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Everything posted by Yousefsaker

  1. You are right, my friend, any person is liable to make a mistake. Do not be discouraged when you make a mistake. On the contrary, make that a lesson for you. Be patient and dedicated and love your work and thus you will surely be successful. good luck for everbody .
  2. Certainly, gaining knowledge is much more important than just getting money in the forum. We do not deny that it is a good thing to win money, but the priority is the educational stock that you will get. In the end, knowledge leads you to win money but money does not make knowledge.
  3. Dear, at first if You want to publish a topic, make sure it is useful and contains educational content that interests everyone. Try to choose easy vocabulary so that everyone can understand it. You can criticize it in a constructive way and give advice to others.
  4. at the beginning, you may find it difficult to deal with the digital currency forum, but believe me, it is very easy and fun. Try to understand the rules well. Give a useful view of the topics and avoid unintentional criticism.You must be familiar with the cryptocurrency market
  5. Certainly, whatever work you do, the first step is the basis. I believe that the will forms the nucleus of any action. Then it is necessary to have the determination, perseverance and effort to turn this will into reality and start a work that satisfies you .Good luck to all.
  6. In fact, this does not represent a risk to his account on the platform, but it will be a waste of time and effort. Therefore, I recommend putting forward educational topics with useful content for everyone so that all visitors have access to the stock that enriches their knowledge.
  7. When a person becomes panicked, he may make wrong decisions that lead to loss. Do not worry, this is normal, because falling into a mistake does not mean failure, but rather a new information and the first step on the road to success. Good luck for all.
  8. When you post topics that are not good or have no connection with cryptocurrencies, or perhaps when you post a topic or frequent comment, either your post will be deleted or you will get a negative reputation.
  9. It is a great idea that if the moderators create an app for the CryptoTalk forum, this will save our time and effort, and it will also make the forum easier to use. I hope the moderators do that.
  10. You must be careful when writing a topic, because if you type wrong or useless information that is not related to cryptocurrencies or when you type a spelling mistake, this can endanger your account by receiving a warning point
  11. I divide my time in order to be able to work more comfortably, when I divide my time, I know what to do at the right time, so it is very important to divide the time so that you remain focused on our work
  12. Sometimes I write a comment and I cannot send it because of the internet point or other reasons, so I do not worry about these problems because the comments remain saved and I can send them when I come back.
  13. It is unfortunate that some people retire from working in coding. Certainly, in any field, we will face some difficulties at first, but with patience and gaining experience, success will inevitably be achieved.
  14. Hello, there are many ways through which you can make money through the Internet, such as YouTube or Telegram, etc., but your use of this forum is the best and easiest way to profit in addition to the scientific benefit. Thank you for participating.
  15. Achieving goals requires a great challenge and confidence in regards. Do not set limits to your capabilities. Go forward towards your goal and work hard for it. All that we are experiencing these days of technological development was a difficult idea in the past, but now it is a reality ๐Ÿ˜‰
  16. Hello. Having a good reputation is an important thing in the world of digital currency. In order to obtain it, you must select important topics rich in cognitive information that interest all strata of society and enrich your publication with valuable documents and examples.
  17. I see a bright future in this forum. It allows you to develop in both knowledge and financial terms .Because its popularity increases, everything related to it is getting better. So now I am proud and delighted to use this forum. Are not you ?
  18. Of course I am very lucky to have used. I was unsuccessful before when I ignored it. I wish I worked with it a long time ago. I will tell all my friends and relatives about it So that they get the opportunity to gain experience and knowledge in addition to financial support.
  19. Hello my student friends. This forum is an excellent option to work with. Through it you can get the educational inventory that helps you in your studies in addition to it is a practical site where you collect money to support your studies. Good luck to all students
  20. Hi, of course, moving step by step is a better way than jumping several steps. Learning and experience are not received arbitrarily or quickly. Read discuss and then learn to take root. Knowledge is more
  21. Hello. I think we can use English or Russian as a specific language within the forum rules.I hope that more languages will be allowed, due to the wide scope of use of this forum. good luck for everbody.
  22. Hello dear, I am still a new member, but according to my follow-up comments and advice given to me by some experienced friends, you must complete the first 100 comments and then write 20 comments every day and after a week you get money .
  23. Thank you very much for bringing up this topic. It is very important to me because I am not expert enough to avoid theft. I will follow my reading comments in order to get important advice on this topic. Good luck to everyone.
  24. Thanks my friend for asking such a question. In the beginning, choose an important topic You see it must be attended by people. Try to make the post educational as much as possible so that visitors can benefit from it also try not to lengthen the post with useless phrases and words. Choose what is easy, simple and clear. Good luck to all.
  25. My friend, I will not give you random advice because I do not have sufficient experience in this field, but I advise you to do some research regarding this before you take any step so as not to lose your currency
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