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Sofia Bravo

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Everything posted by Sofia Bravo

  1. If the truth is that you are right, we must be grateful to the moderators for their great work in the forum, they take care of everything, everything goes well in this great forum
  2. Hi mate, because if they have to do with the reactions with the payments, each comment to get paid must have a positive ration if not they will not pay you
  3. I agree with you, first we should focus on uploading good content to the forum with good topics and comments and then the good grades will come
  4. you have to review your publications to see if they are really good or useful for others and if so and anyway they give you negative reactions claim who you have to complain
  5. So we can withdraw our token and put them to invest in inversbox earning 1 percent every day is something very useful on the yobit platform
  6. If you are right, it is a good telegram tool and thus know the prices of the coins very easy but we must also be very careful with telegram since there are many spammers and scammers
  7. I agree with you, reading is very important to work your mind and also if you read a lot you learn things every day, reading is essential to acquire knowledge
  8. You are right in what you say, before it was like that but now that they pay for the reputation you give, that does not happen anymore, there are even very simple publications that in fact have more reputation than it should have
  9. Yes, I saw this coin in yobit but many buy it because it is fashionable due to the pandemic when all this virus happens and nobody will listen to this coin
  10. If so, you can receive free coins in yobit as you say, the problem is that the coins they give you are the lowest value and the amount they give you is practically nothing, it is a waste of time
  11. Yes, yobit is a very good platform since it charges very little fee for each operation apart from being very reliable and safe, I've been using it for a while and I never had any problems
  12. I think the basic thing you have to know before entering the world of cryptocurrencies is about the prices of the currencies, about the exchange of currencies or how to buy and sell and about trades
  13. I agree with you, we should help each other and learn together, we should follow the people with more experience and learn from them and their topics.
  14. You are right I think that bitcoin and gold can run side by side but neither will disappear since gold has existed since the beginning of time and I don't see why it will disappear today or in the future and bitcoin is the new evolution and what is growing
  15. If it's true, I personally always use the save option and if my internet or computer turns off, my publications are saved, it is a very useful tool
  16. This may only happen to you, personally what I do after commenting on a topic is to update the page and so it seems to me that I already commented on it
  17. good topic and good information, it is always good to have a good and secure password but I believe that this site is very secure and they will not allow any type of hacking or hacking
  18. It is good information especially for beginners, but in my opinion the best way to start in cryptocurrencies is in this forum and once you accumulate a good capital start trading
  19. very interesting, honestly I did not have knowledge about this and month it serves a lot since now I know how to change the subject easily
  20. If it can be and more while the currencies continue to rise in value as they are doing, in a future it will be possible to earn a lot of money with cryptocurrencies
  21. I think that everyone has their way of working with cryptocurrencies, some seek long-term investments and others seek to trade in the short term, each one with their strategies is gaining more and more experience
  22. if so, very good information for new people who did not have knowledge about this, so they do not make the mistake of commenting twice on the same post
  23. Well, that's right, to have good reactions you must make good topics or good comments but not only because of the evaluations but also because the more good quality publications we do, the more we will grow the forum
  24. I agree with you, we do not have to give good reactions if we do not agree with the subject or for fear that the person will get angry and give us negative reactions, everyone is free to express themselves and react as they want
  25. In my opinion, I think that both theory and practice are important because we must inform ourselves before entering this cryptocurrency and then learn things on the fly also with practice
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