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Everything posted by Tine0313

  1. We can show our support to Talk token by not just earning it here but also trading of talk token. The movement of the said coin is basically about the demand and supply of it. If we are only gaining it as payment we get form posting, i think is it not enough to keep the talk in the market.
  2. Before we start, let's define what is "DeFi" is, basically it is short term for “decentralized finance,” an umbrella term for a variety of financial applications in cryptocurrency or blockchain geared toward disrupting financial intermediaries. DeFi draws inspiration from blockchain, the technology behind the digital currency bitcoin, which allows several entities to hold a copy of a history of transactions, which means that it isn’t controlled by a single, central source. That’s important because centralized systems and human gatekeepers can limit the speed and sophistication of transactions while offering users less direct control over their money. DeFi is distinct because it expands the use of blockchain from simple value transfer to more complex financial use cases. So, here's the question. How can we earn with DeFi? When DeFi was launched there is a number of ways through which investor can earn. The main purpose of providing these platforms and products is to deliver liquidity in the DeFi space unlike CeFi, it is easy to get into. The products that DeFi provide for an investor to earn income are the following: 1. Yield farming - is staking cryptocurrencies in order to get a reward. This Defi product is similar to the bank deposit or fixed-term deposit on which you earn interest. Instead of just holding cryptocurrency stake it to earn interest over them. Not only you can generate income from the already held crypto but also yield farmers borrow crypto from others and earn income over them. This is very profitable when the interest rate favors the borrower. The main purpose behind Defi yield farming is that individuals can earn tokens in exchange for using DeFi application. It is also known as liquidity mining. Yield farming enables you to earn tokens on investment and then you can put these tokens to liquidity pools to earn rewards in there. The return that a yield farmer can earn are capital growth which can be an asset, fees, and reward; token rewards and transaction fees. 2. Liquidity Mining - it means that to join a network participation strategy in which an investor provides capital to a protocol in return investors receive tokens. The different token is provided by different protocols. It is also the 2nd step of yield farming. After receiving the token you can invest them in the liquidity pool by an Automated Market Maker (AMM). Once you identified the liquidity mining pools that accept your specific tokens, then stake your token in order to get incentives from it. Liquidity pools provide you with a better yield in the money market. However, the risk is greater in liquidity pools but it provides greater reward. The decentralized financial technology is innovating itself to a more efficient and effective automation. Bear in mind that there are a lot of risk underneath it. Avoid unaudited protocol and don’t invest a large amount of money and do some intensive research first and scrutinize each information on the protocol before investing in it.
  3. Locking the topic is basically because the topic is already answered or old i guess? However it does not matter if a topic is locked since we can still viw it and read the contents there though we cannot join the discussion at least we can still gain a knowledge there.
  4. Memebers with multiple accounts should be banned here, we all know what they are doing is against the rules and they are cheating in terms of receiving a lot of reputation while we other members who are working hard to earn it from somebody by posting quality and informative contents. it is unfair for all of us.
  5. i agree with you, most mobile apps will pay you a small amount and takes really a lot of time. i suggest try faucets because it is better than app since mobile app that pays is difficult to withdraw.
  6. This is the perfect app for me. This is good for me to be fit sine i am an overweight person and want to earn using my time. I will definitely use this app so i can extra coin and also encourage myself to do workouts.
  7. I agree with you if they will make app of cryptotalk it will have limited features and for me website is really good for all of us it can be access in your computer or even your phone, there is nothing really wrong about that.
  8. it is really frustrating to watch the movement of bitcoin whole day or even other coin, like it only cause you worrying more about how much profit you will get earn. Let the bitcoin move on its way it will lessen the worriedness you might feel.
  9. in trading you should not be driven by your emotions. Yes prices of altcoins cannot be predicted and if it is going really down people do not want lose crypto but they ended up losing it anyway. We should be patient when we are trading so that the rate of loses in trading is not that high.
  10. I agree with you, panic selling of crypto is not good for us because sometimes we lose the money along the way and we cannot guarantee if movement of crypto will be up or dump. It is more way good to wait until price is really profitable.
  11. Rules mentioned above really help me a lot. In my one year of being a member of this forum, i only received 2 warning points from moderators and admins. It is our responsibility to be a good member here so we can keep contributing in the forum and also keeping it clean and neutral for everybody.
  12. Fore me faucet is not a good way of earning bitcoin, It takes time and effort before you ca earn bitcoin and they only pay you small amount. Not a good profit for me. I will rather choose to invest small capital to be trade on unlike in faucet that requires a lot of time to earn small amount of profit.
  13. I think it is hard to create a topic for a beginner since this forum tackled a lot of topics this days. Even I, i still find posting a topic is a hard past of this forum but once i make topics, i make sure it is really worth it to be publish here. Give them time to grow here.
  14. Yeah we cannot obliged other person to use it in a good way but we has a freedom to choose what we want to make or buy using our cryptocurrency. Also i read a lot of posts about bitcoin and they are discussing the pros and cons of it. It is not prohibited maybe it is moved on other section just try browsing the forum.
  15. Yes choosing a good topic to be reply on is really good choice so we can share out thoughts and experiences in in that topic, we have different experiences so it can be help to elaborate the said topics. No matter if the topic has many replies or not as long as we can relate on that topic it is good.
  16. In my country cryptocurrency is not really known by people, most of them has wrong information understanding crypto especially the old one, so it is really hard to use cryptocurrency for developing the economy here. i guess government should try to educate its constituents about crypto so it could be a great help to work on economy.
  17. i agree with you mate, people fear cryoptocurrency because they are lack of knowledge about how crypto works especially the people who illiterate in modern technologies. Most countries still afraid of try this currency driven by technology.
  18. i agree with you, in fiat currency which is known all over the world have more scammers id we are basing scammers in their known currency unlike in cryptocurrency which is not known by most people all over the world. Fraud is happening everyday outside of internet world.
  19. Yes those are good crypto coin for everyday trading, movements of these coins is really good. But as as trader who started trading recently, i doubt trading other coins except xrp. i hope i can discover more good coins to be trade of.
  20. I recently start my crypto trading and i only trade the basics like eth and xrp, i never try to hold any other coin i want to start on the basics. Hope i avoid trading worst coin in the near future.
  21. Trading is really profitable for those who have basic knowledge on how to trade, sometimes people tend to say it is just a waste of time because they are doing it wrong and ended up losing their money. So if you are willing to earn in trading, then invest time to fully understand the process of trading.
  22. i personally got the wrong idea about bitcoin when i first heard the word bitcoin, what i knew that time was bitcoin was used in illegal transactions not until i joined here in the forum. It changed my perspective about crypto and it help me in seeking and gaining knowledge. Now i am educating my friends and relatives about crypto.
  23. It is okay if we miss posting here in a day because we have work to do in reality. I think visiting this forum some times when we have free time is okay as long as we can contribute good and informative posts here. I personally making this forum as my hobby in posting my thoughts about certain topics if i have free time since i am a student.
  24. Yes you are right, i oftentimes see now a spammers and they are posting short sentences and they are posting not really explained so i giving them negative reactions and i think they need to be educated on rules here.
  25. Earning free by the means of crypto is really profitable, some pays good and some are not. It is always good to seek knowledge on how it works so you will know how much time you need to invest and how much effort you need to do. You need to know if working in certain things will give you a good profit or not.
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