей, биткоин сразу же перебил свой рекорд в 44 тысячи долларов. А на данный момент(17.02.2021), его цена составляет около 50 тысяч долларов. Такой ход от американского предпринимателя вызвал "цепную реакцию". Например, компания MicroStrategy заняла более 600 миллионов долларов для того, что бы инвестировать в биткоин. Да, это конечно не 1.5 млрд долларов, но все таки много. Такие инвестиции в капитализацию биткоина могут привести к заоблачному курсу. Сейчас именно золотое время для покупки биткоинов. Не думаю, что "пузырь" лопнет на такой волне хайпа, тем более когда инвестируют деньги такие крупные гиганты рынка. Если вы планировали инвестировать в биткоин, то смело делайте это, не будет лучшего момента чем сейчас, по крайней мере в истории криптовалют таких событий никогда не было.
  6. Hello colleagues, currently each one maintains their own advice, since through experiences they have been acquired, but what better way than to be able to share with each one of you, so that new people do not make mistakes that perhaps we made, or had during the way. Before starting to invest, keep in mind that each investment carries a risk, and why is this said? This is mentioned, because practically your money is given to a third party, so your money, will leave to be yours, and will begin to be someone else's. That said, I will leave you some tips that I personally consider will guide you, now that you want to start investing, I hope they will help you. 1. Do your own research: It will sound difficult but believe me that it will not be like that, the only thing you have to do is, a personal analysis with which you can reach a conclusion of whether or not it is a good investment option, you can search in different information sites, to be able to create your own analysis. 2. Invest with an adult mind: It will sound funny, but it is true since you will not always have gains, and when you obtain a loss, do not blame another since each one must have that mind of an adult and accept that it was your decision, not someone else's. . 3. Diversify: This point is the most important, since it will help you avoid maximum losses, the diversification point, consists of only occupying a part of your capital and not placing everything in one place, in this way you avoid losing all your money. 4. Maintain a control of investments. It is something that I recommend, since in this way you can have a control of all your investments, in which you could add, the total return that has been maintained during the month, the time you have already been investing, until when the investment ends, etc. . Something that you can use is an exel sheet, since it comes with the exact tools to keep a correct control. These are some tips that I could give you since it is a topic that covers a lot, even so remember that you can tell me what you think, maybe I am missing one that you consider important, if so, comment below and also remember that if it has been helpful this article, remember to give me a like or any reaction that you consider correct, your friend tutocash says goodbye, we'll see you soon, bye.
  7. I want to use investbox since i have completed total 10 trades at, but i'm afraid to invest on a coint that might fall in price and eat up my money. so what coin are you experienced guys invest on right now?
  8. 🙋‍♂️Привет, читатели cryptotalk! Я являюсь представителем русскоязычного сообщества dHedge DAO. Пишу здесь, чтобы рассказать о нашем проекте. Итак, dHedge DAO—один из представителей DeFi сегмента. dHedge представляет собой платформу для управления финансовыми активами. Всё основано на блокчейне Ethereum. dHedge DAO работает на движке Synthetix—одного из крупнейших DeFi проектов. 💪Преимущества Некастодиальность Децентрализованность Использование синтетических активов(synth) Нулевое проскальзывание Некастодиальность: инвесторы сохраняют право на владение активами на протяжении всего инвестиционного периода. Некастодиальность исключает возможность кражи денег менеджерами инвестиционных пулов. Децентрализованность: команда dHedge стремиться децентрализовать как можно больше частей протокола. Суть в том, что принятие решений на платформе происходит путём голосования держателей vDHT. Синтетические активы: портфели dHedge работают на основе протокола Synthetix. Синтетический актив представляет собой ERC-20 токен, который привязан к цене существующего на рынке актива. Таким образом, вы сможете торговать большинством внешних активов на блокчейне Ethereum. Также имеются обратный синтетические активы, которые реагируют на изменение цены синтетических активов. Когда цена синтетического актива увеличивается на 1$, цена обр. синт. актива уменьшается на 1$. Нулевое проскальзывание: трейдер всегда исполняет сделку по видимой цене благодаря использованию ценовых оракулов. 💻Принцип работы платформы Менеджеры создают пулы с разными стратегиями для торговли. Исходя из описания пула и его торговой стратегии, инвесторы выбирают, к какому пулу они хотят присоединиться. После того, как активы инвестора были помещены в пул, они переходят в управление менеджеру. Если торговая стратегия успешна и пул показывает хорошие результаты—инвесторы получают прибыль, а менеджер взимает небольшую плату за управление активами. Это лишь краткое описание принципа работы, платформа имеет множество уникальных особенностей. О некоторых из них позже. 💰Как заработать на dHedge? 1. Инвестируйте в эффективные пулы и зарабатывайте благодаря успешным сделкам менеджера. 2. Создавайте инвестиционные пулы, привлекайте средства, совершайте успешные сделки и получайте вознаграждения в виде %% от общей прибыли пула. 3. Находите уязвимости в работе платформы, приложения и веб сайта, чтобы получать денежные вознаграждения. Что такое «пул»? Пул(Pool)—это инвестиционный фонд, созданный на платформе dHedge одним из пользователей. Пулы могут различаться по стратегиям, валютными парам и механизму управления. Всё перечисленное устанавливается пользователем, который создал пул—менеджером пула. 🎖️Токеномика dHedge использует собственный токен — DHT. Он нужен для: 1. Развития децентрализации платформы. 2. Стимулирование пользователей через Performance mining. 3. Управления платформой через стейкинг-модель. Performance mining(майнинг производительности) Вы можете получать дополнительные награды в качестве DHT, инвестируя в эффективные пулы. Менеджеры, инвестирующие в собственные пулы также считаются инвесторами. Стейкинг DHT Принцип работы заключается в том, что держатели DHT могут замораживать свои токены, получая взамен vDHT. Иными словами, vDHT— это не только денежный бонус, но и очки управления платформой. Стейкинг линеен: чем больше сумма DHT и дольше период заморозки, тем больше vDHT вы получите. Изменить сумму и период заморозки можно в любое время. 📊Текущие метрики DHT Цена: $2,89 Рыночная капитализация: $32 млн. Суточный объем торгов: $11 млн. Где торгуется? Uniswap, Huobi, BKEX, OKEx. Распределение: Общим объем токенов: 100 млн. Заморожены - 51,1% Команда: 18,5% Seed-инвестиции - 13,01% Аукцион Mesa и другие мероприятия - 6,68% Strategic - 5,44% Партнёрские биржи - 3,75% Эдвайзеры - 1,5% 👨‍💻Команда и Эдвайзеры Henrik Andersson - Сооснователь, Инвестиционный директор. Ermin Nurovic - Сооснователь, Блокчейн инженер. Radek Ostrowski - Сооснователь, Технический директор. Vidor Gencel - Блокчейн инженер. Andrew Kang - Основатель Mechanism Capital. Daniel Bar - партнёр Collider VC, сооснователь Bitfwd. Jordan Momtazi - Операционный директор Synthetix. Joshua Green - Управляющий партнер Orthogonal Trading. 👁️‍🗨️Текущее положение Проведен аукцион токенов на платформе Mesa: продано 5 млн. токенов. Запущены Mainnet, Performance Mining, Staking. Опубликован SDK для создания торговых ботов на платформе. Проводится баунти программа: вознаграждения за найденные уязвимости на платформе. Состоялся набор менеджеров, в ходе которого 33 лучших кандидата получили более 1 млн. долларов в своё управление. Планы на 2021й год: Оптимизация Gas Добавить больше инвестиционных активов Доработка “истории сделок” пулов Добавление нового shorting механизма от Synthetix NAV трекер для инвесторов. Добавить поддержку optimistic rollups Развитие децентрализации Провести повторный аудит смарт контрактов 👨‍💼Наши партнёры dHedge поддерживается многими крупными крипто проектами и инвестиционными фондами. Из них: Synthetix, Framework Ventures, Three Arrows Capital, BlockTower Capital, DACM, Maple Leaf Capital, Cluster Capital, Lemniscap, LD Capital, IOSG Ventures, NGC Ventures, Bitscale Capital, Divergence Ventures, Genblock Capital, Trusted Volumes, Altonomy, Continue Capital, The LAO and Loi Luu, Co-Founder и CEO of Kyber Network Ссылки Сайт: Документация: Telegram: Medium: Twitter: 👇Задавайте ваши вопросы здесь, либо в телеграме. С радостью отвечу!☺️
  9. Please suggest some legit sites where one can invest directly from paypal. TIA
  10. Hello friends!! I am coming up with this topic due to high request from many members about this two terms cryptocurrency trading and investment. This forced me to come up with this topic to explain first about trading and investment. Well I know there are some members that knows more better than me but here we all have different understanding and opinions as well. I am going to share my own understanding in brief explanation about what cryptocurrency trading is and what is investment. CRYPTOCURRENCY TRADING. This term trading is know as the exchange of digital currency of difference currency in other to increase/multiply your input. The multiplying of input here what I mean is your funds in other to buy from low price and sell at high. Trading of cryptocurrency in general definition is the act of buying at low an selling at high price to collect profits. In trading we have different styles of making trade just like: 1. Scalping 2. Day Trading 3. Range Trading 4. Intra-Day Trading 5. Swing Trading 6. Position Trading Now I will explain briefly of each style I listed below 🖕. Note: try to understand that each traders must be a risk talker. To be a good trader you need to practice a lot not necessary to be experts in all styles but be perfect in at least one of this styles. Now back to my explanation.👇 1. SCALPING TRADE: This is the type of trading that can be referred as a minutes trade. Let's say just a way to make a quick money. This is just an act of buying and selling at small range of price like buying a coin a e.g litecoin at 50$ and sell at either 51-52$ respectively. This gives you a little Profit. Therefore your need to get that explanation. If you don't know about scalping I think this gonna help you understand what the term scalping was. To maintain high loss due to high volatility of the market you can use a stop loss may be at 49$ this will help you cancel the order immediately when the market was at point of reversing. But don't forget you must be a risk taker Because the market changes fast. 2. DAY TRADING: In the day trading this is another style of trading were you spend a complete day monitoring the market to get a bit higher price than in scalping. If you remember we said scalping is just a minutes trading when there is a little change of the price. 3. RANGE TRADING The range traders this are big traders that are concerned with playing with the market. They accumulate a large amount of tokens before it was launch or distributed just like ico/IEO. This traders they buy at low prices and later sell at high price before the market dumps. The range traders are smart in term of risk management they fixed their stop loss. This traders do not care even though the keep trading at that range anytime because they know they will not loss. 4. INTRA TRADING The intra trading is also another style of trading were you can hold your tokens for a day or more than one day until profit and then you sell it at profit of your choice. Since the crypto market do not close there is possibility you will gain something from it but you don't loss in trading except if you wish that. 5. SWING TRADING This is another style of trading cryptocurrency which is done for a day or weeks. This has to do with large range were you hodl a position to calculate what will be your local buttom. In swing trading take note you most be vigilant and focused without sleeping checking the markets movement, seeing how it flunctuates. It will be a very good idea if you give full sense you can analyze patterns and detect likely support and resistance levels, but note it can make a ton of sense to focus on swing trading. In swing trading you have to master the movements waves of the chart to maintain risk and high loss. From many successful swing traders who effectively swing trade by using long & short positions tend to do well and do very little work. Therefore you need to be careful and well focused at all points. 6. POSITION TRADING The position trading this has to do with holding a trade for weeks, months and also year depending on what choice you planned to sell your tokens. This can be at long term trade and at short term trading. Just like buying ethereum (eth) at $180 from last year and sell it this year at $400. The position trading is likely to be like swing trading. NOTE: If you want to trade try to be wise in selecting coins that has volume and have a good pairs. The exchangers also matters in term of trading the currency make sure the exchange is popular and legit so that you don't put your money in a scam exchange were you can't withdraw it back. INVESTMENT. Investment varies with trading but the only difference is that you have personal control of your tokens by storing it untill price rises to an extent you can sell it. In Investment it can be classified into: 1. Long term Investment 2 . Short term Investment. 👉 LONG TERM INVESTMENT This is the kind of investment you can do to buy a coins at low price and keep it for about 4,5... Years then you sell it. Imagine those investors that buy bitcoins since 2018 to 2019 at price 4500$ and hold it and it reaches 12000$ this year. This will give them about 4times of what they invest and hold. 👉 SHORT TERM INVESTMENT Exactly from the word[short] means little. The short term Investment is also type of investment that is done for a short term or short period of time were you buy at low price and sell high when there is increase in price that you bought it. That is all about Investment but try to know Investment is also a risk and dangerous when you fall at wrong projects. Some investors go into ICO and IEO but now this are also risky especially going into ICO many investors have failed with great loss at end of their Investment by slanders of that specific project and sometimes falling into scam ico's and ieo's.. In Investment I may suggest you use some common currencies that are popular of which I listed below 👇 1. BITCOIN (BTC): Everyone know Bitcoin was one of the most common known currencies among all cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is considered as an original digital cryptocurrency. It was created in 2009. It was created under the author pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The Bitcoin runs on blockchain and runs to make peer to peer transaction. Transactions are visible to third parties and is well secured by algorithm. Users of Bitcoin have full access over their wallets to send and receive their currencies. 2. LITECOIN (LTC): Litecoin was also a currency after Bitcoin which was launched in 2011. It is use to serve as payment to users that works and receive their payments through for digital currency. Right here I will show Some few differences between these digital currencies Bitcoin and Litecoin: Litecoin is feature to send transactions in fast times than bitcoin. Because it is cleared that, The coin limit for Bitcoin is 21 million and Litecoin is 84 million. They operate on different algorithms, Litecoin’s being “scrypt” and Bitcoin’s is “SHA-256.” litecoin is a decentralized coin on blockchain. 3. ETHEREUM (ETH) After litecoin we have ethereum which was Created in 2015, Ethereum is a type of cryptocurrency that is an open source built on blockchain technology. It has a good volume and have higher Dena d and supply than litecoin which rises the price of of ethereum to be 6times higher than litecoin. 4. RIPPLE (XRP) Ripple was also built on blockchain and launched in 2012 that acts as both a cryptocurrency and a digital payment network for financial transactions. It is use globally for fast transactions and it has a very low fee and good investment. 5. BITCOIN CASH Bitcoin Cash is also a digital cryptocurrency that was created to improve some certain features of Bitcoin. Bitcoin Cash was well advanced to Bitcoin were by there was increased in the size of blocks, which helps in allowing more transactions to be processed faster than Bitcoin. Bitcoincash was also used for fast transactions just like other currencies listed above. 6. Zcash (ZEC) Zcash is also good for making Investment. There on the blockchain users can send and receive Zcash without disclosing the sender, receiver or the amount transacted. It was also a decentralized token. 8. STELLAR LUMEN (XLM) Stellar lumen known in short XLM is another alternative currency that facilitates currency exchange. The Stellar currency allows users to send any currency they desire to third pary in a different currency. The stellar lumen was developed under the help of Jed McCaleb who was the founder the stellar was an open-source and was created in other network’s native currency in 2014. This are some certain results I collected after some research and some experience I have about cryptocurrency therefore I am sure this will help many cryptocurrency users to know about this terms trading and Investment. Next time I will be coming up with another topic all about mining and Investment. You can stay tune for my next topic. 9. TRON (TRX): The trx coin is now among the best coin used for investment. It has a circulation volume of about 72bilion dollars. It was the most active market now on the coinmarket cap. Happy trading and Investment to everyone reading this article. Wishing you all success...🙏💓
  11. Forex stands for "foreign exchange" and is often referred to simply as the "FX" market. While the U.S. stock market allows you to invest in companies operating within that country, Forex is an international trading market. Rather than investing in businesses, you invest in currencies and trade one against the other, hopefully earning a profit more often than you take a loss. It starts by understanding currency pairs. This term refers to two different currencies that you can trade against one another. This is similar to trading in your money when you go on vacation. You may stop in at a bank or another business to convert money to the currency used in the country you are visiting. When you trade on the FX market, you trade one currency for another in the same manner. You just don't have the currency in hand to make those trades. All trades are conducted quickly through your computer, smartphone or tablet. Whether you trade through a computer or mobile device will depend on your choice of trading platform.
  12. Hours of Operation The Forex market is active from Sunday evening through Friday night. It operates around the clock, so you can analyze the market and make trades whenever it fits your schedule. That sounds convenient, but it also means that the market is constantly active. This contributes to volatility because you never know when something unexpected is going to change the value of a currency. You can go to sleep and wake up to a drastically different market. Appreciation and Depreciation The currency that you own at the start of a trade is your base currency. When you are new to the Forex market, you will start with the currency that you use to fund your account. As you learn Forex trading over time, you will buy other currencies which may serve as your base in later trades. Every currency will do one of two things over time: Appreciate - increase in value Depreciate - decrease in value Your job as a trader is to determine which direction a currency will go so that you can make the appropriate trades. For instance, if you predict a currency is going to depreciate you may trade it against a currency that you predict will appreciate.
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