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Everything posted by Mike1515

  1. @Dmasked That might be true, there are so many Chinese bitcoin users, and this might not be related with how they have been able to invest and to understand this we need to really check on what happened to the price of bitcoin. Was it because of Corona or was it because of the special Halving that was to happen, there is no relationship between the economy and bitcoin. Where I think you might be right is because Most people might have cashed out because of fear, fear that the price of bitcoin would fall drastically but anyways that never happens and now we are stable around 10K again though I think something is going on and it will be exploding very soon.
  2. One of the biggest problem that crypto users face is when they cannot tell when your details to your wallet is being monitored or some people even lose because someone just stole their account information and just like that everything lost, so its important Brave browser is helping people to be protected
  3. So here we go , Let me answer them one by one 1. I actually own some few, I am one of the holders of doge coin , though losing faith in it. 2. I have chosen a few others, doge because you were easily able to buy it and hold it , you had that promise of buying so many and waiting for them to reach 1$. I own about 100,000 doges. 3. No , but my best time to have used them was when I paid a couple of my customers or clients with litecoin. 4. Not at the moment but still believe with time its going to. 5. Judging with the past, I think its bright, though at the blink , its also not so satisfying, because we have so many players that they have spoilt the main thing. But in addition I actually think time will give us everything in and we are going to be able to enjoy a lot of things with Crypto currency.
  4. 1 Mistake that most people usually make is watch over their investments, thats the worst , I mean there is a good idea when you check on it here at there but the worst is always that look to really wish it does go to your favore whether up or down , but the best thing you should always do is to have patience, its very important you do that and @muniral4422 you stated it perfectly , one must be able to go through analysis and be specific with your exit position.
  5. @Ndayebo8 I actually dont agree that much, since we have a decade to read and study bitcoin and its movement , its important we check what its all about and what tickles it, Bitcoin can collapse, yes but be sure to remember that with time , it always has something different that can be proved actually , its always good to look at it with its investment performance, it has something that pushes it, and this year with halving , we realized that its scarcity can actually drive the price to be stable , the price then did not go up but it stabilized since it had fallen from 9K to 4K in readiness for the same, I believe the price of bitcoin would only fall if the whole world population wouldn't buy the concept of bitcoin being a means of exchange thats when the whole price would fall.
  6. @bogdanoff I think thats the truth, when sometimes you may find yourself so hard in wating, the market can be a little bit different when it comes to really defining what would be the best price to enjoy but look at it this way , @Irungu You state that waiting can be optional depending on your investment portfolio which to me sounds as the investment strategy right, so its important for us to really define that one strategy , because,I want you to convince someone who bought bitcoin at 1 Dollar , and sold it at 17K that waiting is bad. Thats an increase in percentage that you would have never imagined, so its good just to allow everything to be perfect today and figure out your option, you could hold and risk losing everything
  7. I believe its a good concept, because lets take for example, you are trying to use Ether, its one of the most expensive , but if the fees are and can be lower by use of card ,then why not do so its important that we are able to understand everything perfectly and not lose hope, keep on trying as hard and balance everything
  8. It has not happened yet but I believe the concept has made the mainstream banking system really think twice , the concept if well maintained and improved we can be able to make something out of it so its important we are actually getting ourselves into this and within no time its going to be the Joy , its dominating on its own world right now but pretty soon its going to be something different.
  9. Thanks A lot for that information @Seyeumi i actually get your point and its not that bad of a point to think of but lets put everything into perspective and keep trying as hard to understand what to do in this place. We often are required to work as hard and be principled in what we are working on so we are suppose to enjoy everything perfectly in this place but also be careful not to disrespect this place kindly
  10. Mos importantly is how we make comments, there is no room for mistakes they should always be well arranged and well introduced the work we do should always be well organized, and we should research every work we put up because that is very important there is no other options to this but to keep working perfectly with the right option and posting in the right areas of the forum. Be careful for identity can be really much lost in so many ways if you are to make false information here, the right thing to do even when you are reply is do a quick search , read and have an idea of what the writter is trying to say and what is on the internet that is very important
  11. No corona or Covid 19 never changed anything, but you have to look at it this way, right about this year is when bitcoin was to be halved and when you look at it, the time before the news happened , the coin lost 60% of its value, from 11,000$ to 4000$ and this was in preparation to the halving, but the same happened to every other coin , they all fell down . When Halving happened, the coin started moving up again and so did the rest, though there is some stories of how crypto may have come in handy during lock down but it was not that much.
  12. It Alll depends and this is true because there is a lot to really think about when ti comes to looking at what really matters most in this world , so look at this way there is agood chance that bitcoin might be adopted fully by banks and the mainstream sector or at least the block chain technology so am sure its going to be so many years to come, we are 10 years strong and still we keep going.
  13. Its all in the value and its in the transaction speed, thats the only difference I can make, I have Used LCT and not bitcoin and this is true, LCT is very fast, absolutely very fast , but not as fast as Ripple, so far Ripple has won , though trying to get the difference between TRX and Ripple because I here they are almost the same.
  14. One of the thing that we should listen to is that of information,information is power and we should be able to serve it to those who need it , but those looking for it , should be able to search all over the interntet that would help them get a lot of good from them so its in good experience that we are able to balance a lot of what we do.
  15. Looking at the two, they are pretty much very different and we need to look at every case that we find around all situation, bitcoin talk has been there since the begging of it all,2009 which is what am meant to understand , that has been very long but when you look at what is happening today there is a chance that we need to value everything with content, Crypto talk has been able to pull a large Audience andas @IrunguHas stated it has turn around pretty fast it being around 2 years old now? if am sure , its cryptotalk that will have a say in the end. Its easy to navigate and lots of information in them
  16. I think its the most secure we have, this is and has always been the safest, so far nobody has been able to compromise this system and its working perfectly but we need to really define what we are doing and develop a good sence that will work for us the right idea would be to really keep on trying as hard to prove that it cannot mis the mark of being secure, we need to keep on trying as hard to read the technology behind it, it would be really good if we are able to balance everything perfectly with time. Block chain so far has provided safety
  17. I think most people here have been employed by crypto currency and so there are so many people who earn from this place because of crypto currency but we need to venture into new spaces and new to this would be to see the full adoption of cryptocurrency into the mainstream transfer system.
  18. Everybody Has something and when you look around there are people who lose because they dont understand what to do so the best thing to do right now is to really realize the best way to follow and develop a good sense of responsibility so the wonderful thing that always prepares us to be right is that we can share what we earn from , I write on blogs and sometimes I enjoy working for others online to.
  19. I think the only advantage we have with bitcoin is that it gives you back its own power , which is control , you are actually better of when no one understands what you own and if even they know they dont understand who does own , you remain hidden, What I mean is that when you look at what happens if you transfer 1 Billion worth of bitcoin , in the end you become so hidden that nobody will tell where that money came from or ended, also the fast way to transfer that, if you compare that transfer that might happen not more than 1 hour, with transferring the same on swift , the time cut here is huge.
  20. Not that long but I hear there were promises that were fullfilled when it all came into play am late but am not going to lose hope , am still going to work as hard to make sure that I get there in this market , I am about 3 months in and am learning a lot from every article in the internet and I promise its going to be a good thing for me to do this kind of work.
  21. Crypto is a new thing that we can actually accept but lets wait and see what would happen when you look around there is a lot of good things that have been invented and this is when we come to transfer and transactions so far the big bang came from Crypto . Innovation at its best and future in promise.
  22. Sometimes when you push someone to much they are forced to make some new decisions and its one thing to think of how to control this , but the birth of cryptocurrency came when people were tired of central control to what them selves deem as theirs and so its important o really define what would be the best thing here that is why its important to run the market perfectly and the best thing is to keep everything well ellaborate
  23. Thereis no telling what hackers can do , and the very first thing we should do is to make sure that we understand what would be the best thing here, storing your information away from them the best way to store your crypto currency from them is to make sure that you store them off the radar , which means offline would be the best method one would be able to stop the hackers , other than that am not really sure what else to do . Use ledger wallets that would be the best option for me, strong passwords can be good but sometimes hackers are smarter.
  24. The innitial Languages on this forum are English and Russian, but there could be an adition if the area of payment is well ellaborate and stipulated, I mean, when the forum wants to work as hard to protect itself from those who steal from it, it restricts, but if it wants a lot of traffic no matter then its good that the forum is able to add new languages and new section, that would stablize the price of talk token and also would make it look absolutly wonderful.
  25. I am not so sure this coin works but hey lets wait and see, the best thing would be to be well advocated for what is right if the coin served its purpose then thats good, and he wanted to raise such funds then thats really powerful and its one of the best that we can be well introduced in to
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