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Everything posted by Mike1515

  1. I think most crypto prices follow the lead on bitcoin, look at it this way when you have a surge on bitcoin, the prices for every other coin follow , when we have a down spiral the rest do the same. Am going to give an example on bitcoin and ripple,. when the price of bitcoin fell to 4000 just around March 2020, then the same price of Ripple fell from 0.32$ to 0.18$ around the same time, when the price recovered from the same on bitcoin to 12,000$ then it actually gave the same amount in percentage, the price of ripple came back from 0.18$ to 0.3$ last month , this shows relationship of all prices to bitcoin except for the stable coins.
  2. Thats some helpful tips to new members , this are to be well organized , the forum requires such and we need to keep on trying as hard to understand what we are doing in this place. Following rules, now we have talk tokens and we can really benefit from them if we truly want,. so get it right from this post if you are a new member like me.
  3. We are living in the age of Knowledge , the 21st Century and we are all connected or interconnected, one way or another, the most important thing is to make sure that look for that knowledge that is in our finger tips. We live in a time when we can just go to 1000snds of Kilometers while sitting at home. there is no shrotage of knowledge, and if you dont make Google your friend then you are lost.
  4. Anybody can invest, the problem would be to keep on making mistakes, because in investing we are always making sure that we have to make good money from them if you make that one mistake that can cost you , then you need to be very careful . Its important infact that you are very careful before you actually make mistakes you learn from those who have already been ahead of you. thats how important you must be.
  5. If only you can and could have started some years ahead and this is the reason, there was such a surge to it that we benefited from it so much but the problem that I had is I saw bitcoin and it never worked for me, I just lost it at all cost everything just passed me, I never benefited, but it was all ignorance , there was nothing to anyone about what happened it was all ignorance.
  6. You can actually shop using crypto currency< yes this is posible. There are actually online shops and off line shops that take in bitcoin as a means of payment, yes, you can shop using bitcoin and that is the very truth, some of this shops include, newegg , which deals with Electronics such as computers and Phones, and such stuff , also there is another one Overstock, also takes in crypto and especially bitcoins. This has always been something that we crypto Enthuthisast are always looking forward to hear, though most are still not allowed , how ever apple has been able to allow about 10 of crypto currencies to be accepted in their stores, a huge gain to the cryto world. What do you think @Guru2050 @Mwangi@Irungu@Zaino34@Abuelkheeir. I think all this are very promising to the crypto world
  7. Thats very true, if you take it upon yourself to treat every spam as an enemy of this forum you will be able to destroy so many people who are here as scammers, and if you dont react to them then you are actually allowing the forum to die, and if it dies, then you will not be left a lone to enjoy your forum also goes so its important you really put it to yourself to down vote all spammers.
  8. I have a friend of mine who is and was always trying hard to make some good money on steem and I used to wonder what is steem , and in the end I joined < I learned a lo from it, but in the end , I left steem after losing my key and password , but the promise for that money , it was so great that I had to go back and enjoy what was the offer to it and thats how I started engaging in this world of crypto currency
  9. Belive me thats the last thing I would love to fall into , especially being a new beginner, I have seen so many members banned and this has promoted me to be careful not to fall in any form of restriction, its important to keep on running the form of strategy that would help us in actually valuing the forum perfectly. I try to value every topic, every reply and I always post replies according to the topic itself and its important to keep on trying very hard to really believe others posts are worth it, so am trying my best to run this forum in its total proficiency.
  10. Yes I do , its always important we tag someone our work because in the end there is a certain good thing that comes out of it, some people gain from its . you know by targeting some guys , you are making sure that there is something about and ready to be released. Its important to keep trying as hard to really know who to tag, you specifically target a number of people you know will read your topic and your post, thats very important, especially for those who you are trying to pass the message to.
  11. I just happen to know a little bit of faucets, they are always good for those who can be able to work with , some faucets pay better. and its important to really see everything perfectly. Look at it this way , you have a faucet line. You have adverts and per view it pays you 0.003$ and so when you look at it this way , they will usually give you 3 satoshis for every view. so look at it 1000 views thats 3000 satoshis, or three cents 3 cents for 3 dollars. for the faucets owner they get something in the end.
  12. Thats losing serious and its important that we are very careful in what we are doing the right idea is to really be good in the work we are doing this work is to always ensure that we are building up a security panel for ourselves , and this is why its important we can be careful before we submit , thats the only case. Be very careful before you submit anything, not only even in crypto currency but ion so many other ways
  13. Thats very true, the right thing is to believe that am doing the right thing, the good things of this market is that we need to keep on working as hard its always good that you read every topic that you have not read and so that you can be able to build up a good post the right idea that we can stipulate. But the good thing is that every topic that you have not read , is always marked and it does look really good to answer them.
  14. Lots of things do encourage me, so its important for me to really keep on putting up a lot of good issues of the market, the right idea today is to make sure that you are earning from it. Crypto currency has a promise of having freedom and its one of the most important that we can be able to use. there is a lot of good things that work for all of us. and in this season am Believing that crypto currency is a future of exchange , its important that we keep on using it, thats why I use it, its a promise.
  15. I think I have written about this before, but the most important thing today is to make sure that am able to work in this platform with friends, sometimes you can be lonely here. But there is a huge problem and this one people must be able to be careful of what they are getting into , some of this scammers have joined this kind of groups. I have seen people being scammed from this kind of places
  16. @Irungu as Much as I would love to agree with you , its impossible for one to completely say they are secure on a website, there is a good chance they will find themselves in certain bondage , I mean in some kind of risk and that should never be at any one point. But I do also agree with you , some site will give you a certain degree of safetly but that of being completely being safe is up to you
  17. I also agree with them to some extent, when you dont understand something , always be careful to always hide a little and watch it from afar because people have lost a lot because of their hurry to make it big. its always good you appreciate what you have at the moment which is the fiat currency. study crypto and get into it in phaces
  18. @Projectcrypto I think its very important to really understand the challenges the forum faces trying to erradicate the goons who try to steal from it, but look at it this way there are measures enough to destroy this kind and its going to work perfectly and in the mean time, lets keep on helping the forum to destroy this people. Its time you negative rate as many spammers as posible. this is a problem we can solve for the forum
  19. I have never used bitcoin, however , I have been able to transfer a lot with it, I mean I have done some exchanges for friends and some relatives but using it was not as easy for me. First of all , compared with some other coins, its very slow, and the other one is that its very expensive, it could be something that might have occurred on my side but its a little bit expensive.
  20. Well they can be accurate, but sometimes they appear exaggerated and so it becomes very difficult to really keep everything working so to me its always good to really be able to have your own price prediction based on the knowledge you have acquired in trading and such.
  21. The first stage of any new thing is usually very difficult to sell, so it becomes very difficult to understand how crypto currency will be able to be adopted by someone who has been using fiat currency all his life and especially those who are 40 and above, but the new generation say from those being born to around age 8 can take a good look at it and see if its wise to use it
  22. I have tried faucets and they are the easiest yet the most difficult to make money with, I imagine for example, you have satoshis faucets and they give around 3 every 5 minutes, so to you you load about 2 GB and it will cost you 1 Dollar and you want to spend the whole day collecting faucets. you cannot go beyond 10 hours , you will be so tired. one hour you have 36 atoshis, and 10 hours thats 360 satoshi, thats barely one dollar. this is one of the toughest Job, even if you add up 10 sites that pay such , in the end you will have 3600 satoshi thats 3.6 Cents not even a dollar so they are not woth it for me
  23. In any business ,no matter how safe, you must add on the risk , risk is always an addtion to any business and if you want to make it, there is a lot to really think of when it comes to doing business,. Risk is one of them and it will always be in the first place, figure out how to live with it , and especially know how to manage your work well.
  24. I have high expectations on cryptocurrency , this being that when you have something that is far much important and as promising as crypto currency , you have to keep your eye on it and see what could happen. Digital payment of currency could be the only thing that is so new in the 21 century and crypto currency has promised on it and we need to take a keen eye on it the years coming it could be the biggest
  25. It always depend if there is a worthy investment to jump into , and the beuty about Yobit is that they will always give you something to look at , this is because they have care for their investors. At Most 200$ I would not want to go beyond that, but if there are good opportunities , then why not I can go beyond.
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