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Everything posted by Haafi

  1. I think mining softwares is a great idea because with softwares you can access a mining site or platform more easily. Also you can read reviews before installing such software which give you a great help in choosing these softwares.
  2. I would suggest you that stay away from cloud mining because you will not earn anything from cloud mining. You can find many platforms which claim to be legitimate for cloud mining but in the end you will find that these are all scam. So i would recommend you that use your knowledge and efforts in some other field and you can earn more.
  3. I think some of the browser mining are real and pay but i don't know which of these browser mining are good. Moreover, if some of the mining pay then the earnings from mining are very less. So i think it is better to use your time and efforts in some other direction.
  4. Yes mate, you are absolutely right. Mining of bitcoins require a substantial time and also skills and competencies. The requirements of bitcoin mining are very high which an ordinary person with some knowledge can not afford. So it is best to spend your time in some other way.
  5. This is a great feature. You can locate your activities by going to your profile and clicking on my activity option. Also you can go into your activity of any day. Moreover, sometimes you also receive notifications for the replies on topics created by you. So you can access your topics through that way also.
  6. This is the good method of producing Quality post because when you write with patience and in a safer way then you definitely produce an informative post. In the same way we should reply someone in an informative and acceptable way.
  7. Honestly, i myself don't know the method of withdrawing cryptocurrency. The method is difficult and so much complicated and i am unable to understand this so i ask one of my friends to withdraw money for me and it is going great. I hope that you will know the method for withdrawing payments.
  8. As far as i am concerned, i think that community reputation is an immaterial thing for working at this forum. You can work at this platform without getting any community reputation. We should appreciate ourselves for getting this little bit of reputation and don't spoil the laurels for just this community reputation.
  9. Yes absolutely, This is possible. This forum does not have any requirements like this. You can post on any topic old or new. And if this comment is useful and got counted by tye moderators then it definitely will be paid. So don't worry about these immaterial things and focus on your goals.
  10. In my opinion this would be great if we cab buy property with the cryptocurrency without converting it into real money. I haven't tried it yet but i know that some of the companies and large organizations are accepting cryptocurrencies in their routine businesses. So i think this is great for all the freelancers and members of this forum.
  11. At this forum only those posts got deleted which are useless and somewhat offensive and which don't meet the criteria of a good post. So if you want to save your posts from being deleted make only useful and knowledgeable and informative and appropriate posts.
  12. No mate, poll does not count as a post. The post and poll both have the same purposes but it doesn't mean that these are same things. So don't confuse between two. It will not be counted as a post so start making real posts instead of polls.
  13. When i joined this forum i was a beginner and haven't knew anything about any digital platform. One of my friends initially told me about this forum and after his insistence i joined this forum but after joining this platform i came to know its remarkability. Now i love this forum very much and i am happy to join this platform.
  14. Yeah, i think that this is a good suggestion that old members with experience should accelerate activities at this forum but also new members can make useful topics. They just have to keep patience and work hard for knowing the good method for producing useful topics.
  15. I have joined this forum in previous year 2020 and after joining this forum i came to know that i have made a best choice. This is absolutely a wonderful and knowledgeable platform. It is a complete package for a student and a beginner. I have found this forum very useful and impressive.
  16. Usually an expert means a person who have the knowledge and skills in a particular field for example at this forum senior members are experts because they have spent so much time at this forum and they know most of the things. They can help the new members and rectify their mistakes so they are experts.
  17. The main technique used by scammers to lure their prey into a trap is they attract you by saying that they can double your profits. They somehow manage to manipulate the members and most of these members are newbies who don't know anything. I want to alert all the members that stay away from these scammers. They can ruin your time and future.
  18. I don't know about any mobile application for mining of bitcoins. According to my experience i want to recommend you that don't use mining applications ever because there are many fake applications in the market and at Google which can scam you. Only use websites and online platforms for mining and it will be safe.
  19. In my opinion with cloud mining you can make 10% monthly. There is a very good scope of mining in freelancing industry. But i don't know the best platforms for earning 10% by mining because i am not so much connected with freelancing and so don't know much about it. Maybe some other senior member can help you finding a good platform.
  20. I don't think that bitcoin mining is harmful to our personal computers in any way unless we also mine malware or any other type of viruses with bitcoins. There is also a solution for that. We should do safe mining and a system like ASIC machine should be adjusted for the safety.
  21. Cloud mining is absolutely a good choice because cloud mining has a lot of advantages and benefits as compared to simple mining. One of the main benefit of cloud mining is that it is operated by the cloud and you. an sbare this at anytime and anywhere. You will not face any problems or complications.
  22. As we all know that this is a international platform and members are here from all over the world. So every member represents his country and in this situation if they commit an unfair or unlawful attempt then they definitely will lose respect among other members. So be law abiding and follow all the rules and regulations. This is in mutual benefit of all the members.
  23. This is a good point for raising Questions. Some members are in favor of this and some are in disagreement. As far i am concerned that it should be allowed that a topic can be created in different languages because some members use only a specific language so they only will read and comment at this topic onece and there is no problem in doing so.
  24. Yes mate, this is a good thinking. If you purchase a weak currency now then it will benefit you in future when the prices of this currency will increase or when the demand for they currency increase. There is some risk in this activity but in my opinion this risk is worth taking.
  25. I would recommend you that you should make posts at this forum and earn money first and then invest this money. You can easily earn 100 dollars in a month by earning capital gains. This site can help you learning this method and also can help you finding best platform for investment.
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