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Everything posted by Ashrafi62

  1. Yes, you are right. Those who are already working in this forum have a lot of experience working here. Because they have been working in this forum for a long time. They are working according to the rules so they have a good experience working here. We who are working in this forum also have experience. They should work according to the rules. We should also work according to the rules of the way they have succeeded in working in this forum. Then we too can be successful.
  2. Yes friend I agree with you. I am doing new work in this forum. So it is difficult to understand some topics. Those of us who are new to this forum should learn something from the experience of others. We should act in the same way that they have tarnished their image. Moreover, by following them, we can get help from them. Then we will also have the experience to work in this forum and then we can be successful.
  3. Yes friend I agree with you. If you want to be successful in life, you can't go without studying. We all have dreams that we can be successful in our life. But to be successful, we have to work hard. You have to study and work with a good job. So if you want to fulfill your dream, you have to study, then you can be successful in life.
  4. This topic is a very good topic. I want to give some useful advice to the beginners of this forum. Those who are working in this cryptotalk will work according to the rules. If you do not work according to the rules, reputation will not grow. Moreover, if you post, you have to post usefull. If you don't post usefull, yobit will not count it. If you post 20 times a day, you can earn money after 1week. But first you have to post 100. You will not get any payment for posting these 100. If you post 20 times every day after posting 100, then you will be able to earn 700 rupees after 1 week. I think if you follow my advice, you can be successful.
  5. I am very happy to work in this forum. I am a student. So I am very busy with study. But working in this forum I can earn money by working here in addition to my study. I can earn money by working at home for only 3-4 hours. I feel very lucky to be able to earn money in crypto online. I do 20 useful posts every day so that I can earn 700 rupees after 1week. I am very happy to earn money from here in this short time.
  6. Yes friend I agree with you. If we follow each other then it will be an advantage for us to work in this forum. Because if we follow someone, he will follow us. If we follow, we will be able to take help from each other. If there is difficulty in understanding any topic, then we can take help from them. Then our problem will be solved easily. Then you can earn more money. So we should follow each other and become friends.
  7. Yes, sometimes it becomes very difficult to understand the topic and reply to it. So when posting, you have to post on the easy topic so that the members can reply to it easily. If you make a mistake in grammar, the post will not be useful. So everyone should post on easy topic so that it is not difficult to reply.
  8. Yes friend, I also support new members like you. We should support those who are doing new work in this forum. I want to explain the rules to them. It is very easy to earn money by working in this forum. It will be possible to earn only if you can post usefull. Every day you have to post according to the condition. Besides, you can't post wrong. If you post incorrectly, it will not be counted. You have to post 20 times every day. Then you can earn money after 1week. If we support the new members by explaining their work in this way, then our own work will also be practiced.
  9. Yes, I agree with you. It is very easy to earn money by working in this forum. But if someone posts a usefull and gets reacted there, his income will increase. So if we want to increase the income, we have to get reacted to it by posting usefull. We should react to the posts of those who post good comments. If we react to each other's posts, they will also react to our posts. Then you can earn more money. So we should react to the usefull post of others. Like we also get to react to our post.
  10. I want to talk to new beginners about working in this forum. Those who are working in this cryptotalk will work according to the rules. If you do not work according to the rules, the reputation will not grow. Moreover, if you post, you have to post usefull. If you don't post usefull, yobit will not count it. If you post 20 times a day, you can earn money after 1week. But first you have to post 100. You will not get any payment for posting these 100. If you post 20 times every day after posting 100, then you will be able to earn 700 rupees after 1 week.
  11. I would like to give some advice to the beginners of this forum. Those who are working in this cryptotalk will work according to the rules. If you do not work according to the rules, reputation will not grow. Moreover, if you post, you have to post usefull. If you don't post usefull, yobit will not count it. If you post 20 times a day, you can earn money after 1week. But first you have to post 100. You will not get any payment for these 100 posts. If you post 20 times a day after posting 100, then you will be able to earn 700 rupees after 1 week.
  12. A lot of money can be made using the internet. If you want to make money using the internet, you have to work hard. I don't know how much money can be earned by working on the internet. But you can also make money using crypto through the internet. If you post 20 times a day in crypto, you can earn 700 rupees after 1 week. But you can earn money after completing 100 posts first.
  13. Yes friend I agree with you. If we post usefull then our reputation will increase. If we post on a good topic in this forum and if it is usefull then it will be much easier to increase our reputation. If you don't have a reputation, yobit won't count. Then posting according to our condition will not be complete. So I will post usefull as if in our reputation bar.
  14. Yes, I agree with you. There are many obstacles in the way of success in life. So to be successful you have to overcome that obstacle. We have to go through challenging while walking in our life so that we do not hesitate to overcome any obstacle. You can always be successful if you take the challenge.
  15. I post correctly when I post on this forum. This topic is a very good topic. We need to make sure that whatever we post is correct. The real work is to post in this forum. So when posting, you have to make sure that there are no mistakes in grammartical. Because the wrong post will not count yobit. So we should always make the right post. Then we can be successful by working in this forum.
  16. Nowadays, you can earn money online from home. It is very easy to make money online with crypto at home. You can earn money just by posting on this forum. First you have to post 100 usefull. You will not get any payment for these 100 posts. But after making 100 posts, you can earn only if you can make 20 useful posts every day.
  17. Yes, I agree with you. There are many who reply without understanding the topic. Like a fool, they post without understanding and then yobit will not count it. Because if there is a mistake in grammar then it is not usefull and yobit does not count. As if that post is usefull.
  18. If you want to post on a good and unique topic, you have to post on important topics. But you have to post on easy topic. If you do not post on easy topic, it will be difficult for members to reply. So you have to post on easy topic. You have to post on such a topic so that the members can learn something from that post.
  19. If you spend time in this forum, you can earn a lot of money. So it is very important to spend time in this forum. We can make money from here in a short time. In addition to study, we can earn money from here. So the importance of spending time in this forum is a lot.
  20. I think the same topic can not be answered again and again. Because if we reply to the same topic again and again, then yobit will not count that post. So it is better not to reply to the same topic. yobit is only counted in usefull posts. So we have to post usefull. Then our reputation will grow.
  21. This topic is a very good topic. I will tell you how to earn in cryto. First you have to post 100. You will not get any payment for the first 100 posts. But if you can make 20 useful posts every day after posting 100, you can earn 700 rupees after 1 week. This can be done in a short time. It is very easy to earn on cryto. I think you understand how to make money in this forum. I think you like working on crypto.
  22. Yeah dude, I will tell you how to make money on crypto. If you want to earn on this platform, you must first know the rules to earn on this platform. Basically, the main job here is to post. You will not get any payment for what you have to do 100 first. But after posting 100, if you post 20 every day, you will be able to earn after 1 week. If you post 20 per day, you will be able to earn 700 rupees after 1 week. It is possible to post this in a short time. I think you understand how to make money from this forum.
  23. Yes friend you are right. If you want to be successful in cryto, you have to post well. You can't make mistakes. You have to make sure that you don't make mistakes in grammartical. Ideas can be posted from other members. But it cannot be posted by copying the posts of other members. So if you want to be successful in crypto, you have to post well, then you can be successful.
  24. Yes, I would like to suggest you to stay in crypto. It is very easy to make money in crypto. But you have to use this cryptotalk according to the rules. Because if you want to use cryto with reputation, you have to follow the rules. Need to post better. No mistakes can be posted. If you want to stay in cryto and if you want to earn money in a good way, you have to work according to the rules.
  25. If you want to increase your reputation then you have to post well. Moreover, wrong posts cannot be made. Care should be taken so that there is no mistake in grammar. If you make a good comment on a topic then your reputation will grow. So if you want to increase your reputation, you should refrain from posting wrong. Then success will come.
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