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Everything posted by hatambaba

  1. I believe that the best time to buy Bitcoin is right now because the dominance of Bitcoin in the market has dropped under 60% and Elon musk bought so many Bitcoins. So I would transfer my assets from Altcoins to Bitcoin. I plan to invest 90% of my money in Bitcoin.
  2. Best time to buy crypto coins is when people are selling their coins because of FUD dominance in the market. This usually happens when the market starts falling drastically and continuously. At this time, you can buy bitcoins and hold them for long term.
  3. Your tips are great and helpful for all new members. I think that a reason why newbies do not publish topics is they don't have enough information and good experience in the field of cryptocurrencies. So I hope that your tips will be useful for them.
  4. Yobit is a exchanger and you can earn money by trading coins and tokens. You can mining and gambling in this platform. But in my opinion, the best method for earning is to Invest some money in Investment Box or trade the potential coins and tokens in this platform.
  5. Cryptocurrency is a large world and the advantages of crypto is a lot. For example you can make money when you are in home. So instead of watching TV and waiting for ending of lock down you can earn money through Yobit by finding good and potential coins for investment.
  6. I found this platform at some months ago and I am using this platform to earn some money by sending informative comments and also I am getting more knowledge from it, So I consider myself a lucky guy. By having the proper knowledge we can get a lot of benefit from this platform.
  7. Our mistakes are the guidelines for us to get success because we learn from our experiences. We have to read, learn and never give up. So as a new member to this platform I am trying to learn from the senior members in this forum.
  8. The first option for buying is always Bitcoin. No matter how much the price goes up or down this coin has showed us could be a safe haven for investing. If you are an investor then you should decline the risks So you must choose the top ranked coins in the market.
  9. Best type of earning is when there is no risk and the risk is very little. Any investment has some amount of risks and You can loss a lot of money in investment plans in a short period of time, So earning free money is always the best option and I agree with your topic.
  10. Scammers always update their methods, You can not find a legit and reliable project or websites for investment easily nowadays. It is best you follow the senior members in this platform and learn from them and ask them for each investment you will make.
  11. Trading is a skill and our success directly depends on our knowledge to finding the best points to buy and sell coins or tokens. Chance is also involved in this process. You must learn how to use the fundamental and technical analysis to get profit.
  12. New users of cryptocurrency world can not find a forum like here to acquire experience and Knowledge from people. I think this feature is the best advantage of this platform, but more important things is that and we should use this opportunity to improve our skills.
  13. Very popular coins like the top ranked coins are always best options for investment. In this list I believe that Bitcoin and Ethereum are more reliable than other coins. In my opinion they will grow in the couple of months. As a beginner I recommend you to not invest on ICOs and IEOs.
  14. Yes it is enough for getting your tokens and coins but it is not enough for reputation. we all have to work on ourselves and get a lot of knowledge about cryptocurrencies so that we are able to send very positive and informative posts on the other sections and get more reputation.
  15. Knowledge makes the way easier for us to get rich and become a influence in the world. Many people think that they need only chance to get success but this point of view is wrong. we all need to work hard and a lot of efforts to make money, and working in this platform requires some degree of knowledge.
  16. I agree. Successful people are patience in their work and they always learn from their fails in their life. Becoming rich in one night is not possible in any field unless you are a gambler, So have some degree in patience and don't give up in your life. Try again and again to get success.
  17. You have to make a complex and strong password for your account. you shouldn't share your information with anyone on the internet. Don't click on the suspicious link and always have a anti-virus on your device. Also use different password for your email and your accounts.
  18. Experts are people who working hard in a specific activity and become master in it. They are very patience and they experience many fails in their life, But they don't give up and go a head. You can not stop them from where they are going. They have a solid mind and very kindly.
  19. Success is very depends on your knowledge about cryptocurrencies and how to communicate with people. If you can make a communication then you can find more friends and you can make a good team and lead them to the success. In this forum we must publish new ideas and innovations to acquire positive reputation.
  20. Both are important, You need both of them to grow up in this platform. Ranking is good because you can get more attention from people and find some good friends and more people react to your posts and comments, Experiences is also good and it is essential for making positive and informative comments.
  21. If I find a good post then why not do that? Giving reputation to people encourage them to spend more time in this platform and making more positive comments. So reacting points depends upon the quality of that posts and encourage people to make more quality posts.
  22. Reading other replies is very important because they have contain good points. You can get some lessons and knowledge by reading them. Also you can reply them if they have any wrong points. I always support sharing our ideas with people here.
  23. Definitely at the beginning you will deal with various problems and difficulties. The solution is to follow the rules and see how other members work in this forum and learn from them. The best thing is not to be in a hurry and slowly get acquainted with this platform.
  24. Working in this forum gives me good feeling, because I know that i don't waste my time in a fake platform and I can earn real money by putting my effort on writing new information and helping members in some cases. Also I can learn some good notes from senior members.
  25. Bitcoin is the most expensive coin in the market and it is replacing gold. Many big guy in the world exchange their gold with Bitcoin. Earning Bitcoin is not easy. You can mine it with expensive hardware ASICs or you can buy it. The other methods are available but they give you a little amount of money.
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