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Everything posted by rashidst

  1. Thank you guys for your good and informative posts. You are absolutely right dear. All of us have different views. Infect , our opinions are not similar with our family members or any close some one.all of us thought different from our views, our thinking is also different from one others. But it is not any matter about our different views but we should respect others views.
  2. Yes,you must be banned,if your activities will lead Against the rules of cryptotalk forum again and again. If you want to avoid banned,then you have to mantain all the rules and systems of the site. You have never follow the forbidden activities in here. As a conscious member of the site,we have to make positive and usefull posts for the site those must be topic related.
  3. Yes,you are absolutely right guys. Really we should recommend our family members and friends so that they can jain the great site.since,we get so much facilities From the site so as good member of the site it is our moral duty to spreed out crypto currency.
  4. The list of all members,i also include to them. So i advice all members of cryptotalk that, always obey the rules and regulation of the site. never do any work Against the rules of cryptotalk forum. So we should word so that we can improve tge great site crypto talk. We should spreed out the facilities of cryptotalk all over the world.
  5. You are absolutely right friend. Really beginner section gives us best Fundation about crypto currency.in the beginner section, crypto gives us about the primary knowledge for cryptotalk. In this section,we are able to understood all topics about crypto and the old member of the site also helps us here.
  6. Yes,it is absolutely right that crypto talk wallet is safe and secure for us.there are the best security system in cryptotalk wallet. Its features is really unique from other wallets. Because of its high security system no one can hake its datas and informative.
  7. Hey guys, this is a very informative topic. The importance of market place is very much, it is not possible for me to describe the important of online market place in a words.now a days, many people invest money in online market place and they trading here successfully as well as they can earn a lot of money to improve their life style.
  8. Surely you are right friend. Really crypto talk gives us a lot of opportunity. It gives us happyness and remove us from the lack of money. We can get money from it by making positive and useful posts for the site.for this we Are now self employed to the help of cryptotalk platform.
  9. I think it is totally depends on you.because only you can know that how much time you spend in crypto talk.but i spend most of my free time in cryptotalk platform. I spent about 3 hour time per day in crypto.but i think my spending time of cryptotalk is very helpful for me to earning and learning.
  10. You are right, we need to learn from our experense. But it is not suitable for all spare of life.because to get leatest experense, we have need to take information to improve our skills.so all time we can not gain knowledge from our experense but we have to collect more and more information to develop our skills.
  11. Actually, in my income life, crypto talk is the first income site that is online market place and it it my first experience. In crypto currency site,i have not enaugh skills about it.let alone electronic job.i honestly said that the word,electronic job,i heard heard in my life.
  12. Wow!it will be good luck for me. If it happen,my name will add into leader board and the newbies of the site will follow me as a Genious member of cryptotalk platform.my reputation will be high and i shall be awarded as a special member.
  13. Yes you are right friend. Crypto talk is such kinds of platform where we can teach from others and at the same time we can teaching others. Taking and giving is also a feature of the site. We can gain knowledge from others and we can suggeste advice to others. Infact it is a learning based and very informative platform for us.
  14. Hellow our new friend, welcome to cryptotalk platform. I think,you are in the right Place guys. It is a perfect place for you, if you want to become rich and knowledge able.because it is a learning and earning based platform together. As a good member of cryptotalk,you should obey all the rules and work with honesty and sincerety.
  15. you are right guys. We should not be jealous but we should focus on our purposes of joining crypto currency platform. We should work here together to improve the site as well as work with sincerety and honesty. My main purpose to joint the group is just of earning and learning as well as improving the site. So i am triying to focus my goal so that i can be successfull in it.
  16. I honestly say that i have no any specific idea about this. But may be russian section is more active then english or not.we know that the two language is prevelant in cryptotalk platform that is english and russian language. But english language is well known as an international language. So i support english as more active. I honestly say that i have no any specific idea about this. But may be russian section is more active then english or not.we know that the two language is prevelant in cryptotalk platform that is english and russian language. But english language is well known as an international language. So i support english as more active.
  17. The world of crypto currency is a name of joys,happyness and love of thousands of people of the glove. Because crypto is the name of expectations,it helps us yo fulfil our demands,it helps the students to carrying on their study and fulfill their demands. It helps us to remove poverty from the society. Now a day, the prices of btc is increasing day by day gradually. So we will wait for its rising soon.
  18. In your crypto carrier, reputation is very important for you.that may be good reputation or bad reputation. It is very important to getting your Good reputation because of it is directly connected to your income. Because good reputation help you to increase your money. On the other hands,bad Reputation damage your account day by day. So we should follow about the level of our posts.
  19. Thank you friend for sharing YOUR good topic. Actually there are some differences between digital money and crypto currencies.and there are many similarity among them.both are money but the different digital money comes in hands.on the other hands, crypto currencis comes in account from where the currency will transfer as money.
  20. Actually the important of cryptotalk forum is infinitive. In a word it helps us in all spare of life. It is important both earning and learning topic to view. From this platform we can lean modern and leatest information for our daily life. Actually it is not possible for me to describe the important of cryptotalk forum in a words.
  21. Really it a proud full topic dear. Online income source is more popular among the educated people as well as young generations who has no any kinds of income source.for this they can lead a poor and in luxorious life. So they are more attractive to online jobs without investmenting money. Naw a days online job is 100 % trusted for us.
  22. Hellow guys, actually i am a new member of the site. Recently i have joined the forum. So i have no much experience about it. So what i earned about 9 dollars for me. If it is not enaugh for me but i am happy to find successfully my first income. But i hope i will earned more money for myself when i will gathered more experience about cryptocurrency platform.
  23. Thank you friend for your good topic.actually you are absolutely right dear. Because i think,as a member of cryptotalk platform it is our moral duty too improve this site as well as promoting its good reputation around the world. In,the era of information And communication technology it is very easy to spreed out the benifited and facilities of cryptotalk forum. And absolutely we should do it.
  24. Why not?surely we can teach about crypto talk in school and University. I think it is a amazing plan for students so that they can teach perfectly about crypto currency and be skilled from Newbie sections.if students can gathered skills about crypto talk,they could be changed their Carrier.they will be self employed and be able to carrying themselves.
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