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Everything posted by Powell

  1. Hello dear, I think you make a very great observation because there are some cryptocurrency exchange platform that become inactive without proper notice and this will make you loss everything you store in that wallet, so we most not store all our coins in an exchange sites, thank you.
  2. You did well dear as you bring up this important point because the members do face the challenge of threat to there private key, so I hope the new members most precisely the new members will advantage of this opportunity to secure their private keys through the trenzor, thanks.
  3. There is so much to earn from the internet because there are abundant opportunities and benefits from the, likewise there is higher number of scammers in the internet, so what you will earn their will depend on your knowledge and experience of the internet, this is my thought on this.
  4. Hello friend, I think you don't need to complain about this because I think the clean up process always affect all the members and that makes then loss their Post to deletion, so just focus on creating more useful posts, thank you so much.
  5. I think morality is always important in very we do in life and not only on the cryptocurrency world, so I wish I could respond to all this question but I lack the proper knowledge to do that, so this article will help the new members in the platform, thank you so much.
  6. This problem is always normal in the yobit account registration, so what you need is to re-enter those details very and meet the requirements, then you might be lucky next time, so just relax the yobit platform is very secure and safe for use, thank you.
  7. Yes you are right, the issue of the fraudulent is getting rampant in the cryptocurrency world, so topics like need to be bring to board so as to guide the new members on how to identify then and avoid then as well, so we learn the tactics of the cryptocurrency world very well so as to identify the scammers and get rid of them.
  8. I think I am also new to the cryptocurrency, but the everyday advice I always give the beginners in the cryptocurrency is that, they should endeavour to acquire proper knowledge and experience of that, because this it's will be their guide in the cryptocurrency world.
  9. Hello buddy, you asked a very important question, but I am also a new member in the platform, so I don't know much about the investment in the yobit platform, but for sure I know that the senior will guide us through this, thank you all for your contribution.
  10. You are highly welcome to the cryptotalk forum, I think you are to remain in the beginner section for now as you will get the require foundation to do better in the platform, but after that then, you can visit other sections for more knowledge and experience about the cryptocurrency market, thank you.
  11. I think you are right buddy, because thinking very well before choosing topic has some benefit, and this will also reduce the rate of topics repitition in the cryptotalk platform as well the rate of useless topics, so we most make research about topics before we publish.
  12. Thank you so much dear for sharing this important testimony and experience with us, I sure this will be a full encouragement to the new members to put in more effort so as to achieve more the cryptocurrency, and also enjoy the sweet parts of the cryptocurrency as it's last, thank you so much for.
  13. You are right sir because there are some members that come across such content but just mute and pretend they don't know what's going on around, while some members only give such content negative assessment without reporting them to the moderators, so I hope this is the high time to raise the voice louder.
  14. Thank you so much friend for providing this important lesson to the new members about the bitcoin, and o think this is a complete guide to them about the bitcoin, so we hope to learn more of this from the senior members of the platform, thanks.
  15. Of course there are some basic need for the creation of topics in the cryptotalk platform because without those basics, your topics might face the threat of deletion from the platform moderators, so we most follow these provided basics if really we want to create useful topics.
  16. This is a very great point you have raised, I think the use of browser translator can make our works unimpressed as that can change the nature of our, so we most deprive from the use of such distraction, thank you so much friend for this important alert.
  17. You are right dear, I think we need learn from the senior members about the cryptocurrency if really we want to succeed in that field, so we most also make independent and extra research about that from reliable sources, thank you so much.
  18. Dear I welcome you to the cryptotalk forum, I think you missed this, because after the completion of your first hundred trial and you begin your daily 20 useful posts, you will only be paid for the posts only when they are rated by your fellow members, so improve your work for better earning.
  19. You are right sir and I fully agreed with what you said, I think the senior have the required knowledge and experience while the new members lack that, so the friendship between then will make things balance and will benefit the beginners most, thank you for sharing this with us.
  20. You are right, we most think ourselves smart because that has so much benefits, among which, you will work efficiently in the cryptotalk platform and always make useful posts all the times, so thank you for sharing this with us.
  21. You shared something very important because most of the new members don't know how to identify there unread topics, but with this article, they'll learn how to do that, and the next unread topic button is unique and special.
  22. You shared something very important about the foreign exchange marketing, so the Japanese candle is one of the confusing part of the technical analysis of the forex trading, so thank you so much for sharing this important information.
  23. Thank you so much sir for providing this important and useful information with us, I'm sure this article will be a footstep to most of the minded new members in the cryptotalk forum that want to learn.
  24. If I can get you well, I think those sites offer loans that you will use for investment in cryptocurrencies, right, what if the investment turn out to be unsuccessful, how could you pay back the loan, with this, I advice you to stick close to this and with patient, you'll get good capital to start your journey into the cryptocurrency world.
  25. This is a common known that the bitcoin has a very great value, so acquiring that requires long time because this might take you nothing less than 9 to 10 years, but I think if you are involve in other crypto related activities, then you can achieve this faster than the prescribe duration.
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