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BTC Future

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Everything posted by BTC Future

  1. The beginners section should actually contain more important facts on cryptocurrencies, still it is mostly talk about things that do not need any discussion. It is a welcoming section for beginners that can ask questions and members can post things that can help on educating on an entry level. I expect more crypto subjects that concern beginners here. So I have to request anyone posting to try and make subjects related to crypto on an entry level instead of posting whatever comes to mind. From the rules pinned on top of the section: This section is not about anything else as this forum isn't either. It is a cryptocurrency forum and I hope that everyone understands it. If you don't want to participate in crypto discussions and learn you can't possibly be posting in a crypto forum.
  2. Some crypto projects are getting ready for IPO and listing in US stock exchanges. I'm sure that many will be successful and this might create the actual crypto craze, as institutional investors are limited only with the Grayscale Trust for exposure in cryptocurrencies, and this just from one OTC exchange and with major limitations. Whatever model they choose it will probably be a huge boost to the price of their coins. I'm sure we will see some coins with an IPO in 2021.
  3. The problem with Bitcoin is that too many are left waiting for the dip and instead they miss the train. Usually this happens at stages a few months after the halvening and perhaps this is something similar, although because Bitcoin is now not used too much for purchases interest is not very high.
  4. It doesn't make angry but certainly it won't look good. Basically a duplicate post may be unintentionally created but still it is something noone wants. There are meaningless posts from the past though which are still active, most of them created by bitcointalk members that are used to spamming on that forum. I'm sure that when enough quality posts appear these will be removed.
  5. It is a simple and stupid scam but many fall for it as they've already heard of past giveaways and airdrops that gave something back. It looks to stupid and perhaps people think it is real for this reason. They also have a live explorer showing fake transactions, meaning that they pay, and sometimes they add live chat with fake accounts saying stuff like: "Thank you Ellon! OMG I now have 5000 XRP because of you!" and other similar fake comments.
  6. LOL. This is indeed the most ridiculous trap ever. First time I recieved a similar e-mail I was sure itwas a trap, but I kept reading it trying to find out what logic these guys have. To withdraw your Bitcoin you need to deposit more Bitcoin! wth indeed, why can't I just withdraw the ones given already?
  7. Don't try to catch a falling knife and especially not with altcoins. Nano is not a terrible cryptocurrency, it has speed and a good network, still many heavy bags can dump any time they need a new house and poor traders will be paying them.
  8. An asset can't go down more than 100% unless it is traded in negative territory. Since crypto exchanges do not offer negative prices no crypto can go down by more than 100% which will be zero. Math might not be something everyone understands but if we are talking about trading we should try better.
  9. I've used it as well and it is a fine wallet. Lately though I send all ETH and ERC20 tokens on exchanges as I fear that Ethereum fees will climb even more than now. It supports many cryptocurrencies and has staking options making it a good choice.
  10. The hard part is when the amount you used to buy is not peanuts but significant. For each person this is different. For us perhaps 1,000 is a lot of money while for citizens in wealthy countries it won't matter if they lose it completely. If you risk a years wages in your trade you react differently.
  11. @Whited35Can this app run on an old Huawei model that lags and freezes even when browsing the internet? Will I be able to mine anything if I run this app? Also have you managed to profit from mining, how many coins do you mine per day and what is the coins maximum supply?
  12. So, this app manages our crypto exchange accounts and we have to provide them access to our funds. Thanks but I can't even trust the centralized exchanges to securely hold my funds, I wouldn't trust an outside 3rd party to do so. Although lately I've seen many similar apps. How can we know if this is secure anyway?
  13. All these point to this app not being very profitable. It doesn't pay the $1 referrals as it says (which is a major red flag) and it requires a large amount to withdraw that would need months to achieve. Meanwhile we never know if the $10 withdrawal will ever happen as probably noone reached it yet.
  14. Basically all websites, projects or anything else that claim to double your money or crypto is not to be trusted. If you find something like that it will probably mean that they will run with your money. Most will have a ponzi structure and will ask to reinvest the profits and lock them for months. When withdrawals are not free to make at any point then it is a red flag there.
  15. I rated you -5 as you suggest to rate you for the usefulness of your comment. Your reply contains nothing useful but an abstract thought you have. You made no argument and just think that because you say something you don't need to elaborate. You are wrong about liquidity and you didn't even read my argument. When you reply to someone have the decency to be honest with your reply. This above is just spam and you make nothing useful out of it. Read my post and how I gave details on my opinion. What did you answer? Nonsense. The same one line as before. You are blocked from now on and your actions in Cryptotalk should also be checked by moderators as it seems you spam the forum with thousands of useless replies as this one.
  16. If I remember correctly the Arabic language will be added at some point later, considering the high amount of members speaking this language in the forum. While I don't speak this language, I still think it will be a great addition that will allow many more people to join. Perhaps another one to be taken in account is Spanish as it is spoken by a large population which is having increasing interest in cryptocurrencies.
  17. I disagree as small posts never contain the required information. Since there are many beginners we should be explaining the subject we open with full details (but always with an easy to read structure). Cryptocurrencies require special attention in details, it is not a subject we just scratch the surface and can leave 90% of the details out.
  18. Ethereum Classic ($ETC) suffered a major incident a few days ago. A reorg happened, allowing a rogue miner to add more than 3,000 blocks in the chain, during a time when the major ETC miner "2Miners" was down for maintenance. Researchers are still trying to find if this was an intentional attack on the Ethereum blockchain, although it seems that it could be a rare occasion as the blocks mined by the rogue miner were mostly empty (not containing transactions). The price of Ethereum Classic was not affected by this event although it certainly sents a message that not all blockchains are as secure as they claim. Source: Coinmarketcap What is Ethereum Classic: Ethereum Classic (ETC) was the result of a fork on the original Ethereum chain in 2016, when Ethereum developers decided to erase transactions in the Ethereum blockchain, after the events of the DAO incident. Ethereum classic is the continuation of the Ethereum chain without this fork being applied. Miners and devs that disagreed with the Ethereum devs of erasing transactions (which stole $50 million from investors) continued supporting the chain unpatched and split from the original Ethereum chain, creating Ethereum Classic. The Ethereum Classic blockchain has already suffered a 51% attack once (in January 2019 - link) having seen transactions getting reversed and double-spend, with the attackers profiting with $1,1m from this. What is a 51% attack: A 51% attack is the major weakness of blockchain systems, meaning that an entity that takes over 51% of the network hash rate gets to decide which blocks are valid and gets to invalidate past blocks according to the time they retain their PoW dominance. Such attack invalidates decentralization and makes the blockchain and the coin useless as the entity in charge can spend transactions (i.e. sell move to exchange and sell for USD/BTC/etc.), instantly invalidate the block containing the transaction which sends the coins to the exchanges and double-spend the coins by sending them (and selling them) again. Similar attacks have happened on many other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Cash, Verge, Bitcoin Gold, and more. A 51% attack is hazardous and can destroy the price of a cryptocurrency as the system which is based on trusting the code breaks apart. A blockchain that is not secure has no reason to exist. Source: Hackernoon Results of ETC 51% attack in 2019: After the 2019 51% attack on ETC, major exchanges as Kraken and Coinbase increased the number of confirmations for depositing ETC on their websites to 43,000 blocks, meaning that anyone wanting to send his ETC coins to these exchanges would require a week to see them deposited. Perhaps this is a reason which deters massive sell-off of ETC at this point when the Ethereum Classic blockchain once again looks weak. Source: Google [EDIT]: It seems that Ethereum Classic was 51% attacked twice in a week after 4,000 blocks were re-orged and around $6million were double spend. You can read the latest coindesk news on this here.
  19. It is as you said. People found it useful and bought it massively. If it didn't have such a robust network and decentralization features it wouldn't have made it this far.
  20. I've replaced many times transactions with higher fees in cases where suddenly fees spiked and I would have to wait for days otherwise. I don't actually use metamask though, as I had some bad experiences with using speed up and cancel. I use MEW and just send the same amount with higher fees. Another tip on ETH fees for anyone that does not know it: Usually Ethereum fees are way lower after midnight in the EU. It seems that during this time the network is not used a lot and fees usually go down. During the last three months it gets down by half.
  21. Upvoted because of the remarks which I totally agree, and Covid-19 might not be the real danger but this guy instead. Perhaps a donation address for Covid with all funds sent to the W.H.O. will be something worthy and a noble cause. I'm sure that every yobit member will chip in a small amount.
  22. Don't actually care much about these events. They talk nonsense most of the time. I was very much interested in Andreas Antonopoulos conferences and speeches but lately he started talking about DeFi and pushing people into this Nonsense. Everyone should be talking about things they understand, yet in crypto world, just because everyone is clueless about anything they think they can have an opinion on financial instruments as lending and put DeFi useless Ponzi next to actual lending. While I hate banks I happen to know that DeFi is a scam that produces nothing and has no use case as it is right now. Anyway to the point, I won't watch coingecko's webinar and I have also stopped using their website for many reasons. I'm only using worldcoinindex lately. What does even quantum economics mean? Something he probably thought would be catchy idea. I actually hate all these dropouts that only scratched the surface of any subject they talk about.
  23. Probably the OP watched all these so called expert traders trying to convince everyone how cool and professional they are while spitting any random words about candle patters, moving averages and oscillators and talking about how much money they make, how their trades are successful and how they used to work as traders (before getting kicked out) in the stock market. Anyway do not listen to them. Only averages have some scientific value and traders usually follow the trend until the trend reverses and lose all their profits.
  24. This is a fact about the stock markets. With Bitcoin August is usually a stable month where prices might decline a little. Still this summer, almost noone goes on holidays. People prefer to stay inside, safe and also many began trading crypto. Perhaps it will be different this time.
  25. If your wallet is empty, this means you already spend this amount and this transcaction is already spent.
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