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Everything posted by CoinFree

  1. We all have pessimistic thoughts when we see prices fall, but when you make a smart purchase and everything returns to normal, you appreciate it.
  2. We would have to ask satoshi nakamoto himself! I actually think that bitcoin has done a great job even being something bigger than what was proposed
  3. Do you think it is a good idea? is something that sounds potentially interesting
  4. I would go back to buy all the cryptos that had incredible growth and that I just let go and regret it
  5. Coin Gecko has always been a great place to find and compare data on emerging and established cryptocurrencies and this year it wasn't wrong either.
  6. There are really many currencies but I see Solana's project and link with great potential
  7. Potential as long as they demonstrate how they have back their assets. Although USDT is really the quintessential stablecoin, it has been through rumors that they are not transparent enough
  8. There are more and more uses of cryptocurrencies and bitcoin that in reality this topic is very extensive. In my case, I usually use it as an investment and savings method to sell when it goes up and make a profit and buy again at a lower point
  9. Responsibility and vision to successfully face any risk situation that may arise in the event of possible events
  10. Although there are many mistakes, most of the time the predictions help us to be alert to possible scenaries
  11. When you have good capital, buying bitcoin as an investment is something to consider and it will never be a waste
  12. There are many projects but to date I am inclined towards Solana and LINK because they are very well represented
  13. Not me, but I do know that there are hundreds of places where they admit it. I particularly do not like to spend my bitcoin because of the commissions issue and because also, I prefer to save them and not spend them
  14. You just have to be careful and study very well in each project that you dare to follow
  15. A simple sight seems but in reality it is a world full of possibilities
  16. When you have nothing to do, no capital to trade or scalping it is good to familiarize yourself with the currencies
  17. Eventually everything returns to normal, you just have to always take precautions
  18. I reinvest in other cryptos to be able to obtain more profits
  19. The rise in alcohol is the perfect time to make a good profit, both in tranding and in hold coins. Do not forget to put your stops
  20. It doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes some abnormality happens haha
  21. You learn it over time, perhaps scaping knowing the market very well
  22. 500,000 dollars at least haha, a million dollars seems too much
  23. Although there were probably platforms based solely on this service before binance's P2P trading is opening doors to users from hundreds of countries to help your savings not only be savings but rather a future investment. It depends on the circumstances, although I am sure that investing your money in crypto is never a mistake
  24. Always, every year we dream of that event. Eventually, one day we'll wake up to the big news
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