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Everything posted by chiroma1

  1. I think that going long-term is more risky than going short term because when you go short term, you can easily extract your capital when you observe that there is a down fall in the value of cryptocurrencies.
  2. In terms of investment as well as trading I will choose the Bitcoin cryptocurrency but in terms of storage and stability I will choose the stablecoin the decision I make depends on the situation that I am in.
  3. I think that I am among one of the many people who this topic was created for because I am a prospective professional trader in the world of cryptocurrencies and I need these types of post which will guide me to make the best decisions.
  4. There is no minimum or maximum amount of cryptocurrency that someone needs before they can start trading in the world of cryptocurrency all you need is just to have a capital and start your trading
  5. I think that the best way to introduce cryptocurrency to new members is to show them proves of how cryptocurrency helps to ease transactions and how cryptocurrency can be used in any part of the world without converting from one Fiat currency to another type.
  6. I hope that cryptocurrency is being seen for the good thing that it does to the lives of people so that every country in the world is going to accept it because it really help to ease the lives of a lot of people
  7. This shouldn't be a problem because I believe that if you use a genuine platform where bitcoin is being sold like a genuine wallet or exchange site then all you have to do is to transfer your Fiat currency there then use it to buy Bitcoin cryptocurrency.
  8. In the next 10 years I expect that this forum is going to be the bedrock and backbone to all the new members who want to enter the world of cryptocurrencies because this forum is growing big everyday due to what it offers people.
  9. The value of Bitcoin cryptocurrency is all down to the amount of the demand and supply and it may be that the amount of demand is greater than that of the supply that is why the value is growing.
  10. I have been in this forum for quite a while now and I am very lucky to be here because I get the chance to learn things about cryptocurrencies everyday and this is all thanks to my friend who introduced me to this forum
  11. This is a very good advice and I hope that members in the forum will try and work with this because even the great business tycoon Warren Buffett says that do not ideal to put all of your eggs into one basket.
  12. thank you so much for listing and explaining what is expected of every member in this forum to do everyday this will help to develop the forum to become better
  13. I think that to convert the usdt to other cryptocurrencies all you just have to do is to go to the trading section of the yobit exchange platform then choose the cryptocurrency you want to use for conversion.
  14. To change money to talk token it's not a big deal all you have to do is to use your money to buy a cryptocurrency then you will then convert that cryptocurrency to talk token.
  15. Everyday I utilise the opportunity that this forum provides for me to improve my knowledge about the world of cryptocurrency and right now I have known the meaning of kyc and what it implies.
  16. If you are here to improve your knowledge about the world of cryptocurrencies then stopping of the bonus will not stop you from working well but if you are here for only the Bitcoin then surely the bonus will affect the way you work.
  17. Hello sir thank you very much for creating this topic becausemembers need to be aware that there are more than 3 sections in this forum and all these other sections also help to improve someone's knowledge about cryptocurrencies.
  18. You are right it is a challenge to all the members in this forum to ensure that this token that is being introduced should maintain its value and the best way to do that is by using it to do investments.
  19. I am avoiding the creation of my own topics because I am still a new member I don't have that type of confidence yet also I do not want to receive warning points for creating a wrong topic.
  20. This should be the main aim of every member in this forum. We have been getting alot of priceless benefits from this forum and we need to give something back in return and that is to atleast abide by the rules and regulations.
  21. These things really makes someone to feel depressed because when you put in your best for something and it is not appreciated, then you must feel that way. But someone just has to improve if such kind of thing happens.
  22. New topics are not getting much attention because many members are afraid it that may get removed in the future from the forum because it is not up to the standard required and this may lead to them losing their post.
  23. Yes I think it is very possible for you to withdraw to your local bank account all you have to do is to transfer your earnings from the exchange platform to a reliable and trusted wallet which supports your bank account after transferring it here then you can simply move it to the bank account of your choice
  24. I will choose to invest in the house instead of to invest in cryptocurrencies because to be honest my mind will be at rest if I wake up everyday and I'm able to see my investment safe and sound unlike in cryptocurrencies that I may get hacked
  25. You are right now we need to make the most of the knowledge that we get from this world of cryptocurrencies and also making the most means that we should use it to get as much profit as possible but that doesn't mean that it should be the only purpose of the knowledge we should also use it to help others as well.
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