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Everything posted by Shavy24z

  1. There are a lot of people that only wnat to get money for free by posting on this page. I am from a country where post in here gives me no payment, and in my opinion when those people make that kind of posts really make us waste our time. This is a very good post, and all should start fooling themselves!
  2. I desagree about this point, beacuse earning free bitcoin is great for those who can eanr for free, but if you dont invest your incomes will be always based on earn free. In my opinion if you get a free bitcoin invest it on a serious platform like Yobit or any other exchange of your preference. I would do that. Thanks and good luck.
  3. Of course I do. I really feel very lucky because since the pandemia I have time to work properly in the crypto world. It is very good because of the airdrop, trading in all the stuff I did not have before. Crypto world is the VIP ranking world now. You do not need to have any kind of experience but love to work hard. So if you have not try it, get a step ahead and do it.
  4. A very interesting topic for discussion. No, I have not ever been victim from scam. My gold rule is to verify and confirm the trustness of the website or platform I am using or working for. That is my strong recommendation for everyone who wants to increse its earnings by making money on the web. Never stop believing that are trust and good places to do it.
  5. My advice for beginners that are trying to have luck in cryptocurrency world is to get free coins in any website and platform you can whenever you really confirm it is a trusty place. There are a lot of fake placesto earn on the web so it is extremely necessary that you can be aware of it to protect yourself from scam. Working hard without giving up is the clue!
  6. Covid-19 invaded all world in a very surprised way. Everything has been tremendously affected by the virus; all activities in all sectors have been decreased because of it. Cryptotalk forum is one of those activities, there are less posts than before the pandemia. All of us expect it may pass soon to recover our daily life activity in normality.
  7. It is so true. Life is a school in all aspects, you will learn anyhthing in any way you want. Take life as a chance to make possitive and good things so in that way you will be a learning example for others. You will teach and learn in life as well. All situations are huge opportunities to grow up, to teach and learn. Keep going in your learning search.
  8. I haven´t got any email and I use Brave everyday. It is the best browser ever, so I strongly recommend it. You can earn money with Brave Ads and of course when your earnings have been verified with Brave rewards. Try it now if you haven´t done
  9. Reading the Cryptotalk guidelines is the fisrt thing you must do if you want to speak the same language crytopeople do. As a new people in business, rules must be known and respected. Keep in mind the rules to get in the business.
  10. I am interesting on Airdrops because they give you the opportunity to earn money without any investment. Airdrops like Yobit One is a good way to do it by free because they pay for sure.
  11. I consider myself a lucky person in this cryto world because I have won enough money to think that I am lucky. I also fell luchy because in the pasts years crypto was not as easy to use as now, and one of the responsables for that is Yobits platform. Thank you Yobit!
  12. I feel very sorry for you because of that situation. In my humble opinion Yobits is one of the safiest platforms for cryptos. I hope you can solve your problem.
  13. Never ever give your ID to any website even if they ask you to do it to get a bonus or free money which is always the bait to catch people on their trap. Your ID is a precious value you must protect at any cost. Remember, fraud is always around.
  14. Always be careful to where you invest your money. There are a lot of fake websites that cheat people with untruly offers that catch their attention at once. Be aware of those fake sites is the best way to keep yourself safe. All time, from now on, you need to resarch about any place if you want to invest your cripto.
  15. Both ways are fine. It would be nice to post a topic from time to time. But answering posts are fine as well. If I post a topic, it will be a great chance to open a conversation to share knowledges and experiences. When I answer post, I try to do it efficiently and clearly possible.
  16. It´s so true. Knowledges and experiences need to be shared so other people can go through their challenges easily or at least has a clue of what to do. This forum is a good way to learn, share and take into account advices from experienced people.
  17. I´ve tried any method to get money. Yes, I´ve tried surveys, they work indeed if they are from a truly website. It´s absolutely important to be careful about it to not waste your time. If you are trying this surveys stuff, you need to be 100% sure the website is truly that is my recommendation.
  18. As soon as I get enough money, I´ll move to different wallets, the purpose is to invest . If you invest the money, you have more chances to duplicate it. What matters is to invest the money wisely. If you are a risky person, so it´ll be great to take a chance like this.
  19. It ´s is extremenly import to verify all digits in a cripto transanction. If it happens to me, I will calm down and then I will take a deep breath and make a big scream. This is the real importance of these chats we can learn much more than just concepts, but we also learn from others experiences.
  20. Blockchain is a good wallet but in my opinon Thurst Wallet is better. But if we can have both that will be great. The important thing is how you feel using one or another, and other important thing is to use it to determine if it is better for you or not.
  21. The Covid-19 came to change the world an for me it has to be in this "silence" in the market. We have the chance to chage this tendency and revert the effects of this pandemic. The time is now and actions will set the future in this trading world.
  22. If you are talking about crypto this is the right place, but you have to be more specific because there are a lot of ways in the internet to get money. In my opinion you are in the wrong place if you are not talking about crypto.
  23. Sure bro. Bitcoin is not the owner of the concept it is just the tip of the iceberg and the way to other crypto get born. We are living in the exact momment of the eruption of many other bitcoins.
  24. Etherium is now ahead in the market and if we have the opportunity to buy it we can not let the chance go. It is true that it depends on the profint you have to invest, but the time is now and the pass of the yeasr has thought us that Etherium has marked the path and the others have followed it.
  25. Starting is difficult in almost every thing, but time will give you confidence gradually to keep on going in persuit of what you want to achieve.
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