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Everything posted by HICHHH01

  1. Yes, I share your opinion and I think it will be, but not before 2022, so my belief is that Bitcoin will cross the barrier of 20000 and Ethereum 4000 and Litecoin 1000 and may reach 1500
  2. It was the first, unless they had hidden other programs before it did not work, but I do not believe this, and in fact this is a distinction that distinguishes it, and therefore it will still rise more in its price in the coming years in addition to other things such as its ability, strength and marketing ....
  3. I agree with you. Nothing is guaranteed. Even after studying the process well, the mood remains to be judged whether it will succeed or not. Therefore, I strongly recommend diversification is necessary.
  4. If you want to make sure of the success of a particular currency or not, you must know the extent of the activity of its team of programmers and their intelligence in dealing with the market and marketing them. They had some problems, but now see that they really fly
  5. I do not think so and it will never have a future, even if I use it to profit from trading it
  6. Bitcoin Gold We can say that it is an independent currency, but from the Bitcoin system, meaning that Bitcoin is the mother currency, I think that it has a future and I think it is linked from near or far to the Bitcoin movement, and if the latter rose, it would rise, according to my opinion
  7. Litecoin is a good currency and I think it will get its good value in the next term. I think it is good and deserves more appreciation And it is certain that it will become a reliable currency for everyone, especially governments
  8. Honestly, I bet on her for more than a year, but in goodness I gave in to you in the end, but I do not imagine that she has a future, my advice to you Be careful
  9. Bitcoin, Litecoin and Doge I lost in the process of transferring the first and second I lost it in trade and I am trying to learn to keep my capital again
  10. Honestly, I was exposed to fraud, and that is why I tended to learn and now I am improving myself, but I tried a lot and I did not succeed and I think that the mistake is from me, there is no longer another reason because whenever I enter trading I lose all my money and search for the best now and I will try again to trade doge
  11. Thank you This is absolutely true, especially after you have fallen victim to fraud I advise everyone not to trust me 1 Unknown links 2 Unknown programs
  12. Thank you . But I have asked everyone to present in their publications things that benefit the topic. Why not their own experiences, if possible, and whether they were successful or not, let us all improve thanks
  13. Apps that actually pay give very little and you need a lot to be able to withdraw a paltry amount. As for those who give a large number of currencies, know, without a doubt, that it is a fraud. And there are other applications that give you coins and they are really there, but in a game that is not outside it, meaning that it has no value except in the game and there is no way to withdraw it from the base
  14. Thank you for what you provided and it is absolutely correct. I came to it through my experiences and my loss, unfortunately. But I add that he does not rush in anything, not only buying cheap currencies, in addition to setting aside daily time to learn first of all.
  15. All games are based on risk, so be careful
  16. I don't think it will have a great future compared to Bitcoin
  17. Well, I will collect a small capital. I will try to enter it in the investbox and continue working here until I collect good capital and have learned trading more if you like this.
  18. Frankly, I do not know, but it is certain that there is a difference between the publication and the poll, despite its importance. but the terms of the published forum. If there is another opinion, I hope that it will help us.
  19. I see that the future is for virtual currencies, and we will not wait much to practice it through bank cards and everything is only a few years and it will be everywhere So have you reserved them for yourself ???
  20. This is extremely important for both beginners and experts. My experience here, while I am one of the first to register, but soon I left, and the reasons are 1 I did not understand this site well and I was wrong 2 For more learning in others, I thought that I would find something better But after all this time I realized that I had left the best Forum I could learn from Therefore, I recommend that you follow the rules in order not to lose everything here
  21. I always try to reach the best, and this is what I do here. I read what must be done and what is not allowed, but this also must be practiced in order to succeed. I hope that it will help you.
  22. I was one of those who were robbed and I think I will not allow it again. I have read a lot and am still reading about trading and ways of protection. This is what I recommend to everyone, and to be wary, especially from high-profit sites.
  23. Honestly, I would say that I cannot advise you, but here I think that I will ask you for advice. Can you explain the method to us, and I would like the site’s management if it is possible to put videos. Thank you.
  24. Thanks for your advice. I have already started that, and I recommend it, so it appears that it will rise more and to a strange degree in the coming period. I do not mean days, but I am talking about 5 to 10 years ahead.
  25. The robotrade will enable you to win a day estimated from 1 to 2 dollars. As for if you intend to trade yourself, I advise you to have a husband who will be qualitatively mobile and stay away from the wrong times like news and others
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