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Everything posted by Sumsad

  1. А мне вот кажется, что Илон Маск больше за идею колонизации борется, чем за идею захвата власти, но я, конечно, могу ошибаться.
  2. Честно говоря, тема взята будто бы с потолка, чтобы хоть что-нибудь написать. Не думаю, что как-то можно по-особенному назвать такого человека. Держит и держит.
  3. most likely it will be so in the future. who will need paperwork, if you can pay with technology, roughly speaking. but personally I like the currency in tangible form, but the digital future awaits us, unfortunately or fortunately.
  4. Well, yes, we are paid for posts if they have positive ratings (in the case of satosh) and if the ratings are non-negative (in the case of talk), yes, in this regard, this is a reward.
  5. yes, cryptocurrency provides an unlimited number of possibilities, but many people are simply afraid of it, as if it will do them badly. yes, it may be, but this will be more of their fault than cryptocurrencies. and if you do everything wisely, then everything will be fine.
  6. if there is a process that is currently happening all over the world, then you should always expect at least a minimal reaction of the cryptocurrency to this event. for better or worse - it is difficult to determine.
  7. I personally told my friends that this is a resource where you can get to know the cryptocurrency better and at the same time receive cryptocurrency for it, which can be sold in the future.
  8. In general, I do not particularly trust advertising, because there are a lot of scam projects in it. and I advise you so that you do not come across scammers.
  9. taste and color, as they say, but nevertheless I prefer large cryptocurrency than stocks, for me this is a simpler topic, or something
  10. Since Canada also connects, it means that the topic of cryptocurrencies is already well advanced. I am waiting for everything to be better in the CIS in this regard.
  11. Может, можно закинуть на какой-нибудь обменник типа bestchange и там вывести уже на киви? Не пробовала раньше, но а что, если это гуд вариант.
  12. Вроде процент меньше стал на сегодняшний день. Может, бнб и рисково в стейк закидыватт, но пока бинанс держит лидерство среди бирж, не думаю, что бнб совсем вниз полетит.
  13. Ну тут еще не менее важно посмотреть доходность от видеокарты и можно найти недорогую, быстроокупаемую и хорошую, а то можно выбрать такую, что может окупиться лет через 5(утрирую, но это так).
  14. Как раньше уже точно не будет, мир изменился и отмена пандемии ничего не изменит, но мировая экономика действительно оказывает серьезное влияние на состояние и цену криптовалюты.
  15. Лично я собираюсь серьезно заниматься криптовалютой, для меня это долгосрочная перспектива. И хочу из этого делать хорошие деньги и буду к этому стремиться.
  16. you could call me a trader at the very beginning of my so-called cryptocurrency path, ahah, but in fact I am very far from a good trader. and I want to work on it.
  17. if it gives you the opportunity to make money, then why not be a short-term trader? I invest in hold, but if I see a collapse in price, then I sell, and if it becomes less than the purchase price, then I buy, if the cryptocurrency is top.
  18. it is very important that you look at absolutely any resource that you decide to go to or decide to download a file or install an application from there. such carelessness can give you problems.
  19. this kind of anxiety, when you want to check all transactions, it is even correct so as not to make a mistake. but the main thing is to have in all measure.
  20. yes, I understand this, and this is correct, but at the same time it is necessary to understand that you can also get accidentally under the distribution and it will be unpleasant. if punished, then really for the cause.
  21. I do not mind being an active user of the forum, and I even try to be such a user, but many have no desire to be active because of the innovations of the forum. In principle, it suits me, but there are drawbacks, of course.
  22. you can get rid of spammers by quickly identifying them and blocking them as much as possible. but they often block the wrong ones and this is probably bad. yes, I understand, the system is being improved, but nevertheless there is still a lot to work on.
  23. But after all, on each exchange in a different way, and the really real price at this moment on a particular exchange can be found only on its website or a site like coinmarkercap. that's all.
  24. halving is the process when they cut off the amount of possible mined cryptocurrency from the remaining one, for each cryptocurrency in different ways, but it seems to cut off 50% of the remaining or more.
  25. hello, my friends. to make forum rules our friend, you need to abide by them and improve the forum content. this is very important in my opinion.
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