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Everything posted by maarcoferrer

  1. The best thing you can do in this Digital era is to look for cryptocurrencies that have a long term development so you can get a lot of profit, also educate yourself to be able to take advantage of the market in both upward and downward movements, for this it is important that you have the right information and know how to take advantage of what we are having value in this Digital era.
  2. To answer this would be to speculate on the prices of cryptocurrencies whatever it is, it is important to know that we must have a proper education to be able to take advantage of market movements, obviously the BTC has been rising and it would be good to buy in its setbacks, but behind this there is a technical analysis that we must respect and be able to understand to the maximum.
  3. Yes, that is not bad, because honestly many people are afraid of it. That if, you must have the proper education and follow the people with the results you want, because this will save you a lot the way so you can make less mistakes and make fewer mistakes, remember that the important thing is not to lose money so you can be in a stage of constant production.
  4. The complex topics here in the forum are necessary so that we can take advantage of the people who have been working in the forum for a long time and are no longer beginners, so there is a part for beginners and a part of the forum that is more advanced, for this it is important that we take this into account so that we can keep track and basically take advantage of everything.
  5. We have every right to give the reaction to the publication that we want so that we can give value to that person who gave value to us by writing something, it is important that we know all this that we have in mind in order to increase teamwork here in the forum, for that we are working here as a team and mastermind to bring the forum to the next level of knowledge.
  6. The best thing for this is to mark the hours that you know you can take advantage of, whether 3 hours or 2 because working hard you can do the posts in 2 hours, it is very important that we have in mind everything we can do with our time because many people do it as extra income, the important thing is that you concentrate and do not waste more time than you can.
  7. This is where the focus should be so that we can go to the next level, many times we study but we do not apply what we are studying and reading, it is important that we know everything that should be done so that we can apply it and more here in Cryptotalk that there are many people who do not take advantage of the information and we must provide value so that this comes changing with respect to all the time we spend here.
  8. We see too many recent publications because honestly we are trafficking information in only 3 sections and we have to stay in that margin where we can continue to provide value to people who are starting out as well as those who have been around for a long time, it is important that we do not get out of there because we can start losing money.
  9. Knowledge is super important, but that does not mean that we are going to stop giving merit to money because that way we will always be able to keep it away from us, remember that we attract what we think and many times knowledge goes hand in hand, let's focus on being 100% teachable always and be like a sponge that absorbs everything so that we can go to the next level.
  10. The first thing I had in mind when I started working here in Cryptotalk was the seriousness that I was going to put with respect to everything that was going to happen with respect to the rules that I was going to follow, because sincerely there are many people who take everything as a game and do not realize that as they do one thing they also do another. It is important to be serious.
  11. On the left side of the post that we are going to comment there is an image of a chat where it appears in bold if we have not commented and in white if we have already done it, for this it is important that we also know how to keep count on our own so we can also see which posts we have commented and which we have not commented when we publish them here in Cryptotalk.
  12. This is very important when commenting because many times people here in Cryptotalk complain that their post was deleted but they don't realize that they have to follow some rules that will give them visibility here in the forum, that's why it is very important to pay attention to these posts and study them so we can go to the next level.
  13. Here we can see people who know too much about any things so it is important to add the value they can in this forum that we can utiilizara for many things, it is important to note that the logo is very important and if there is competition could choose the best, for this we go to the next level with respect to everything we can do.
  14. As I have already mentioned in some cases many people do not work or stop publishing because many people are only thinking about money, for this it is important that we know how to work well with respect to the benefit that we will get, thanks to Cryptotalk we have the opportunity to generate income and at the same time go studying to learn and go to the next level.
  15. Many people did not realize now that I see this post that every time they gave a bad reputation to someone their payment was removed, which leads us to think that we are in a world where people instead of ignoring what they do not like, prefer to rate badly and carry out bad things in order to harm the other person, remember that do not do what you do not like to be done to you.
  16. Yes the truth is that I got Cryptotalk after a long time of pandemic, but now at this moment it helps me a lot to have to pay for many things, they have lowered the payment but still remains more profitable than many other things that we can take advantage of in this digital age. It is the best platform to generate income online.
  17. From what I am reading I know that we can start doing the same topic but in different languages, but writing the different words, because honestly we can be in the world of Cryptocurrencies, because we can rest easy knowing that we can learn more languages.
  18. This leads us to have many results with respect to everything we can do here in the forum, because if in only one language which is English there are many people taking advantage of it we can think that also putting many more languages we can go to the next level with respect to everything we can do and with people who can get to bring value from other countries.
  19. This is important so that you will not be publishing things for the sake of publishing, basically we must know that we must have a knowledge or study previously what we are going to publish because one cannot be publishing things that have nothing to do with the topic that we are going to comment or the topics that we are going to create, taking this into account we will be able to go to the next level.
  20. The truth is that since I started I had never read a post like this, I think it's great and most of all to work as a team to work for the forum that is helping so many people, remember how important it is to follow the rules to avoid any inconvenience when starting to develop here in the Cryptotalk forum.
  21. This is the most important thing when starting in the forum as a beginner so that we can develop to the highest level, because sincerely we can be at a stage where we sincerely start but if we do not provide value in comments and posts, we will not be able to benefit all the people who are starting is very important to keep in mind all this.
  22. Any currency that has potential the truth is that it is going to survive the market because you see the performance of the currencies, while you see other projects that never exist you can realize that these do. That is why it is very important that we know what we are studying and what people we are surrounding ourselves with regarding the information we are handling.
  23. The truth the worst experience is that I wasted my time making a cryptocurrency and I never saved and then the cryptocurrency had its historical maximum and the truth is that I could not get anything out of it because the only thing I thought at the time I was working was to spend it, for this we have to know that if we are in a project we must know that we have to think long term always.
  24. Of course this is already the present because sincerely many people are seeing the potential of Cryptocurrencies and places where we never thought we were never going to see that are starting to take advantage of all this because sincerely we have to know that people who do not innovate are going to lose many benefits of this Digital era.
  25. The truth is that it does help but in the short term, if we start doing this in the long term we are going to lose a lot of money, remember that things like news or something that inflates the market from one moment to another will never be long term, so it is very important that we know in which currencies in the long term we can trust and have better results.
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