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Everything posted by Jimmy26

  1. Every time the situations and the rates of the currencies are changing I am not having much experience and knowledge about the process why the rates are going down but as much as I know so when the price of the bitcoins is going down other currencies price will also going down this things I have noticed maybe I am wrong so I will prepare myself to go with other members views that will be much perfect to clear my doubts and even I can get more ideas from them.
  2. This may be possible because of the growth of the cryptocurrencies doing so well even how many platforms are now accepting bitcoins and cryptocurrency that is the very big thing for everyone and in upcoming time it will be more effective when cryptocurrency is going to be acceptable throughout the world then people will get more beneficial and relatable with the cryptocurrency and I think this is the best time to start learning about cryptocurrency that will give you more benefits in upcoming time.
  3. I am not having much experience in the trading but definitely I will make sure that after getting my profit I will stay away from the market because after getting bull run any time the market will be going to be crash so it will be much better for me if I stay away from the market because I'm not having much experience to deal with the situations even I can't overcome those losses experienced people's this things are very normal they are going through this things from many times and now they are habituated to get over these things.
  4. In the cryptocurrency everytime the situations are changing and after a long time we are not facing crisis and even many times the situations in the market is going so bad everyone having losses but there is nothing to do just one thing you can do that is overcome your losses and make yourself prepare for the next investments because in the cryptoworld every time the loss and profit is going on you have to prepare yourself for every situation coming towards you then only you can survive in this cryptocurrency.
  5. One thing you have to understand if you want to make yourself more success and richer then you have to take risk that is the only way you can be more richer and not only in the blockchain you have risk also in banks if you are investing there also having risk but in cryptocurrency you will make more money if you have enough knowledge and experience because when you are getting failure you are learning from those things and trying your best to not repeat those failures things that's make your investments more perfect that is the reasons people are making more money after getting a long losses.
  6. Many times these things are occurring in the market and in my opinion this done by the big investors they are manipulating the market price according to them they are putting the price up and down by the huge amount of investments and when the people are getting more into the investment they are suddenly take out the profit and left the market after this situations the market is going to be unstable and it will crash that is the main reasons people are getting so much of losses on those situations only experienced people can survive because they know very well this situations to handle.
  7. In my opinion maximum AirDrop websites are fake they are only waiting for the people's to get into them trap so for the members who arenot having much idea and experience about this things for them I want to saybefore going to any website or links makes your that you have done some research about those things that will be much better option if you have any doubts then first clear it then go ahead that is the only way you can save yourself from the scams and also you have to be take step from yourself then only you can change yourself to face those problems.
  8. If you want to to exchange your currencies with any other currency then you have to be first chose a safe wallet on any platform that will exchange your currency then from there you'll have to choose their currencies you want to change then after that you have to pay some exchange transaction fee after that you will eligible to change your currency before that makes you feel that you are checking the things carefully many times people are getting confused about the exchange of currencies and by mistake and they had chosen another currency so be careful otherwise you have to again pay fee.
  9. At least for the crypto talk members yobit wallet is the best wallet they are having their is a reason behind these we are getting bitcoins as payment and it is directly deposited on the wallet without having any problem we are getting payment on the daily basic not only do these things also so if we want then we can exchange I work with clients to any other currency available in the yobit wallet we have to pay some transaction fee also people are having a one advantage that they can start there trading from the yobit wallet.
  10. If anyone has brought bitcoins before 5 years then into this time he will be millionaire because of the rates Bitcoin having even people are getting richer from this things only they are investing their money in the right place that makes them richer in upcoming time but for these thing also you have to mix your that you have experience and knowledge because having this things you cannot invest your money in the right place because only seen the trend you cannot invest your money maybe the train will opposite go and you will have to face the losses so make sure that you are learning things then going for investment.
  11. I have nothing planned for the so long years but for sure I want that this camping will go for a longer period even after 10 years further so that in upcoming generation also exim benefits from this campaign because in this campaign not only we are earning bitcoins also we are getting so much of knowledgeable crypto world that's why I want others people can also get this benefits that will be much better for everyone because after coming in this campaign and they will definitely get familiar with the cryptocurrency that will be beneficial for them.
  12. You are right I am fully agree with you also I think everyone can make themselves more knowledgeable person if they have given themselves time then definitely they're going to learn more things because by learning only people are making themselves more experts and specific thing and we should also try our best to learn the things so that every sequence will be easy to handle even we can overcome the failures that is the main power of knowledge and we will learn from everything that will make us more confident and and perfect about our work.
  13. As I am a new beginner I don't have much experience and knowledge about the cryptocurrency that's why I have not choosen trading till now I want to give myself more time so that I can get more things about cryptocurrency as well as investment that will be much perfect for me whenever I'm going for investment I am see what about my knowledge and investments because trading is not a easy place you have to make yourself comfortable and strong enough to handle all the situations and the failures that's why I am learning things now.
  14. You have given all the important points related to this topic also you have given the right sentence and explanation everyone can easily get to your explanation but for the new beginners I want to say it's not going to be easy to get knowledge about cryptocurrency but in this camping you are having opportunity just focus on your work and be loyal to this campaign you can see in a few days only you are getting knowledge without doing anything and also you can see that you are changing improving yourself that make you more confident about your decisions.
  15. This type of topics should be taken seriously otherwise the scan process will not going to stop anytime every time the main target of them are new members because of the lack of knowledge they are having this is the main thing they're taking for advantage we should help each and every person and give them idea about this things that will be beneficial for them whenever they are in tribble they can help themselves because it's not possible every people's present their to help you.
  16. I am not having much idea about the other campaign but definitely I can say having experience in this campaign is the best thing I have ever gone through because before coming to this campaign I have no knowledge about these things but after joining here I am getting so much of knowledge about cryptocurrency that are the best thing for me because I am doing my work with loyalty and that makes me more perfect about my explanation I am giving to this campaign also I'm improving myself in such a way that in upcoming time it will help me a lot to get the things in easy way.
  17. Currently I am not in the stage to start affiliate marketing because it's a very huge thing for me now I am giving my full-time to this campaign to get all the possible things in my mind and I appreciate each and every people they are giving so much of huge knowledge and and always I'm getting new ideas and knowledge from them their contents help me a lot to get more ideas about cryptocurrency and very shortly I will go further things related to the cryptocurrency that will make me profit but what before going for those things I want to make myself prepared fully.
  18. If you want to make yourself a good trader then for that you have to be to work on yourself because trading is a place where in time the situations are changing for that reasons you have to make yourself comfortable and enough knowledge to handle situations and the main thing is you have to to take lessons from each and every thing related to the cryptocurrency that is the only way you can improve your knowledge and many times you have to face the failure from the investment don't be weak take those investments and failure as your lessons and makes your that you are not doing this things on next time.
  19. That's the main point you are taken and in my opinion without any struggle and hard work anyone cannot achieve their goals difficulties and problems they have to face during their path but that is the thing that will make them more stronger to face those thingsand when they're making themselves more stronger the part will be became more easy as you have said definitely people have to to make themselves enough knowledgeable and strong then only they can survive in the cryptocurrency because it's a place where every time that the situation changes and you'll have to be keep yourself according to that situation then only you can take some right decisions.
  20. As I seen not all sections will be counted for your daily payment that is the reasons people only choosing those section that will be paid and in my opinion the contents that are eligible for the paid version that's enough for everyone to get more knowledge about cryptocurrency if they are passionate about the trip to world indefinitely they will make this opportunity and grab all the knowledge as much as they can because it's a place of so much of knowledge you just have to accept all the things and start learning because this camping is not only for the payment purpose so it will be much better if you have joined try to learn about cryptocurrency.
  21. If you want to survive in this camp in for a longer period then you must have to follow the rules and regulations of this camping that age you have to make your content more valuable and useful tool for the campaign as well as the people because it will create your imagination power as well as you can improve your communication skills and you're experiencing power to the topic by giving good contents so be motivated and passionate about this campaign then only you will be more comfortable and you can see yourself more self growing.
  22. In few days only I have heard many types of predictions related to the bitcoins and this is going through another level because of the halving process coming and I think it will be very good for the new business to analyse the situations it's our opportunity to see what happened after the process and maybe if you can then you can invest small amount in the market so that you can get more related to the situationsthat will be more effective for you because you are gathering experiences that will be more beneficial in upcoming time.
  23. Yes really this function is very important and doing a special role in the members work because many times situation occurs when there is some technical problem or maybe there any internet issue that time we had to leave our page but again and when we are coming to the campaign we will be redirected to the same page with the same contents as we have left before and then we can again complete our content and submitted this option is really very good and also very helpful for the people's also I want to see what others are thinking that will be more effective and good to get some ideas from them.
  24. The time we're going through it's very hard for everyone because every market and everything is on its crisis position we have to make ourselves more strong so that it will be easy for us to bypass this situation and I don't think so the market will affect so much in the cryptocurrency because this organisation is fully based digital currency so everyone can easily do their investment from their home ma and definitely the market will be unstable for some time but we sorted it will again grow and people will again start getting profit.
  25. There could be a possibility about your thought because I asked you to come and see is going so well and people are getting more crazy about this currency maybe in upcoming time they will choose cryptocurrency for their full-time job and they will will invest most of their time in the cryptocurrencyand in my opinion that will be good also because if you have some more knowledge and idea then definitely crypto world will give you more profit for your investments or any work you are doing in the cryptocurrency.
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