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Mridul Rahman

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Everything posted by Mridul Rahman

  1. I understand why those post are not getting replies. In fact even at this time new topics don't get much replies. We know that our post gets deleted. So here is the way everyone found. They post in old topics that are not deleted so they comment in those to keep their post in this forum. But if they post in new topics there are some chances to delete those whole topics as well as their comments. So thats why many of this forum sometimes confused to comment in new posts including me πŸ™‚.
  2. Well this topic is really wonderful and exceptional. I am really amazed to see this information here. I can't even imagine if there is any movie that relates cryptocurrency. It didn't come to my mind before. I will surely watch these movies as i am a movie freak. I hope i can learn something from these movies.
  3. I like this feature cause it enables me to track my visitors. They might have visited my profile cause they find my content useful. They might have appreciated my posts. So i feel good when any member visits my profile. At this point i have about 900 profile visitors. I reall admire that.
  4. It is really a good idea. Only this feature is not available in this forum. I guess this will also increase the members of this forum from different countries. But i think 5 talk token per refferal won't be that much good. They should give it as a commission. Cause many of them will create fake accounts to receive talk tokens. They should give us a commission at the end of the month from my refferals monthly earning. This can be a good idea.
  5. There is still no perfect explaination about that. But i think it is because the price of bitcoin is very much high. Ltc has low fee but eth has more than ltc. So usually it depends on the price. Well sometimes the low valued coins also take high fees because of their network transaction. I will be really helpful if anyone know the correct reason about this.
  6. I agree with you. At present there are only English and Russian section. Introducing with other languages will be a great step for this forums promotion. I think in future theg will allow other languages. But they will need moderators in those languages too. That won't be a problem. Waiting for this forum to be the top crypto discussion forum.
  7. Yes mate. Crytpo is all about trading in order to gain much money. We get nervous whenever we do trade. I know professional traders also go through this situation but they can control it. That's why they are professionals. So to overcome our insecurities we should apply our knowledge with small amount of money in trading. It will also give us experience. We should choose the amount that we can afford to loose. This way we can grow in trading.
  8. Well it is a good thing to plan before sharing knowledge or teaching. Thats what we do . We should do research before taking any step. If you know trading, gradually add this in your plan too. Cryptocurrency is all abouy trading. It is the most important way to earn money from crypto. So good luck with your lessons mate.
  9. Yes,you are right mate. Topics are needed specially from the seniors. The new members are just asking questions and feeling about this forum. Well i am also a beginner in crypto so i don't have much knowledge but i am trying to gather. The seniors are not very active now to post topics. There are just old topics. It is our responsibility to fill thsi forum with right informations. So let's try to do it.
  10. That's true i have seen many post like this. Like a coins analysis post should be in the coins and token talk section.But a member posted it in beginner section. Well the post is useful but the place was not right. What can i do with such posts?? As it was useful i replied him with correcting his wrong doing. I guess that's how we can undo it. They don't deserve report for that .
  11. Surely we should study to increase knowledge. We must read the topics properly in order to have the complete knowledge. Well we should read the replies too. There may be more suggestions for us. And reading replies also clears our thoughts about that topic. So to gain knowledge reading is a must.
  12. That's a wonderful information you gave mate.There are many exchanges or sites like these. Specially the sites where you deposit money and they offer you to exchange it direct in Paypal or other online wallets. Most of them are fake. Some of them 1st pays and after few months they also close their payment. So we shouldn't believe those sites. Just we need to trust in real price and the exchanges that are famous in cryptocurrency.
  13. I will never forget those days when i wasted months just to earn 10k-50k satoshi. I thought that cryptocurrency is not for me cause i have no money to invest. Then yobit introduced me with this forum while dlrs airdrop happened. Now i earn approximately 3$+ a day and i am grateful for that. This forum made me self reliable. I never gave up on my dreams in crypto thats why at last i found this forum to grow in cryptocurrency.
  14. I have read these post. I usually love your topics mate. You really share useful informations. Many important post goes deep in the section for new topics. As you gave it as an overview of your useful topics. People will find those easily. I think that there should be feature to see how many topics are created by any members and what are those tooics. That will be easy to find useful topics of the seniors.
  15. Yes mate i have seen a few. Using other languages in this section. Mostly arabic. And a member quote him in English. I guess that can get his account a probability of getting warning points. There shouldn't be any more languages in this section. So we need to learn English as this forum is also helping to improve our English.
  16. Well i agree with you and also gave you a reputation cause you deserve it. But I think we shouldn't ask for reputation. If we are really worthy we will get reputation anyway. It is true that most reputation goes to the topics. A few of them goes in replies. So yeah creating more topic will bring us more reputation. And we should take that as a motivation. Not a challenge for posting daily. We should take time to create our post.
  17. Yes i agree with you. We are still in the situation of pandemic. This is the right time to increase our skills in cryptocurrency. I have wasted much time in airdrops. Now i am just working on how to earn by trading. I am learning trade from this forum. The best way to earn from Cryptocurrency is trading. And this forum is making to do that by earnings i am getting.
  18. That is the feature needed now. There should be an overview for the topic creator. There are many old topics that should be locked now cause many replies are have been there. And also those post are backdated. Like doesn't need to reply now but still many are replying them. So i guess the right should be given to the poster to look over his topic if its not deleted.
  19. Well for that there is report option and it is not public. To give someone feedback we can use chat option for personal conversation.There is much more features than before. And more will come in future. This forum will give gradually everything that we need.
  20. I think you are mostly right. As bitcoin is the number 1 currency of cryptoworld, people have the most trust in it. They believe that bitcoin can never fail. That's what is happening right now. Bitcoin is gaining the trust of every investor. I think in term of eth people will do the same. But in term of ltc it will quite different.
  21. I don't think it is possible anytime. Bitcoins price effects the whole Cryptocurrency along with other alotcoins. Eth is the second best currency in this cryptoworld. Surely it will gain more in future. But can never take the place of bitcoin. Bitcoin is the thing that attracts the most investors towards crypto.
  22. Well I don't see anything cause i am see what is really happening. But i can say that i am learning everyways of cryptocurrency in this forum. Thia forum is making me better than before. Making me self reliable by the earnings i get. I hope i can be able to do a good job and a good contribution in this forum.
  23. I have been fall a victim to scam 1 time. It was when the UNI coin launched. Everyone know how the UNI airdrop was. It was historical in many's opinion. So a telegram user dm'ed me showing his wallet balance fill with usdt that he got from UNI. He said that he want to give me some and asked me to give him my address with screenshot. So i sent it to him. Then he went offline. The very next moment i found that i am unable to enter in my wallet. It was asking pin to enter which i never given. Thank god that my wallet was empty. So i suggest never ever reply those unknown user that dm you with offers or chance to win money.
  24. There is a competition ongoing from previous week. It is called paid quiz for all forum members. It is happening in bounties section. One can see it at the top of the section with green background. That competition is really great. All we have to do is wait for their question and answer it as faster than anyone. Many users got prize amount within 5-20 dollars.i am trying too but my luck seems not good in this. Thus everyone can participate in that. Good luck.
  25. Well as cryptocurrency is spreading bitcoin has a mass part in that. As it is the highest coin in cryptocurrency and the world have seen how it came to this price from 3$ share. It is not very far that the world bank will also adopt this currency as a faster transaction. Cause we all know how Blockchain technology works. So the wises will save their money in bitcoin cause there will be an evolution soon.
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