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Faisal khan686

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Everything posted by Faisal khan686

  1. You have asked a great question, but I have not invested in the box yet because I have no idea about it, I have recently joined cryptocurrency, I only know about cryptocurrency. Wherever you want to invest, first you know about that system or not, if you are sure that you will get an idea, then it is best that you invest there so that you can later
  2. You have asked a great question, if someone does not understand a post with any comment, then he may have to comment on someone else, why not? You can also read in one place Because when you get the idea of what I have to write, then you can comfortably do whatever you want to comment your ID today, you will not have to face any difficulty and other thing if you have any doubt about it then you
  3. Cryptocurrency is a great platform that you have asked a great question. Everyone here can ask for a common question. If I want to join cryptocurrency, then follow the regulations everyday so that you do not get harmed and cryptocurrency And this is a great opportunity for those students and those students That he could target his pride lottery his secretary now everything here and start his first step from here.
  4. You have asked very very good question that stop vesting your time means that if you do not take interest in anything in your study or in cryptocurrency then it is harmful for you. If you do not have interest in something, then there is harm in you, you people are with you, so it is important that you start interest in something that benefits So that you can achieve your target .
  5. This is a big issue because if you give them a warning point The first warning phone does not make such a big issue, but if you have 1 point per second, it means that you will not be able to work for 7 days and therefore it is important that you follow the worship regulations so that you will benefit if you light up And whatever you want to comment, you bought a positive point of view those comments are favorable for you.
  6. Cryptocurrency is a great platform because even if you are in Revolution no here, you can make money by using it there too, and it is a best platform for Student especially when people provide a lot of opportunities for those who For this you have to follow Rules and Regulations so that you can do your work well .Everyone has rules and regulations from management or whatever company so that everyone is given another opportunity and everyone can work according to the regulations every day and their ranking will rise further.
  7. You can use Crypto currency on Android mobile, you will have to package of the Internet. After that, now if you have to join cryptocurrency, then see the guidelines from the person who is your senior, how do I follow the methods that I can join If you do not follow the regulations daily, it means that your account will be closed, so it is important to follow the rules so that you can benefit from it.
  8. Exactly, you have asked a very good question, you are such a great security for your life and for your wealth .You are a great management system, a great system through which your life Which can turn the moments of your life into happiness because it makes your life a secure .For all these, you have to follow them in the Rules and Regulations and Management File System so that you can get into this thing.
  9. My first advice is that whatever you want to comment or whatever work you have to do, keep a positive mind set. When you have a positive mind set, you can comfortably achieve anything else that your goal is the target of the answer, so it is necessary. When you were making a Mindset, I have to do one thing as easily as you can where it is difficult.
  10. The more reputations you get, the more you have the benefit and the more you comment on the more topics, the more it is your benefit, but for everyone you have to do everything by following the regular senses if you do not follow the rules now. So it is important to work according to the rules and regulations
  11. You have asked a very good question. I think if you make someone again and again in the follower it is beneficial for you because it will increase your reputations and secondly, the regulation you have to get is to meet the positive point of U so But for all this you have to follow Rules and Regulations. According to rule and Regulations, if you do any work, then you can get that thing comfortably
  12. You.asked best questions within myself, who is more expert, in my heart, who has spent the most time in my opinion but here, they will have an idea about what is the rules regulations and how much time will have to be given so that we can give our work Why those who have spent the most time here will know how to run with a system
  13. You have asked a very good question about Google Translator because most of the students who have a little bit of link English, they can not even enjoy it. Google Translator uses it so that it does not benefit them. I will tell you that if you have to do your English song or you want to be something in front of you, come to your future. If you are free from the English point of English, then use a hungry translator because Google Translate is now as a king teacher
  14. That everyone first takes information about anything before joining anything. I have also got information before my friend about it, then after that I have joined because nowadays everyone knows if When I heard from my friend that there is another running system like this, I loved it and after joining it I found the best platform because here the rules and Regulation and Opportunity given to achieved target
  15. abosulty you have asked Best questions and you provide unique information it's is best fourm because it's provide opportunity those people who want to success in life but needs some support ۔in my opinion crypto talk is help to everyone who joined its
  16. abosulty you have asked Best questions if you follow The rules and regulations then you success and happiness if you have post or comments unique and creative abosulty you Gain positive reputation so best of luck and follow The rules and regulations
  17. you have asked Best questions i my opinion crypto currency is best fourm to secure our life and achaieved a target because nows a days mostly fincialy weak i prefer every one come here and join its۔its important for you it's so easy and every one understands easily
  18. We have asked a very good question. In My Opinion Crypto currency Bitcoin n is the best platform because here you can earn money as well as knowledge. It is difficult for anyone outside and it is very much for those who are financially So it is important to invite your friend so that he can also join so that he also has a problem, he has an issue, he becomes a solve
  19. You have asked a great question if someone is giving you a bad reputation it means there is a mismatch in your sentence or there is a mistake in your proper English which you are writing, so it is giving you negative reputations, so it is better Therefore it is important to comment by following rules regulations so that your time is not wasted.
  20. You have asked a very good question, there is some new number, they do not have an idea, they comment on the topic that comes to the topic, they do not have that commerce account, it is better that you understand that making a comment on repeat comment topics is beneficial Understand and comment
  21. You have asked a very good question 50 reputations to be given, what kind of comments to give in my opinion in the comments to which you have to give reputations, it is to see that its sentence is correct or not, their planet is not a mismatch in the mind and that they are commenting the job to be positive that the negative point
  22. You have asked a very good question. In these, Opinion cryptocurrency is a great platform because if you are investment here, it is your benefit because here they have different kind of The package on which they are free for special students. Actually student finance is also in weak, so we have been told that if you keep making 20 comments, you will get so much money.
  23. You have asked a great question that how can we become a good contributor in this fourm Now in my opinion if you have any junior member, forward them on information or guide them and or help them, then you are the best because when you Therefore, it is necessary that all the members who have any issue or any other issue or need any guidelines, you help because when you help, it will do that and when it is the best platform and people here help each other.
  24. His best question is to asked it is a coronavirus that has caused many people are effect school college university every day effect And it is very difficult for the government to take a decision because the whole country has to run. I hope this year is better Because what kind of virus it has not yet vaccinated
  25. You have asked your best question if you do crypto currency even for 1 day, then what will happen to me, the frock you have made in my opinion will be disturbed, after that the ideas that you have, which will be disturbed by the question will be understood. This will hurt you a lot, so it is important that you do not it now and you perform here So that you get the idea, comment,
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