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Everything posted by Sanjana321

  1. We can not say in the present condition that bitcoin can be replaced for gold because gold are hardware where as bitcoin is software but we can not predict the future about the bitcoin as well as gold because the popularity of bitcoin is increasing day by day. Many points that you have said are correct my friend there is a small kind of similarity between gold and bitcoin.
  2. Welcome my friend to the cryptotalk family it is a great platform where we are able to get a great kind of knowledge and also helps to earn money, we need to have a great kind of knowledge about the crypto world and we need to update ourselves to improve the knowledge related to crypto world and always try to follow the rules and regulations of this forum.
  3. Thanks brother for sharing your valuable information with the other members in this forum it is really a great kind of tips and it is also a great kind of motivation for other new members to enter into trading, just keep in mind to get a proper kind of knowledge before entering into trading platform.
  4. Hahaha, I would also do the same thing my friend just look the value of btc at 2009 and the Value of btc now, just calculate the amount of profit that we can get as the year passes the popularity of digital currency is growing which helps to increase in the price.
  5. Thanks brother for sharing your valuable information with other members in this forum it is a great kind of helpful to get awareness about the fall in the price of crypto currency. The bitcoin value was going down that may be the reason for other crypto currency to also fall in the price.
  6. I have no idea because this kind of case is not faced my me but as per my mind says that if we have given our money to wrong address then there is no chance of getting back of our money. Always double check the address that you are sending it is correct or not, a lack of attention can make all your money lost.
  7. I joined this forum before 3-4 months back now it is a great platform where we are able to get a great kind of knowledge in the field of crypto world and we are able to earn money through this platform it had helped many members to change their life style.
  8. I have not yet purchase anything from bitcoin, it has a great future and it will be used just as fiat money in many countries where people are able to exchange money from 1 person to another person.
  9. Scammers are those kind of people who makes the digital currency into a worst condition they used to cheat many people and take the profit. We should need to give a highly protection and safety features which helps to keep away scammers from our account.
  10. We can't separate fiat money and crypto currency because government and central bank have a great power on fiat money that is why the price is stable and the crypto currency is a digital currency where no one have the power to control, it is why the price level keeps on changing at a short period of time.
  11. Crypto currency is a great field which helps to become rich but we need to be aware of all kind the information provided. It takes time and hard work for each and every single work to achieve the success.
  12. Cryptotalk will be our back bone to improve financially, it helps many members to improve there lifestyle and many people gets an opportunity to earn money and also it is a great platform where we are able to get a great kind of knowledge in the field of crypto world which is really beneficial for the future life.
  13. It is a great platform where we are able to earn money and also helps to get a great kind of knowledge in the field of crypto world which would be very helpful for our future life. This cryptotalk forum had provided a great help for many members to improve there lifestyle.
  14. This is correct my friend team work will help to grow each member and also helps to achieve there success, group work will make the work more easier. Always try to make a good kind of group where they have a common goal and have a mentality to achieve that goal.
  15. Don't worry my friend I am also facing the same kind issues and also many members would be also experienced this kind of issues. In the cleaning process there is a great chance of getting many post deleted but the reason for getting this kind of post is may be because it would not be a useful Post.
  16. It is a great kind of contribution my friend to the other members in this forum, many new members will be having great helpful from this tips provided my brother this kind of unity makes this forum to reach at its best level.
  17. Hallo brother it is all depending on the quality and useful post that you comment, after completing your 100 post it takes 1 week to receive your first payment after correct seven days you would be receiving the first day money, the number of post counted after 100 post.
  18. At first I came to cryptotalk to earn money and begin a member here for 1-2 weeks it made me more realised that is forum provides a great kind of knowledge in the field of crypto world which would be very helpful in the future life.
  19. I was not that familiar about what it is all about but as the time pass I became more familiar with all kind of topics and helped me to improve my knowledge and confidence before all that I had a great kind of fear of losing money and the security features but now I am confident.
  20. Crypto currency had helped many countries to improve there economy many people are able to get a kind of revenue which helps them to improve their life style. Many countries are not supporting crypto currency because the government have no power on this kind of currency and they are not able to charge tax. There are some countries which had accepted crypto currency because they had identified the benifit of crypto currencies.
  21. It is a great kind of suggestions my brother that you have provided it would help to save us from the scammers around us. I think we need to search those site to understand it is legit or not, before doing anything always try to get a proper knowledge about that site.
  22. It is a great idea my friend many used to sell more talk which keeps on decrease the price of talk, if a limiter is set to the amount of coins that can be sold daily or weekly it would help to increase the price of talk where it helps to increase the demand which ultimately helps in increasing in the price.
  23. The best time to purchase the crypto currency is at when the price is low which helps to increase the profit by selling it at an higher price but before purchasing the crypto currency we need to have a proper knowledge or else it can lead you to a massive loss.
  24. That is correct my friend scammers are always trying to make new kind of way to fraud many members, there are many scammers around us we need to be aware of all the activities. Thanks brother for making this awareness in the mind of many members in this forum.
  25. It is a great news my brother, it is a great kind of postive booster it would help to increase the price of bitcoin because it increases the popularity in the Germany and many people would be trying to purchase. This decision would help in economic development in Germany and automatically motivate other countries also to follow the same path.
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