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Everything posted by alkaesar109

  1. Dear, one of the most important things that we must look at is knowledge. We must respect knowledge within the forum, and we must search for knowledge anywhere in knowledge in anything that is the basis of learning and the foundations of success. That success is generally linked to learning. When you learn well, we stand well. We take you well hear from the forum Thank you very much.
  2. Hello dear, this topic is good, so it seems to me that to enter we must invest first, then this investment that you made and will earn the percentage, and we must ask a person with more experience. Thank you very much
  3. Hello my friend, thank you for this post. It helps to avoid fraud and fraud because this problem faces most of the members because there are many illegal site that offer special offers, but I will try to avoid fraudsters now the bravest is deceiving us and we must be careful of this fraudulent site and thank you
  4. Hello dear, I do not have experience of banning in this forum now that I am already banned from the platform and they think that they are not where they made any mistake and there were no violations of the rules on his part. Thank you very much
  5. Hello my friend, yes, to the forum and work hard from that, you will get the goal you want. It is not easy. You will not feel it when you are good, but with the passage of time we will know about it and thank you very much
  6. Hello dear, of course, this will be useful when buying weak coins that are sold when they are strong, so do research and study before investing or selling. Thank you very much.
  7. Hello my friend, it seems to me that no one is wondering how to find your topics, so we have to enter the activities and then click on the activities started and most of us will really help in achieving our topics. Thank you.
  8. Hello dear, you can present unique content and get a good reputation through unique information and we must always conduct your research because there is always new in cryptocurrencies unique news and thank you very much
  9. Hello my friend, knowledge is strong and it is important to acquire it. The goal of being in this forum will make a profit in cryptocurrencies. Many of us entered this forum as a beginner, but with the time I spent here things became clearer to me and you need to communicate with people and they will be successful and thank you
  10. Hello my friend, I do not have experience in trading and I would have thought that this is the best way to diagnose cryptocurrencies and I would like to contribute to the investment. I also joined investment sites, but I find it a scam currency and leave it and thank you
  11. Hello dear, I agree with you that some members who have a lot of complaints have more knowledge and study, and this forum is the appropriate place for these questions and to help some. Thank you very much
  12. Hello my friend, you must first focus on reading the rules in order to have an idea about what you can do in order to stay in this forum and not receive any warning points or ban it and the last step is to post a post what you know and thank you
  13. Hello my friend. Yes, this is true. Bitcoin takes us out of the world of poverty and the whole world of cryptocurrencies and the most important thing for gaining money and knowledge via the Internet. Thank you very much.
  14. Hello my friend. Fraudsters are everywhere. They are expanding in the occupation of cryptocurrencies because they are on the Internet. We must stay away from spam. Thank you.
  15. Hello dear, I agree with you that the beginners section is the training section. Every beginner must learn and understand the work in this forum in order not to make mistakes in his participation in the future. Thank you.
  16. Hello my friend, the beginners foundation, we must ignore the rules and adhere to them in order to gain money and experience. All beginners must first post 100 comments and 100 characters without paying. Thank you.
  17. Dear, I am a beginner and there are many advantages the platform will gain knowledge about cryptocurrencies and you can also go through other experiments and this helps you in improving the skill of writing the content and you can help yourself in order to be financially stable and you can also earn the currency. Thank you
  18. Hello my friend, this is correct, but I think that the best way to get a good reputation should always be to encourage the large number in order to do a better job for the sake of its publications. Important and useful topics must be found, so it is important to create useful posts in order to give people a good reputation and thank you
  19. Hello my friend, it is very easy. I have investigated the file of the person who is being banned in the forum, but I confirm that the violation of the rules is what leads to mistakes and from that to the ban, so all members must abide by the rules in order to preserve their accounts and thank you
  20. My friend actually I'm initially I'm trying to collect information and adequate experience and spend about 5 hours a day and I think that over time I will be faster whenever you gain experience to be good in my work and takes it
  21. Dear of course, with regard to risk, you can risk, but there is a response in the world of cryptocurrencies, especially in trading, and I am afraid of losing money and I am careful in what I do and you can change your life in profits and loss and gain money and lose more if he endures losing this same logic and thank you
  22. Hello my friend, your words are correct, and because the experience would come after mistakes and be corrected by others as an expert, this means that the experts explain it well and understand all of the members as they help the person who has a problem in solving it
  23. Hello my friend, I agree with you. Knowledge is more important than money. We must learn first in order to gain experience. The most important money is in order to achieve success in any work we do, and thus we earn money. Thank you.
  24. Hello my friend, of course we must give the reputation to the members if it is worth it. This is why I give a reputation and we will notice a decrease in the number of interactions with members due to the fact that a large number of people give a reputation for money and we need to find a way that can help us grow in this forum and thank you
  25. Hello my friend, we must comment on topics that you have no idea about, and if you do not understand the post, we must do that in order to gain access to the old publications, and we must submit to the publication so that you can work in this forum for the demands without any problems
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