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Everything posted by Samotokika

  1. Trader has to keep pace with the market value of the coins when the price goes down you will buy the coins and after sometime when the price goes higher you can sell them and gets a lot of profit or so you can invest them too to get profits
  2. Patience is very much important in every field and Specially in professional behaviour Patience is much required in every situation and to be successful and to be prosper .
  3. Fear will not take you to success as fear is the hurdle in the success because you cannot take any step with fear you must have a strong determination with full confidence on yourself and don't worry about the failure just go and win the race.
  4. Yes dude cryptotalk is the best platform from which you can gets pay for your post and if we follow the rules then we will be get good earning from this and also go for trading or investment in the yobit account .your post seems v helpful for the new members .
  5. Yes you are right that mostly we spend our time in the beginners or crypto section but it is good to visit all the section equally and to get knowledge and to post there also. it will enhance our knowledge .I will definitely visit other sections too.
  6. We all have a fear that if we create a topic and then it would not be appreciated by others then there will be a disappointment for all of us so we should try to give courage by supporting the idea and if it found useful then we should put a positive reaction on the topic or post.
  7. dude you have to sell your coins and convert them into the coin like LTC so that you can go to the wallet and click on the negative sign and here put the address of your fait currencies and withdraws your money.
  8. Yobit is already providing us with v mining feature and it is providing a good profit on the investments on the daily basis weekly or monthly basis.your idea will increase the popularity of yobit.
  9. This is the best platform for students mostly because they can take it as a part time job and meet their financial needs and money for their daily usage and I am also one of them. This is Good for student in the knowledge and earning both sides.
  10. Thank you dude for sharing such vital information and giving advice to us. no doubt having penalty will have hurtful for we should try to follow the rules of the forum and take care of make proper comments relevant to the topic.
  11. There is fluctuation in the price of the currencies in this whole year and hope so that all these will be settled soon in the next year and the price of cryptocurrencies will soon get a higher standard again. And this is because due to the panademic situation that exist for a whole year
  12. is not a competition and you will not get prize in the form of money but you will get prize in the form of popularity and respect from the forum. it is the tag that lead you to the seniority and impactful member of forum
  13. There is not possible to convert many of the coins from BTC as I don't know the whole procedure and also now Yobit platform is not working well and balance is also not sending to my wallets.
  14. After sometime many countries will start dealing with cryptocurrencies because it is very easy to assess and the transactions can be made only by using the internet connection so world is going close towards cryptocurrencies day by day
  15. Thanks for Sharing a brief and informative description about investment and its rules.anyone follow these rules then he will be successful and have a good pace in the investment .Have a nice day dude
  16. This is shocking and happy news for you and also for us. congratulations that you have founded some BTC in your wallet and it is also very good amount I hope so that it will give you again courage to work in crypto to gets BTC.
  17. I didn't hear about any news to ban crypto on YouTube because it is the beneficial platform and YouTube always support it not banned it. There are lots of information related to crypto on YouTube.
  18. Welcome my friend,We all are friends here and are here to help each other to build this platform to be prosper in are on a right track that cryptotalk is the perfect platform to give you good earnings with lots of information about digital currencies
  19. obviously translators must be banned and using any other language which is different from the requirement will be strictly prohibited in this forum so moderators must have to take action against them
  20. Im new member but I have seen that moderators are very active here and there are performing their duty as well with full action .yes if you found some thing useless or against the rules of the forum then you should report it for the help but don't try to become a moderator.
  21. Mostly the price is same with a little bit difference vary from platform to platform. Also the Price of a one coin is different from other coin so it all depends upon the situation of the coin and rules of the platform.
  22. It is good to make changes and to make the platform much more better than before I dont know about the previous payment but I am satisfied with the payment system of now as this platform is giving us good income.
  23. Thank you dude for the brief summary about followers. Follow members by using the technique mentioned in your post and also it is a good thing to get followers or to follow someone who is much more expert and who will help you.
  24. Thank you dude for sharing Useful information with us.I was unaware of this strategy of trading and now I will be able to keep in mind all these things before selling and buying coins on yobit.
  25. I think these members of the forum support the forum very much and who are the most senior members of the forum so it is a sign of courage and appreciation for them and motivation for the other members to achieve that level
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