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Everything posted by Yousefsaker

  1. Teamwork is always the basis of success and there are many things that we cannot authorize on our own, so we need every person to share with us his experiences here in cryptocurrencies, even if they are small. We are all here in the same forum for one purpose.
  2. Really, it is a topic worth reading, but I noticed that the forum administrators consider the term digital currencies the same as cryptocurrencies. Decentralization of cryptocurrencies makes them safer in trading and maintaining them.
  3. Due to the increase in the exchange rate of Bitcoin, I think that it may increase in the coming years, but if it becomes equivalent to a million dollars, this is a very exaggerated number. Personally, as a cryptocurrency trader, I hope so.
  4. Thank you for this good topic and for giving you the help and information for beginners. Everyone must understand the vocabulary of cryptocurrencies to be able to move forward to success. Good luck to all.
  5. My friend, the right time to trade and invest in cryptocurrencies is when you have become sufficiently expert in the digital currency market. But I think that fluctuating currency rates is a good time to buy and sell is not it?
  6. Do not post or respond before you read and understand the ban list. When you do, you will definitely be able to work in the forum without getting a warning or a ban. Make sure that you do not violate the rules installed in the section and work hard .
  7. My advice to beginners in the first place is to be familiar with knowledge of the field of cryptocurrencies and work hard and patiently to achieve success. Read the rules and abide by them completely and do not trust anyone who sends random links, as it may be a fraud.
  8. Due to the development in the field of e-marketing and cryptocurrency trading, it is important to gain experience and knowledge here, in addition to securing you a financial profit that helps you in your daily life.
  9. Of course, no one is exempt from the warning or the ban. The warning relates to the content of topics that are useless, contain bad words, or violate the rules of the forum, so abide by everything that is explained by the rules in order to avoid ban and warning. good luck for everbody.
  10. Being selective and unique in your posts and comments is a good thing, and this will bring you a good reputation and make you gain the trust of the forum officials. In addition, repetition of topics, copying and pasting exposes you to warning points and prohibitions.
  11. The most important way to succeed and achieve what you want in the field of cryptocurrencies is to gain experience and knowledge in addition to submitting useful topics and publications. This will give you a good reputation, so you will automatically get the money.
  12. It is permissible to criticize any topic here in the forum. But make sure that your criticism is positive for the sake of progress and do not write offensive or rude words, as this exposes you to getting warning points. Criticize for the purpose of assistance and exchange of experience.
  13. Certainly my friend, this forum contains all sections that are suitable for all levels. Here in the beginners section you can get experience and knowledge in the field of cryptocurrencies and you can get enough answers for each your questions. Ask, learn, and work hard to progress and achieve what you want.
  14. My friend, after you complete the first 100 useful comments, you will get paid useful posts after a week. Post daily 20 comments or topics of educational value and you will definitely get their dues .. Good luck to all.
  15. Yes, my friend, you can still comment on old topics and be paid, of course. Because many of the previous topics contain information and have very important content for everyone, so the moderators keep it open for response and discussion.
  16. One of the most important advantages of cryptocurrencies is that they are decentralized and independent in themselves, in addition to being easy to trade . You can make huge sums for low fees. Moreover, dealing with them saves time and a lot of effort.
  17. Certainly my friend, because when you copy someone else's comment, you are copying his ideas and information and gaining false popularity, so you have to write your personal opinion and the distinguished members have to correct you if you are wrong
  18. The Corona virus has quarantined people in their homes, which made them accept the use of cryptocurrencies to trade via the Internet, and this has led to a rise in prices, and this is something clear from year to now
  19. Yes, my friend, I think it is permissible to use stickers, as I have not read anything that prohibits their use. But in the first place focus on educational content, then you can add some stickers to draw attention.
  20. I totally agree with you. We do not have to write just to complete the required number. Do not rush while writing. Take your time to choose useful topics and be patient in drafting them. Thus, you will get a good reputation and gain the confidence of those in charge of this forum.
  21. Very nice words aimed at strengthening self-confidence. Any work you do takes effort and patience and you may face problems and difficulties, but I advise you not to give up and go ahead. Trust me, working in cryptocurrencies is worth it.
  22. This thing is up to you and what are your monthly expenses, but it helps you a large percentage and gives you information that qualifies you to enter the areas of investment, so this forum helps you a lot
  23. I agree with you my friend. Make it your main goal to gain information and expertise in the field of cryptocurrencies. Active, positive participation brings you financial profit. Focus on the essence of the work more than your focus on money.
  24. I agree with you my friend, make your main goal is to gain experience and knowledge in addition to providing the best topics and good information to others. If you Succeed in that, money will come to you automatically, so do not make earning money your goal.
  25. It is good for our posts and comments to be grammatically and logically consistent, as there are many people who find it difficult to understand in the absence of the correct grammatical structure. Thanks for this useful link. Good luck everyone ❤️
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