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Everything posted by Samotokika

  1. yes I agree that it is always a confusion that whether we comment on it or not but we can easily found it by this option that we should make comment or not here. Check topics in the sections that you commented on them or not
  2. No doubt to keep pace with the world we must have a proper knowledge on digital currencies . It is easy and useful currency and we can get information regarding cryptocurrencies by Cryptotalk platform and if want paper money we can convert them too.
  3. I think it was the technical issue at that time but now everything is fine and new members easily connect there cryptotalk with yobit and get payments for their useful post on daily basis.
  4. yes I agree with you that you must have to read about all the pin post in the about forum section and after that if want to ask something then they can ask their question by the members of the forum but make sure that they don't have a repetitive question.
  5. Im really happy to see your success and accept my congratulations I have also seen your comments on many post and I also read them because they are really good and I think that we all should work hard and had to struggle in any way to achieve such good ranks.
  6. Thank you so much for your advice as I don't know about that we can easily select any lines from the topic and then quote them to explain because I also quote whole topic but now I will go with you your suggestion as I also want this.
  7. Yes it is a good idea that we must share our knowledge and experience with other persons to solve the problems and to be helpful for the betterment of forum and members. It is the best way to work in a platform to help each others and to progress together.
  8. Yes dude we all are here like friends and we must help each other and share our experiences about things that we have grip.I think we should trade on such coins that have higher trade volume and also there are more people interested in them and I ike the trading in these coins.
  9. Yes I agree with you that most of these are fraudlent like telegram bots ,they just catches other persons interest and when they get endulged in their work they just steal their money and information, so we should try to be aware of all these scamming sites.
  10. Bitcoin is the largest and most powerful cryptocurrency. all the other coins supported in the blockchain technology and they are also important but they are much less valued in than Bitcoins
  11. everything has its some positive and negative points it's upon us that how we perceive it rather exaggerate negative or accept the positivity and promote it most people don't trust digital currencuies because they found it scam or not secure but there are lot of better achievements by this
  12. yes I agree with you that following all these points will never let you feel failure in trading in Crypto currencies .patience level must be higher and greed is not included to achieve successful paths in cryptocurrencies.. a good learner is the one who learns from his mistakes
  13. Yes you are right that we should take decision with cool and calm mind and find out the other ways where we can check for low value coins to convert first otherwise Bitcoin withdrawal fees is much higher.
  14. yes sure I agree with you because in this forum we are giving our views and sharing our knowledge in the form of written words so it would help us to become a writer like about digital currencies work
  15. yes dude I agree with you that you have briefly describe both the experts.I think we all are now on some expert of forum but not of Crypto and if we work more on it then we will be that obviously someday.
  16. dude as we all are seen that Bitcoin price is increasing day by day and now it has reached 23k US dollars so I think that it will keep rising and reach somewhat 28k in the next year. More people are investing and showing their interest to a digital currencies.
  17. Thank you soo much for your detailed information as I was also want some answers about my wallet issues and I have got it in your topic and also many people would be greatly helped by this
  18. Yes Dude you are right I found cryptotalk the best sites to earn good profit with lots of skills ad if we dedicate over time and investment of energy in this forum then we will be a good trader or investor nearby.
  19. yes dear I agree with you that Bitcoin has a lot of advantages because it is easy and accessible and fast transaction made by it and is also some how safe and quick service provided by the digital system.
  20. I think the main purpose of bit coin Creation is to bring ease for people and to provide them with the way of digital transactions earnings investment and business so it is a good approach to enhance our interest in the digital currencies.
  21. I think step by step progression is the best way to reach successful destination because you will get little opportunities on each step and move forward with good efforts and good results but in opportunities jump sometimes you fail or loss to achieve your goals.
  22. I think if someone's account get banned so he would get the money he earned before banning like the tokens and Bitcoins that are already added in wallet ,you can easily withdraw them. .
  23. yeah some days ago price of Bitcoin in very less but now it is much good in its value but talk token is not increasing and the reason is that people are selling them.they should try to hold them and invest them to get good profits and its value to increase
  24. I think there will be no issue on using the device ,you have to visit a profile on a website and you can do mining and trading whatever you want it does not need specific PC or laptop you can use any of them with good internet connection.
  25. Welcome dear friend first of all you should try to posts and learn experiences and information regarding the cryptocurrencies then you can go for investing and trading with the small budget and if after getting some experience you can start investing more and more.
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