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Shuvo Mia

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Everything posted by Shuvo Mia

  1. Maximum are fruad. Some app are available where you can earn bitcoin. So before waste your time think and research more. Then you will able to get good apps. Your time don't gonna waste. Good luck. Have a nice day.
  2. Brother Don't be afraid. If you seen your post done twice. Edit and delete the one.If you don’t delete or remove. Admin thought may be this is scam. And may be banned your account. So be careful about this. Thank you.
  3. Take time to create a post. Think about what you are writing. Make a plan them write. Try to decorate nicely. Try to make your topic unique. Lots of information should be added. Hopefully you will able to do better. Best of luck.
  4. Don't worry about that i am also facing this problem. Lots of people here facing this issue. This may be solve so soon Be patient and wait this gonna be solve.Don't so upset and afraid. Have a nice day everyone. Thanks you.
  5. I Don't think so rank name is important issue. This is a very silly matter. Whatever rank name is. I haven’t any problem with that.If changes or not changes i have no interest about this. But if you guys want the changes then gonna happen may be.
  6. Yes. Of course. Bonus will inspire everyone. It's inspire automatically. Now a days i don't even get reaction more 2-5 react i got Daily. My income here decreases day by day. This is so much sad for me. Have a nice day everyone.
  7. Who get maximum reaction or his post. Admin have to reward him. That's will inspire everyone working here. Reward work like inspiration or motivation. So moderator should have to do this. That's gonna be awesome.
  8. This is literary sad to know about some people is so much lazy. Then even copy topic sentence. Or which post already posted they post again. In this cause if we comments on that post that's getting deleted. Why you guys doing this. Please try to give your own idea here
  9. Yes of course. People’s will be interest to create yobit account by inspire from this forum. Because lots of benefits in yobit. Ans from exchange money this is so much needed. So normally people will come to yobit. In this forum we talk about good things of yobit.
  10. I don’t thinks so there are need any kind of application to protect your mobile phone. I use different brands of mobile from 2014. Till now i didn’t any apps for security of mobile. My mobile automatically runs smooth and that's is fine.
  11. I can suggest you a survey apps. But their payment system is in TNC. If you convert this then you can try this. Real research is the survey application. In Daily or 2-3 days later they give s survey. You just have to share your opinion on that. That’s it. 2-5 minutes is enough for doing this. But payment rate is not so much high. Only 5 to 10 TNC you will get from this.
  12. There are lots of application all over the internet. Most of them are fake. You just install then you can see nothing is here. In my opinion Binance is so good for exchange money or trade. So you can try this out. Hopefully you will like it.
  13. Sell and buy is one so much easy in online. We can order easily and home delivery also available. This is the advantage of internet which is so much benefit for us. We can buy and sell bitcoin, exchange money etc.
  14. I learn a lots of things from this site. Before entering on this world i don't have any idea about crypto currency, And so many others platform. There are lots forum with lots of information. This is best opportunity here.
  15. This is so much hard to listen. Sometimes my good posts also get deleted. This is so much sad. Even my topic also get delete. I have to do more better. May be i have lacking that's why got deleted. I try my level best to do better.
  16. This is so much sad. Why that happened with you. This is totally unfair. And same type things happen with me that is my create post automatically got deleted. But my post was information full and as far i think that was good also.
  17. There are lots of post in crypto because everyone just focus to earn money. That's why they just give post because it’s not take time rather than create a topic. I think we should have to focus on the creation of new topics. This is so much need here. Day by day quality of this site getting down because of less new topic
  18. Captcha is good. But as far i know this takes more time get money. And payment is not so good. But this site is trusted and good. You can start working there if you want. You just have to work hard on captcha project that's it.
  19. Greed will take you in the down always. If you can't control greed then you will damage and lost your everything. So first think is to be patient and control yourself. Control your greedy emotions then you will able to do better in your life.
  20. You write down some good points which is really good for new comers here. They have to maintain all of these to keep Secure his or her account. This is some rules and regulations. More rules also here. Don't break rules. If anyone’s break then get banned.
  21. This depends on how much you conscious or careful about security. If they hack then they will able to stole your money. Otherwise they can't. So make sure your own security by yourself. So that they can't hack your account.
  22. This is possible. But this will may harmful for your pc. So careful about that. If you have Normal pc then you do Mining relax. If you have high configuration pc. Then before starts think about this twice. Good luck. Have a nice day.
  23. I totally agree with your points. If we doing cheating here then there is so difference between a scammers and us. So please every work here with passion. Try to give some input here. Unique idea, information full post that's all about.
  24. You put down some good points here. This is so much necessary and need for these forum. This is our site. We work here. So we have to make this site well decorate and good information full as much as possible. We have to focus more on that.
  25. Two factor authentication is so much good. And the most secure. This will always kept your account more safe. This is mostly and highly secure. If crypto wants they also add these feature on this website. That's gonna be awesome.
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