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Everything posted by TheRealCryptoDex

  1. For all of you; we always have to keep diversify our portfolio and never focus/invest all, in just one platform/currency. by diversifying you will find more options to earn money than just stand and wait in one in specifically and you also may learn about some new projects or methods to invest your capital. Remember, if you want money you must look for it in different ways ^^.
  2. That's such a good question, I personally love to teaching others about things which I'm passionate about, and as you can guess the cryptocurrencies and the profitable activities are a mainly one (not for nothing my nick is "CryptoDex" haha) and for that reason I started my own youtube channel, in where I could do what I just said, however, a great teacher are the one who never stop learning, so here I am, trying to learn as much as I can about new useful stuff in the cryptoworld and follow my dream to be a good content creator and cryptotalk are acually help me a lot to reach that goal ^^.
  3. Of course it is!, you can earn up to 30.000 satoshis per day in a pretty comfortable and simple way, at the same time, you will learn about almost every stuff related to the cryptocurrencies, in which another website you can find this? it may be hard in the first hours but when you adapt yourself to the atmosphere of the forum, you'll be making the 30 post per day without even realize about it ^^.
  4. In my case I'm spending like 5-6 hours daily, it's just too good to learn new things about the cryptos and make that action profitable at the same time and i'd like to keep using this forum for more time if ionly i have a smartphone 😞. But that's not a big deal, after all the pc's are good too ^^.
  5. Not so much actually, I mean you could easily earn more in this forum just in a one day than within one week in a faucets, that's WITHOUT referrals, if you have some referrals (like 30-40) then it may be a good passive income for you, they'll do the hard work for you, the negative side is that, these earnings won't continue for more than a week (and that is a really good scenario), the people will realize that they're earning too less for many hours of work, but it may be nice for starting to learn about the cryptos :^).
  6. It's just like one of my personal philosophies says "Beware with the free stuff it can take away everything of you for free" of course there's many platforms which are trusted and safe like the mainly exchanges of the cryptomarket, but every day a lot of new scam projects came out and they end up stealing tons of money so if you are going to join into a "Free thing" project, make sure It won't be a waste of time (and money). Plus, if you are looking for a LEGIT "free coins" section i would personally recommend the one in the yobit exchanges, it pays you everyday and you just have to make a few click to claim them, maybe the quantity is small but all sums ^^.
  7. All these tips are very great to avoid the most of the scams sites, but i would like to add one in specific which hasn't been mentioned yet, and it's the analysis of elements. You see, when you are entering in a new project like an ICO or an Airdrop you probably should be able to see some things that are direct warnings to get out of that page I'm referring to things like; The grade of trustiness on its appearance, the level of work and innovation that you could see in this first look, their roadmap (if they not have one, it's a bad signal), their activities in their campaign (like crowfundings or selfdrops, these are the most used in scam sites), the acurracy of their annoucements and even just if the name of the coin it's written with the correct capital letters. When you combine all these elements which I just said you could develop a kind of "instinct" to recognize if in the 90% of the cases if a new project it's a scam or not, regards ^^.
  8. I have always been more fan of Tron (TRX) than Ethereum (ETH), honestly both have many similar features and objectives, but, not gonna lie, the dominance of Ethereum in the market is undeniable, but, I believe that with all this new tendency of the DEFIS would be a good opportunity to TRX to get new investors and also gain the recognition that it deserves. Maybe in the future with the ETH 2.0 we'll be handling with the new emperor of the internet, but, I hope that Tron will be in the top 5 (or at least 10) of cryptocurrencies one day :,).
  9. Good information! Many people in nowadays don't realizes that this options even exists and a higher percent of them are keeping their tokens in an exchange wallets without knowing about how dangerous that decision could be. Like others have said it's always recommended to enable the 2FA in as many wallets you can to ensure your security ^^.
  10. This is such a valuable information about the bitcoin's fees and how to reduce it by a physically wallet preference, but to be honest, currently if you want to make transactions cheaper, it's better (in my humble opinion) to use an altcoin like TRX, LTC or XRP, trx for examaple, has a very high speed in transactions and its fees are extremely low, however, and after all, it depends on your personal necessities ^^.
  11. What a good strategy to earn some extra-funds in cryptos. I haven't been so active like this with the bounty campaigns, but, for what I'm seeing here they seems to be a very attractive chance to earn with. Does somebody know about some trusty bounty campaign which are active now?.
  12. I'm very glad to say that currently are many the services which are using bitcoin/altcoins like a payment option (some even have they like its principal option) from standard business like a simple online clothing stores to even the biggests monsters of the market like starbucks or amazon (this one is kinda of "indirectly" bit still are using it). I hope to see more companies expanding their frontiers and joining to the cryptocurrencies in the future, we all know about its benefits ^^.
  13. Honestly, this was a good project to learn about, it reflects very well what the world of the ICO's has been for a while, there's many weekly new projects (previously it was daily..) that seems to be pretty innovative and revolutionary but unfortunately 8-9 out of 10 end up being a scam or a waste of time. This one looks like a failed one, I mean it's still alive (at least in etherscan) but in no way it reached its goals to this point. Let's think twice when we are in process to create a new coin :/
  14. We are not prepared to what ETH 2.0 are gonna to be, starting from security, through the transactions speed and even the fees will be better with that update, i really want it to came since i have some eth bought at the 130$ price but there's some time to wait until it reach its phase number 3 it's still seems it will take a long while.
  15. I usually do the following next: 60%-40%, 60% of my balance goes to stacking pools with the idea of keeping it safe and in a continuous growing process, and with the remaining 40% I like to invest in trading, I used to just do it with LTC and TRX but right now i'm more flexible in that area and just start buying XRP two weeks ago (By following a specific trading plan of course) so what i can say it's; Never stay with only one for much time, diversify and you'll see green numbers. Best wishes for y'all ^^.
  16. I just heard about cryptotalk by the promotion of a spanish/inglish speaker youtuber, don't know if I can write his name but i'm not gonna do it just in case, he was introducing this forum and that got my attention almost instantly when I realize that you actually can earn some earnings by just posting news/replying to others (obviously following the rules) and now here I am, in the process to discover this at the moment beautiful website with a HUGE community <3.
  17. This is so informative; "around the 80% of the ICO's launched in 2018" were scam, guys, it's important to look at ALL the project features and then rasonate if they make sense or not. Many of the currents ICO are preceded by an airdrop so you have to be extra careful with those, they can ask you to buy their coin in promise to get it cheaper and make you rich when you'll sell it in the future, don't be tricked by this grubby methods and make your personal analysis before joining into one. Best regards to all of you ^^.
  18. Y'all are right, yobit and cryptotalk have a good relation/partnership so we could say that they're two very strong and realiable websites which you can use to get daily earnings (passive and actives). Right now i would personally recommend the virtual mining in yobit, you can earn up to 1.3$k daily with the buying of a miner and it's totally simple to do just go to the yobit exchange main website and then look for the "VMining" feature and click it, you'll see a list with all the different miners and their relation price/profit. Hope you give it a try ^^.
  19. I usually like to play League of Legends, ElSword, Minecraft, the recent boom game of the 2020: Among Us and some RPG which are my favorite genre, but i'd like to try a profit crypto game, the "The Prospectors" one looks interesting :D.
  20. Neither centralization and decentralization can't exist without the other, but, one thing is sure the decentralized side has been gaining impulse and strength in the past of the last months due to the extremely apparitions of new DEFIS so it may turn destabilized the usually stable balance, at least for now, we've to keep observing both sides.
  21. I am usually being more "instructive" than "recruiter" maybe like just three or four friends are using cryptocurrencies right now because me, but even if it isn't so much they're very active and productive so i could say that I'am glad to have brought them into this big world. :,)
  22. We also need to add that features like the 2StepAuth and the e-mail transaction confirmation are very useful because they bring you more options and versatile to keep your account safe (especially in exchanges) and i see very often dozens of people who didn't realize that these options even exists.
  23. I used to be extremely catious about all related to investment now i'am a little more permissive with my earnings, but yes at the beginning it was kind hard to understand all the concepts and learn how to detect a good chance to buy/sell in the market. But don't need to worry about it, the time will be your master and you'll gain experiencie as you start to explore the wonderful world of the digital assets :D.
  24. I'am personally in agreeing with these concepts, the students should be able to learn about the cryptocurrencias and his potential, in fact I think it'll be a great achievement if some schools of the world starts introducing their students to the cryptoworld in from the 16 years of age. it's just my humble opnion.
  25. Even if we consider the cryptos like "good" or "bad"(tbh probably all of us consider them good 'cuz we're talking in a forum named CRYPTOtalk) for the future, there's a certain fact to think about; The cryptocurrencies will be in the future and they'll be even more bigger, more important and more versatile than now, every day the number of people who are interested in this digital area continues growing up and that involves even some governments of many countries. So more than debating whether they are "good" or "Bad" for the future, we've to assume that cryptos ARE the future and start to think about in which good or bad subarea of the this we want to deposit our trust (and money, of course). :)
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