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Everything posted by Jimmy26

  1. Every people in this campaign they are trying their best to make themselves more improve in the cruel so that their contents will be more effective and valuable whenever any new members or other members are seeing it they will get some more benefits and knowledge from your contents so we should not criticize on any content because it's take so much of effort and hard work to make the contents valuable and helpful for each and every people so we should appreciate them and give them some motivation so that they will give more hard work to their contents.
  2. Yes you are right but I think it's not compulsory to reply on each and every comments because meaning number of people's are giving reviews on the post so in my opinion choose the contents that will be more effective if you give some reply on those contacts that will be more better and easy for you you because wasting time on giving replies this is not good option you can use those time to make more unique contents that will be more beneficial for you you don't have to give you extra time for these things.
  3. I think every member will agree with me that cryptotalk is the best website ever they have gone threwbecause this campaign is not becoming a global platform people's from everywhere coming to this campaign and working with us together these things make us more comfortable and confident about ourselves because we're giving our views without any hesitations and also people's are getting more updates and knowledge from each other and this campaign is all about learning process how you are getting things and making yourself more capable to get more knowledge from the crypto world.
  4. It's a very important topic as well as valuable because every new beginner wants to invest their money in the trading but without having any knowledge they cannot go for the investment for them I want to say it's a time to learn something about cryptocurrency do that thing you doing much better because when you are going for in restaurants with some knowledge it will be much better to get some idea from the trading also if you go with the small investments with some suggestions from the people's that will be more effective as you can see in yourself.
  5. very important content you have given and it will be baby easy for everyone to understand the situations they are going through when they're getting fear or panic they can easily overcome those situations is there are already accepted that things and make themselves prepare for the situations coming in the crypto world if you are going for the investment definitely you have to be make yourself enough knowledgeable and strong then only it is possible you will get some more experience without having any huge losses because every time the market will be go up and down you have to be perfect about investments.
  6. That's very good to see you are giving your way of working in this camping that's very good to see people star motivating every people from their work and one more thing I want to say everyone having their own strategy to be in this campaign for a longer period and everyone is working on it but for the new beginners I want to say the best way is go step-by-step to learn the things because now now is the time when you can learn so much of things and it will help you a lot in upcoming time.
  7. I am not having any idea to withdraw all our payment from yobit to PayPal but but one thing I can surely say if you are looking for the transactions on exchange of currencies then you have to be more conscious and careful while doing the things first you have to to exchange your bitcoins to the required currency you want from the trader section in the yobit wallet after buying the coins you have to to copy the address of the wallet in which you want to send your payment then put it in the withdrawal sectionvery shortly you will receive your payment on that wallet.
  8. To get some idea about the good coins you have to make yourself more comfortable and knowledgeable in the trading world and also you have to be to learn about the analyses of the graph then only you can recognise the situations and the current rate of the currencies that will give you some idea for the investments that would be perfect for you you and you don't have to face any difficulties while going for trading and many times people start having losses because of the lack of knowledge about trading and cryptocurrency so before going for investments first try to get the things in your mind that will be much better.
  9. The situation of the cryptocurrency changing so fast we cannot imagine now every platform is accepting cryptocurrency even they are welcoming this platform to join with them and get some partnership so that everyone can get money because cryptocurrency itself a global platform where people are getting more benefits and they are getting more attracted towards the crypto world and the time is coming when everyone should be familiar with the organisation that will be much better for everyone.
  10. I am not fully agree with you because many senior member are their they are getting good reputations even they are the top repetitions on the seasons winneralso if you go to the contents then you will find the importance of their presence because they are giving the experienced they have gone through in their contentsthat makes them and their contents more valuable and important in this campaign because we are getting so much of knowledge from their contents also it will be more easy to relate with them.
  11. That will be very good in people's will be family with each other because this campaign is all about learning and when you are giving your explanation and knowledge that you are saying to the other members and also you are getting knowledge and ideas from them it will be more beneficial for all of us I am saying this because when we're doing this things were improving ourselves also because forgiving good contents we should have to first take some research about it that will make us more knowledgeable in cryptocurrency.
  12. Maybe you have not faces the problems related to the reputations that's why you are saying like this we all have gone through the situation when people are taking revenge by giving bad reputation even without any reason that is the main thing people are trying to change the mindset other people's because everyone here is doing hard work to make the contents more valuable and it will help for every members then also if someone has giving bad reputation to take some revenge that's very motivating and we will try our best to change these things.
  13. When the market is suddenly going on high peak without indicating any indication that is known as Bull run and these are going on because of the manipulation of the investors they are suddenly increasing the price of the currencies so that everyone can start investing on this currency when they see that they have some profit then they will withdrawal their investments that time the market will be unbalanced and the market will crash suddenly if the people having some experience and knowledge then they can overcome the situation otherwise there is no way to overcome your losses.
  14. yes definitely that is more important before going for investments make sure that you have chosen the right place and you have distributed your money to to other platforms alsobecause giving your all the money in a single investments if not say good option maybe when the market goes down here to face many losses or if you have spread your investments on many platform it will be easy for you to operate the situation and to handle the the losses and maybe you will get more profit by this things and this things will only possible if you have some experience and knowledge that is the main important about investment.
  15. It's really very appreciating to seecontinents like these people are making so much of effort to give some idea knowledgeable people to each and every person and the content you are giving related to the cryptocurrency book it will going to help a lot of people they can easily get more ideas from the book and also this camping is very good platform to get all the things in a single website if you are making yourself more knowledgeable in this campaign that will be more good and it will be successful campaign.
  16. The market is now not in the good position because of the the virus all over the world we are seeingbut in my opinion very shortly the market will be stable and again it will grow I am saying this because cryptocurrency story based on the digitalizedso maybe very shortly again all the situations will be stable and we can again make profit also I want to see what other members are thinking and I want to thanks for giving this valuable content to this campaign.
  17. Yes there is difference in the counting of posts and this is all going because of the comments or content are deleted and if you want to to get over this things then you have to be make more valuable contents so that it will be counted and you don't have to face the deleted comments because it's very irritating and frustrated when you again going for contents to recover so better option do it once in a better way so that you don't have to recover again.also I want to see what other members are thinking that will be much better to explore this content.
  18. I have not having any experience in the faucet neither in the mining process that's why I won't want to take any risks to lost my money first I will take some research and lessons about these topics then I will take to start this things and as much as I know we cannot make more money from the faucet but in the krypt where there are many other things from where you can make money just you have to make yourself more confident and knowledgeable person in the crypto world then it will be more easy for you to get the things in your mind whenever you needed.
  19. I have also seen that many times when the Bitcoin price is going down all other currencies price is also goes down many times these situations occurs because in the trading worldevery time the market will be goes up and down you have to be make yourself strong enough to handle all the situations then only you can survive in the investment also you have to learn from your failure because it is not possible every time you will make profit but after getting failure take some lessons to improve yourself that is the main thing you have to do to improve your trading value.
  20. Both currencies are liquid currency but in digital currency there are some limitations and the control from the central government whether in cryptocurrency there is no limitations neither any central government has in authority to interact in your investment that is the main thing and difference between these currencies and mainly the digital currencies are the flat currencies we are having also I want to see what others members of thinking about this topic that will be much better to get some new idea from them.
  21. I am fully agree with you we should not go for investment by only hearing about any prediction from someone we should have faith on ourselves that will be much better and effective because not every time people will give you tips to invest your money drive from yourself to get the things so that when you are are going for investment without any tips you will get more ideas and opportunities to make yourself more strong and good enough how to handle situations even it is good or bad you will get experience that will be very effective when you are going for next trading.
  22. We are not having any option to use our cryptocurrency in local areas for our daily expenditures but I think in upcoming time it will be gone to be real then we can use our cryptocurrency in all areas because crypto world is not working to make people more towards them they are promoting cryptocurrency also they are giving huge profits to the members as much as they can so that people can be addicted to the crypto world as well as they can also get some profit and I have to say now cryptocurrency is going so well everyone wants to be a part of this platform.
  23. I want to take the risk and hold my investment for some time that will be better option and if market is not giving me positive signal then definitely I will sell it because I am not having so much of experience to get these things and analyse the situations and also I'm not ready to get losses because now I am having some profit and it's ok for me I will wait for sometime but definitely I will sell it if the market is not good position also I want to mention for the beginners if you don't have any idea about this things then take some suggestions that will be much better and exit from the market if you have any fear of losing your money at the exact time in the market is not in the good position.
  24. You have given all the important points that should be in this topic also it's very good to see people are now getting more into a cryptocurrency also they are giving their time to get the things that is very good also I have seen that many members have given the experience I want to see them because some of senior members have also said they are experienced and it is very important to get them because it is very relatable to the content you have given also I want to thanks for giving this topic.
  25. Sorry but I am not having any idea about the free coins available in the yobit wallet because the coins they're giving its value are too low it's take a longer period to collect them all to get some money that's why I am giving my time to get some knowledge about trading investment for me this is the better option because here I can make real money if I have some knowledge and experience it will work but for the new business I want to say don't be in rust get the things slowly it's not so bad thing and take some suggestions before going for investment also I want to see all the members don't waste your time to collecting freecoins use those time to get knowledge about trading.
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