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The Game

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Everything posted by The Game

  1. These forum have proven to be the best and have also proved some people wrong who have thoughts in it at first, actually is not easy here from the start but along the line everything keep on becoming very easy with a lot of benefits from the forum which gives us joy and excitement whenever we logged in to work.
  2. The first qualities of a good member is to follow the rules and regulation of the forum and treat every members the same, moreover creation of a good quality post and sharing of useful information are among our basic reasons here so is expected of every good member to participate on just for the betterment of the forum.
  3. Actually yes and am in support of these content because if you look at each section today you would have almost comment on 6 to 7 pages there, we should all try and create something different from the previous one and give freedom to our newbies who are still learning from us.
  4. Well said mate and to be sincere any member trying to embark on investment without proper knowledge i think is just preparing to lose some funds because it will not yield good results at last everything will be total waste of time.
  5. You are 100% right and I agree you, actually before joining these forum i don't have much knowledge about crypto currency, but when I join here as a newbie here i started to understand some basic features that is beneficial to me as well as other member too. Finally cryptotalk is the best platform with many opportunities and no any member will regret why he is here.
  6. Yes these is a very encouraging content that will bring a lot of progress to the forum and will give confidence and self motivation to some members to create unique topics that will be useful to other members who are not confident enough to create new topics.
  7. These forum is very important to me because am a student who have benefited a lot from these forum both in term of earning bitcoin as well as getting some useful information about crypto currency. As a student is a best way for you to be earning extra income as you work here on daily basis and I hope these campaign should last long.
  8. Risk taking is always a key role when embarking in trading and as a matter of fact risk taking always determined the final out come of every successful trading, because in trading no one is 100% rather a 50-50 percent chance of succeeding as well as losing. So in my own opinion i will advice us to take the risk 100% and if we succeed we will be happy and when we lose we will learn from the previous one.
  9. Scammers are becoming part of our problems these days in cryptoworld and we should all becareful with how we handle our login information because these scammers are waiting for a little mistake and capitalise on our account without hesitation, so let all try and avoid them at all cost.
  10. The world of crypto currency is really changing on daily basis and is adapting in various forms of payments, however crypto currency cannot replace fiat currency for now as it stands but is trying in different ways to make sure people believe that is real and not a scam project as well. But we hope in nearer future crypto currency should overtake fiat currency when every government of every country adopt it into there system of government.
  11. To my own personal opinion I think every time is the best time to trade having it in mind that you already know the market strategy and how it operate in digital market, which means you can make money on daily basis by buying and selling.
  12. These is a very good content which talks a lot about bitcoin and fiat currency but in my own opinion these content is 50-50 chance of bitcoin replacing dollars in America, because this country is very large and it will take a lot of time in the future for that to happen. Although most of the citizen of these country are investing heavily on bitcoin which means in the nearest future bitcoin will create the difference.
  13. These is a very useful information that will be beneficial to the members, most especially the newbies who recently joined, moreover every newbie must understand that the very first 100 post is essential in the forum which is why they must work hard and try by all means to complete the first step and continue with the daily task before they start earning.
  14. Well you are right and I think that is your choice which is why you prefer the practical aspect but to sincere you have to get knowledge of the practical through theoretical aspect, before putting it into consideration which is why I lay emphasis on these aspect at first saying theory first and practical next.
  15. You see mate this spammers are not promoting the forum at all rather promoting plagiarism, whenever you come across a post that is spam, open the topic you wish to report and click on the flag icon and select spam and press the submit report and it will be successfully deleted in few minutes after submission to the admins, with these step I hope you will find it very easy.
  16. You are right mate and I fully agree with you because the forum is very important to us and it played a major role in developing crypto currency as a whole. In conclusions crypto currency is the future and with the help of cryptotalk I think the world is coming to know more about bitcoin and other currency as well.
  17. In the aspect of trading a member have to understand different market strategy and the most valuable coins that attract many investor, which is why you have to make series of research and ask several questions from our seniors members who have many experienced here. In conclusion I don't think there is any particular time to trade rather any time you have capital you can make your trade successfully.
  18. You are right and there are many members who are not interested in creating a topic rather commenting on existing post, moreover it will be adviceable if we create new topics that will benefit the forum and also create room for the newbies to find latest post which is not less than a month.
  19. You are right mate and to be sincere everything we do here must all be clean and well justify just to promote unity among ourselves and give our very best to the forum, so in my own opinion I will suggest that we understand a post well before giving reputation because is not easy for a member to construct a good post and later end up with negative reputation which is bad. So let all be honest with each other in term of giving reputation.
  20. Well said mate and in addition i think these is part of our major reasons why we are here just to see how crypto currency is making a serious impact in the world and announcing itself to future by making a clear difference with our formal form of currency.
  21. Wow these is quiet interesting content and I must confess that these is the best post I have come across today, to be sincere it will be a good idea and it will bring about more development as well as enabling the senior members here to create new topics instead of making double comment on a single post.
  22. The domination of crypto currency is because of the anonymous features that is offer to it user despite been decentralized many user are trooping in the world of crypto with many aims and actually it all working out because we are experiencing how the price of bitcoin is increasing on daily basis which is giving some user confidence to make investment without thoughts.
  23. These is a good observation mate, In choosing a legit wallet that is well recommended you have to make your own research and ask questions from our senior member here who will give you clue about the best and well recognize wallet that is well secured. Well in my own opinion I will recommend coinbase and yobit as an option to you.
  24. Difficulties are part of our journey in life because nothing good comes easy which is why we must all face difficulties in one way or the other, actually yes when I join these forum I face different kind of difficulties, but with the involvement of hardwork, patience and time commitment everything later become an experience here. Finally I will advice the newbies to keep it on working hard and never give up.
  25. No you are not in trouble and these is a normal thing actually, we are all here for two major things which involve earning and getting of useful information about crypto currencies, however anything we are doing here must be strictly careful, so that we don't end up doing mistakes that will lead us to warning point.
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