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Everything posted by Yousefsaker

  1. You can definitely do this. You have to learn about symmetry and investing, as they are the two best ways to make money, and there are also many ways to learn about them regardless of topics, do some simple fighting with little money and know, you can get rich in a short time compared to other workers.
  2. Well my friend, in addition, it should not be repeated and return information that has been published before, thus wasting the time of members and moderators And good luck
  3. My friend, you can learn about anything related to digital currencies here without paying for this thing, and you can learn about topics that you have not heard about before Good luck to you
  4. To reach success and achieve your goals, you must be patient. Do not despair in your path of achievement, especially in this cryptocurrency. Trust me, you will achieve what you aspire to, but do not rush to anything, take your time ,be patient and work hard.
  5. I think that the best feature of the Yobit is its ease of use and ease of exchanging cryptocurrencies, in addition to that, you can invest your money and get good profit in relation to cryptocurrencies.
  6. Welcome, my friend. In fact, my main goal is to gain experience and knowledge in the field of cryptocurrencies in addition to spending free time and collecting money to meet my daily needs.
  7. I think that Yobit has helped many unemployed people because of the features it offers, easy options to work with, as well as Ease of trading cryptocurrencies. Really, it's amazing.
  8. Hello my friend, in fact, there are no real enemies of success in the field of digital currencies. But I can confirm that impatience and weak will are enemies of success. Be up to the responsibility and trust yourself to reach success and achieve your goal.
  9. In fact, sometimes we lack the determination or the will, and the enthusiasm for work decreases. This is not a good thing. We must work hard and devote our time and remain optimistic and help each other in the forum to reach our goal and get the benefit and profit
  10. I encourage you very much to move forward in this forum. You are on the right path. But do not rush. Have patience and determination. Learn forum rules and avoid prohibitions and then start constructive interaction through useful posts and comments.
  11. New beginners should fully understand the forum rules and regulations before publishing any topic in order to avoid making mistakes and thus avoid being banned. We recommend that they complete 100 comments before publishing because they will have the experience and information.
  12. Yes, of course, you will get paid. No matter how old the post is as long as I did not comment twice. But make sure that you follow the rules and do not violate them. Make your comment useful for the benefit of people ❤️.
  13. This is true, Corona virus had bad results on all currencies as everyone committed to staying at home. But the cryptocurrencies have proven their worth in circulation and thus have become a source of attraction for people to work with.
  14. In fact, there are many advantages to this platform. You can get good money for your daily life and invest it as well. You will get useful insights and experience here 😉 and you will meet a lot of friends here.
  15. I comment on useful topics that bring up new ideas. I present my opinion with full transparency and clarity without offense and politely criticize with the intention of support and improvement. It is important to share our views on the forum and helpful topics.
  16. Welcome my friend, the greatness of the forum is that it is gradual, since you as a beginner can learn the initial principles from the first section and then apply that in your work. In general ,be patient to complete the first 100 comments and then start investing your money. Good luck everyone .
  17. Welcome my friend. In general, writing a post gives more reputation, but this depends on the content of the post and the way it is presented Make your post distinguished with useful and new information, use understandable vocabulary and follow the rules so you will get a reputation.
  18. The rules in the forum are divided in a useful and detailed way where beginners have a section, and the sections are classified up to expert level. If you gain a good amount of sufficient experience and information in the forum, move to any advanced sections to increase your knowledge.
  19. My friend, the field of cryptocurrency is very wide, so you have to know the rules And try to learn the information as much as possible. Therefore, your knowledge about this field will certainly reflect on your success positively and contribute to your progress forward. Learn and work my friend 😉💪.
  20. Thank you for bringing this topic up. Do not be easily led by fraudsters as they delude you of their good intentions in order to steal money. They present a misleading idea to attract you, as if they delude you to double your balance and make you invest in unsafe locations, be aware enough.
  21. Some people make mistakes while raising topics, and they may be useless or contain mistakes and may be repeated, so they are not attractive to people. Make sure to be selective in your posts and comments to get a good reputation. ❤️
  22. In fact, being a beginner, I learned a good amount of information about cryptocurrency and how to post useful topics on the forum and comment positively and constructively. In addition, I learn how to make money for my daily needs.
  23. Certainly my friend, your comment twice on the post will expose your personal account to warning points, so do not comment more than once on the same post so as not to put your account at risk.
  24. I advise you to avoid deleting your post that you post new and non-duplicate content in the forum, then you should pay attention to spelling errors and you should choose easy and uncomplicated words in your post.
  25. Congratulations my friend, indeed. The feeling of success is wonderful. The content of the topic of knowledge and valuable information helps to succee، regardless of the money that you can collect in other ways, but an interaction with love on the post is a real success and a feeling of satisfaction
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