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Everything posted by on1k3n

  1. It's nice to give the low key coins a try. Even though the volume and price is modest, they still have the potential to perform well in the market. Some of the unknown crypto is a money trap. I've bought plenty of coins that I couldn't trade with anyone, but that was my own foolish mistake.
  2. You're a 100% right about other traders blaming the market for their mistakes. I personally hold myself accountable for any mishaps during trading. The numbers are going to increase and decrease, but ultimately you make the final decision. I've heard war stories about some people trading, and they always blame the market for their screw ups. It doesn't matter if it's a bearish market or a bullish market, a smart trader can maneuver their way through it.
  3. on1k3n

    USB Miner

    Thanks, I will try one out because I'm curious to see what the payout is like. Three aren't too many forums talking about USB mining, so I thought I would shed some light on the topic. Theses replies are so great, I didn't think anybody cared. They love me, they really love me LOL.
  4. on1k3n

    USB Miner

    Recently I was online and I came across a USB miner, and I was curious how much you can make with it. Has anyone used one of these before, and if so did it work? I don't want to spend money on something that won't perform very well. This could be the answer to my electricity problem I'm having right now. Are USB miners any good? if not, can you suggest an alternative.
  5. I've never used a bot before because I'm pretty sure that's against the rules. Those bots aren't very smart though. Some simple technology like a captcha stops them dead in their tracks. I'm unfamiliar with the coding process is it time consuming? This thread has me interested in this topic, not because I will use it, but just so I know how it works.
  6. on1k3n

    Crypto Secrets

    You don't need a lot of money for trading. This is why I suggested a faucet. You can increase your money x4, just by trading. This is my point, most of you don't know how to trade. Airdrops pay well, but most of them come with certain rules and restrictions. Yobit for example requires you to hold YO tokens to get special percentages in the investment box. Thanks for you suggestion though, I'll take it into consideration.
  7. A filtering system would be great, but I think they have it though in the upper right hand corner of your profile. It's a search feature, I don't know if that was recently added, but it works wonders. Sometimes you can't find a post that you wrote because they deleted it.
  8. Investing is the smartest thing to do. Especially if you don't know anything about trading. If you could trade I would suggest that you try to double your money, but that's not an option. Once you invest it, I would start to looking for new alt coins to keep your wealth going. Many people just put all their faith in one coin, but that isn't the smartest thing to do. There's a reason they have multiple cryptocurrencies, so shop around, and find the one you like.
  9. You can't blame them though, musicians buy their own albums, so buying your own crypto is no different. I guess you have to fake it till you make it. When all of their transactions are from the same buyer/seller, it's not too hard to figure out what's going on. They should limit the amount of trades for the creator of the cryptocurrency.
  10. When I was on Yobit I experienced this before. Some of the creators of these alt coins are trying to artificially inflate the price of their currency. I guess they're trying to compete with Bitcoin, but it really hurts the people who are trading it. I suspect one cryptocurrency of doing this, but I won't name names for privacy issues. When you look at the orderbook it's clearly inflated.
  11. I believe it's 100 posts and at 101posts, you will receive your first payment of 1000 satoshi's. Yeah, I know it's pretty rough for the new people here. I'm new here, but I only had to post 50 times to receive my first payment. I do understand why they changed the rule. If you let someone post 100 times, it becomes pretty clear if they are in it for the money or in it for the long haul. Hopefully your friend sticks with it because the payments are pretty sweet.
  12. Holding on to alt coins is never a good idea, unless you're investing them. I usually get rid of mine when I get enough free coins, I will trade them for something more appealing. That's why the market is down most of the time because people don't trade the currency. Holding crypto is one of the worst things you can do. Look at how long it took Bitcoin to show any type of financial growth.
  13. I guess paying people is not enough. Making multiple accounts is so bad, but you can't blame people they get really crazy when it comes to money. I would never do something like that, I have a good thing going why mess it up. Hopefully the admins are watching these people, and making sure they don't get more money than the rest of us.
  14. I don't have a specific topic that interests me the most. I'm just a wanderer here, I'm not too picky when it comes to what I write. It's like being blindfolded and throwing a dart at a topic. I prefer this method of posting, instead of just focusing on one thread. The more you know on this forum, then the more you can help people. That's just the way I look at it.
  15. I've never used Cryptopia before is it good? I just got finished watching a video about it. Does anybody know if they have an investment box like Yobit? I'm looking for more exchanges that I can try out to see which one is the best for me. I did see that they had a major scandal about the site getting hacked. Security is an issue, so they should try to reassure the public it's ok to invest with them again.
  16. A lot of people ask me about getting started with trading crypto. There are many tips and tricks I use to be successful. Here's one for you. Use money from a faucet to fund your operation. In many cases people aren't able to invest their own money to see it grow, so take money from a faucet instead. This makes it easier, if you might lose some because it wasn't yours in the first place. Do you have any crypto secrets you would like to share?
  17. Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Starting out with penny coins is the easiest way to learn how to trade. Most new traders go straight to Bitcoin or Ethereum, but I would try something like Egold, 0xd, or TVT. Something to get your feet wet, then try the big boys.
  18. This should definitely be a course on a college campus. Bitcoin studies are crucial for the advancement of society. I'll take it a step further, start teaching it in high school or middle school. The future of our kids is crypto, then why not start as soon as possible.
  19. Keeping a calm and cool head during trading is the key to success. If you feel like you're starting to panic about a trade, just give it some time. It always works itself out in the end. When I'm in intense trading, I wait 30 seconds to a minute, before I press the button to sell or buy. I give myself a buffer zone incase I don't feel right about the transaction. It's important to give yourself time to process what's going on. It's okay to be bullish, but not that bullish.
  20. The cure for the financial crisis is to tax cryptocurrencies. I knew it was coming sooner or later, but never like this. Do you think the President of the United States cares about crypto? I haven't seen one interview discussing this topic. Someone should ask him that at his next rally. I'm interested to see what he will say.
  21. I accept Bitcoin and PayPal the most. Bitcoin doesn't have any restrictions as far as country is concerned. PayPal on the other hand does have some limitations. I noticed that I can't send money on PayPal to everyone. Bitcoin doesn't have that problem. I'm free to give Bitcoin to anyone with a wallet. That's another thing that I really love about crypto is it is all inclusive. PayPal needs to follow Bitcoin's lead.
  22. There's only a handful of coins that I could see taking Ethereum's place. The first is Dash and the second is LTC. Many people would debate and say XRP, but I beg to differ. Dash and LTC have been pretty consistent in pricing lately, and if they play their cards right, they will take spot number 2 and 3 respectively.
  23. This really depends on the situation at hand. It could rise if there are no other cryptocurrencies that are making moves at the moment. On the other hand the price could fall, if Ethereum or LTC does a deal with a huge corporation. Most people will be like "Bitcoin, that's old already."
  24. There are a lot of strange posts going around. At first I thought I was going crazy, but you just confirmed that it's true. Maybe we can have a captcha before you post to keep them out. Just a suggestion though, it would get to be a pain always verifying your identity before you post. There has to be a better way to stop them from spamming the threads.
  25. Wallets get stolen and lost all the time in the crypto world. It's a really common occurrence, but that shouldn't stop you from becoming part of the community. Just keep your passwords and keys in a safe place. I keep mine in..... I can't tell you that, but it is in a safe place. Find a safe or a deposit box at a bank would be a good place. You could even bury your passwords in the backyard. No one would ever find them there.
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