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Everything posted by Ashrafi62

  1. Yes, I will do my best to achieve my goal in crypto. It is very easy to make money in crypto. But if you work according to the right rules, you can be successful by earning money from this forum. I am a student. I am earning money by working here in addition to my studies. I want to be successful by working on this crypto in the future. So I will not give up until my goal is fulfilled. I know that I can be successful by earning money by working in this forum.
  2. This topic is a very important topic. I would like to give advice to the new members of this forum about the working rules of this forum. If you want to work in this forum, you have to complete 100 posts first. After completing 100 posts, you will be able to earn money by posting 20 posts every day. But you have to post 20 usefull then you will get reputation and you can be successful by working in this forum. You will be paid after 1week. I think you understand how to work in this forum.
  3. Yes, followers are necessary for us. If we post on a good topic, then everyone will follow us. So for everyone to follow us, we have to post on our easy topic and get everyone's comments. Then we can be successful by working in this forum.
  4. I have learned a lot from this platform. I have learned by working on this platform how to make money at home. I can earn money by working only 3 hours in this forum. I have learned from this platform how to earn money as well as study. I am very happy to be able to work on this forum. In the future I want to be successful by working on this platform.
  5. If the topic of your post is easy, then more members will like it. If your posts are easy, then everyone will reply and then your reputation will grow. So if you want to be successful by working on this forum, then you have to post on an easy topic to build reputation. Then you can be successful by working in this forum.
  6. Yes, I can give information about one of the advantages of cryptotalk. The biggest advantage of this crypto is that it is very easy to make money from here. I am a student. So I am very busy with my study. But I can earn money by working here as well as my study. I am very happy to be able to work on this forum. I think making money is one of the biggest benefits of this forum.
  7. This topic is a very important topic. If you want to be successful working in this forum, we have to post on a good topic. You do not have to post the same topic again and again. So we have to create our own new topic. To create a new topic, we first need good knowledge. When creating a topic, make sure that the grammar is not wrong. Then we can create a good topic. In this way, if we work according to the rules, we can be successful by working in this forum.
  8. I have not faced this kind of problem yet. So I have no idea what to say about this. But if you want to work in this forum, you can't post meaningless or wrong. If you post meaningless, warning point will be given. So we have to refrain from posting wrong and meaningless reply can not be given. If we work according to the rules, we can be successful by working in this forum.
  9. I have not faced this kind of problem yet. So I have no idea what to say about this. But if you want to work in this forum, you can't post meaningless or wrong. If you post meaningless, warning point will be given. So we have to refrain from posting wrong and meaningless reply can not be given. If we work according to the rules, we can be successful by working in this forum.
  10. Yes, I agree with you. cryptotalk is the best forum in the world. Because we can earn money by working on this forum in a short time sitting at home. So I am very happy to be able to work on this forum. There is more to learning than just making money on this forum. We can also learn English by working in this forum. Because everyone posts in English in this forum, so our English learning will be stronger from there.
  11. If you want to be successful by working in this forum then you have to increase your reputation. If you post usefull then your reputation will increase. It will not be usefull and reputation will not grow. So if we want to be successful, we have to post well.
  12. Yes, cryptotalk is the best forum in the world. Because you can easily make money by working on this forum. Moreover, you can earn money by working only 3-4 hours sitting at home. I can earn money by working here in addition to my study. So I am very happy to be able to work in this forum. So cryptotalk is the best forum in the world.
  13. As a beginner of this forum, first of all you need to know how to work in this forum to be successful. This is basically the main post. So we have to post on a good topic. We have to make sure that there is no mistake in the post while posting. If you post usefull, yobit will count it and you can be successful by earning money. Moreover, as a member of this forum, you need to know the rules of how to work with success and success.
  14. No, crypto does not waste our time. It is very easy to make money by working in crypto. Crypto can be earned by working only 3-4 hours. I can earn money by working here as well as my study. So crypto never wastes our time and by working in this forum we become successful by earning money.
  15. This topic is a very important topic. I am very happy to work on this forum. I want to see my success from cryptotalk after 10 years. I want to see my success in the future by working in this forum. It is very easy to be successful by working in this forum. But we have to work according to the rules, then we can easily earn money. I will work according to the rules of this forum and bring my success after 10 years of reputation.
  16. Yes, I have recommended my friends to work in this forum. Because if everyone works together in this forum, then everyone will know about this forum that working in this forum can be very easy to succeed. Then this forum will become more popular. Everyone can earn money if they can work in this forum. Then everyone can be successful by working in this forum.
  17. Yes, I think I am the winner of this forum. Because I can earn money from here by working only 3-4 hours sitting at home. I am very happy to work on this forum. I can earn money by working here as well as my study. I consider myself a winner to get so many benefits from this forum. I feel happy to feel successful working here all the time.
  18. Yes, I agree with you. I want to say something about the work of this forum. I would like to give some advice to the new members about working on this forum. It is very easy to earn money by working in this forum. You can be successful by earning in a short time. To be successful you have to post usefull. If the post is not usefull then yobit will not count it and then our reputation will decrease. If we do not have reputation, we will not be able to be successful by working in this forum. If we post correctly then our reputation will grow and then we will be able to succeed by working in this forum.
  19. I think knowledge is the most important thing in this forum. If we have knowledge, we can be successful in anything. It takes more knowledge to work on this forum. Because if you have knowledge, we can easily do the work of this forum, that is, post on a good topic. Moreover, if we have good knowledge, we will not have difficulty in understanding any topic and then we can easily become successful by posting usefull. So if you want to be successful by earning money in this forum, you need more knowledge.
  20. Dear friend, I will explain to you this matter why your reputation does not increase. You can earn money by posting in this forum. So to be successful by earning by posting in this forum, we have to post on important topic. Moreover, you have to make sure that the post is not wrong. If there is a mistake in the post then that post will not be usefull and then yobit will not count it. If you make a grammar mistake in your post, it will not be useful and then your reputation will decrease. So your reputation has not increased because your post is wrong.
  21. I would like to give advice to those who give the same reply while working on this forum. Posting on this forum is the main job. If we want to be successful by earning money by working in this forum, then we have to post usefull. If you don't post useful, yobit won't count it. And if we give the same reply again and again on a topic, then our post will not be useful and then our reputation will be reduced. We will not be able to be successful by working in this forum if the reputation is low. So we will refrain from giving the same reply, then we can be successful by working in this forum.
  22. Yes, I will search for a good topic before posting and post later. Because when I post on a topic, I have to post the same topic again and again. And if I post on the same topic again and again, my reputation will decrease. So we should search the topic and post later. Posting a new topic will increase our reputation. So you have to be successful by posting on a new topic.
  23. Yes, you are right. I agree with you too. If you want to be successful by working in this forum, we need to be serious about any matter. Because if you work seriously, I can easily be successful. Many people get tired while working. Then we need to be serious. Then we can be successful by working in this forum.
  24. I heard about this forum from a friend of mine. At first I was not serious about this forum. But since I started working on this forum, I have become serious about working on this forum. Because I can earn money by working here as well as my study. I have been able to succeed by earning money by working in this forum for a short time.
  25. This cryptotalk is a very good forum from which we can easily earn money. So I want to give this cryptotalk 5 rate. Because through this forum we can earn money in just 3-4 hours sitting at home. Besides, I have become successful by earning money by working in this forum. So I am very happy to work in this forum. So I want to give full 5 rate to this cryptotalk.
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