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Everything posted by drummer223

  1. yobit is a complete, safe and dynamic exchange, since every time it is adding new ways of making money to its users, within its characteristics are trading, investbox, good airdrops, it handles a large number of cryptocurrencies and my favorite and the newest Yobit's vmining which is a project that promises to earn some good extra money
  2. yobit is an exchange that has many good things, it is safe, stable, it has a good technical support team to solve any problem, it has the investbox with which you can earn a good daily percentage with some coins and the newest and one of my favorites vmining which is the most profitable cloud mining I have ever seen.
  3. Halvening is a term that is used to describe an event that happens every 4 years approximately, which is that the reward is divided in half, there will only be 21 million bitcoins and that is why there will be less and less reward in addition to its difficulty to mining it increases exponentially indicating that there is not much left to mine (almost 3 million bitcoin)
  4. Yes and no, that is, I have had my good profits in the exchanges but also many losses so it is difficult to say the highest profit I have had is with the nano cryptocurrency that I earn close to $ 4000 I consider it a stroke of luck although It has not happened to me again, however I keep trying waiting for another stroke of luck like the first or maybe much better
  5. Certainly when entering the world of cryptocurrencies the first thing to conquer is ourselves because we have to learn not to be impulsive, to be patient not to believe in everything they tell us, in knowing when to invest and when withdraw and investigate which is the best currency to trade at a certain time the difference between success and defeat is the preparation that precedes the battle
  6. bitcoin has been characterized by having a volatile price which makes it attractive to investors who expect to earn good amounts of money in a short time, whereas gold is much more stable therefore it is a long-term investment, so if you know what you do bitcoin is the best option and with regard to the security of virtual wallets it is certainly a risk that would be minimized by using physical wallet technologies such as trexor
  7. Most of the platforms to make money that are coming out today are ponzi schemes that depend on users who invest to pay others, sooner or later this type of company stops being sustainable the platform falls and people lose money, When investing in this type of platform there are certain tips that you have to follow; never invest in those that offer a high percentage (more than 3% daily) since it is impossible for them to meet their obligations with that amount of payments and invest conscientiously following the principle of compound interest to minimize losses
  8. It all depends on many factors, first of all if it is only to save money, paypal is much better only if you live in the United States or a first world country, since third world countries apply many sanctions for use and you can lose your money or have it held for 6 months without any possibility of using it for that I recommend other wallets such as skrill, uphold, payeer, etc.) now if you want to try to multiply your money, yobit is better since it gives you many options with moderate risk what makes a quite attractive option
  9. It is certainly impossible to predict the exact value of bitcoin in 2025 and it is well known that it has been gaining ground against fiat currencies thanks to the lack of stability in the current economic system, now the value of bitcoin is directly proportional to the amount investment that people make in it; Historically the great falls in the price of bitcoin have happened thanks to strong regulations by some governments and people for fear of losing their assets begin to sell compulsively this means that to a certain extent its value in the future depends on the action of governments to for or against the cryptocurrency market.
  10. yobit is one of the safest exchanges that you can find on the internet and that is why its reputation is increasing, I am completely sure that you will not lose your assets, perhaps a momentary problem occurred that will have a prompt solution, for any questions you can write to the technical support team and they will help you with any problem you have
  11. criptotalk is a quite complete and interesting forum since it gives you the opportunity to learn and share your knowledge and at the same time earn extra money that, given the situation in the world today, does not hurt; You can earn $ 2 and $ 3 a day spending relatively little time, for me it is very useful because I have increased my knowledge about cryptocurrencies that I have been applying obtaining good results
  12. Nowadays there are many ways to earn money on the internet, such as surveys, mini tasks, faucets, airdrops, etc.) you must find the one that best suits you so that you can take advantage of it
  13. You can buy bitcoin in exchanges or in sites like localbitcoin that have many options to buy and sell it with different forms of payment and is characterized by its security and stability, thus guaranteeing a good performance in the service and a secure transaction
  14. There are many ways to earn money online, investing money (virtual mining), getting referrals (ptcs, faucets) or investing time (mini task, surveys, capchas, etc) you have to discover the one that best suits you and exploit it, now It is also true that the most difficult thing is to start because there are many questions and few answers for people with little experience, I recommend airdrops that are relatively easy, for this, search on telegram or facebook for airdrops groups and you get into all the ones you can, some will pay others not, but even earlier than later you will start making money and then from there you can start exploring the other options
  15. When it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies, there are infinite options and each trader has to have his own investment portfolio of the currencies that he considers will have a good profit personally. I invest in xrp, tron and eth because I think that given the growing use and adoption they have had lately are inevitably going to go up in price.
  16. There are many very good wallets to store your cryptocurrencies (coinbase, blockchain, coinpayments, cryptonator, etc.), most of them very safe, stable and with a friendly interface, now well when avoiding any theft, scam or somehow lost of your cryptocurrencies depends on you, the good use you give to the security options of the wallet you choose and certain basic parameters (have a good antivirus, do not browse pirated or low-reputation sites, keep the password in a safe place etc.
  17. Given the volatility of the price of cryptocurrencies, everything can happen overnight, it can rise dramatically in price or fall in free fall until it hits bottom. The truth is that financial analysis does not always end up being successful because there are many variants that could boost its price; Personally, I could say that the conditions for a big rise in bitcoin are given, it only remains to wait and observe its behavior
  18. Bitcoin, as it is an asset, such as a share in a company, and its price is largely governed by the law of supply and demand, if there is a lot of buying, the price goes up and if there is a lot of sale, the price goes down. People who invest their money in bitcoin are always on the lookout for possible changes in its price, therefore I consider that the market is susceptible to possible manipulations because when there is bad news people compulsively sell their crypto assets for fear of losing their money and when there is good news people buy to earn money if someone could collectively sow that good and bad news according to their own interests they would earn a lot of money
  19. When it comes to making money for free on the internet there are many options you just have to find the one that best suits you, personally I have worked on the internet for more than 5 years doing surveys and mini jobs and I have supported my family With that, the negative point is that too much time and effort is spent on that, so now I am trying to make passive profits without having to be in front of the computer for so long with virtual mining and trading pages
  20. In the business world of technology, specifically in computing, the current giants (Microsoft, Google, etc.) are virtually impossible to dethrone since their mass consumer products have taken root in people, companies and institutions. Currently with the growth of technology, the birth of smaller companies arises that also want to leave their own mark in this area, now well the global financial paradigm is that you pay to use a product but this has already begun to change and these small companies are They realized that they had to reach the population in a different way and a change of this paradigm arises and the possibility of making money just by using a product or by attracting people through referral links to use it also arises, this is a an indication of the constant change in the world economy and new trends in the use of technology
  21. Personally, I consider that cryptocurrencies are not a waste of time since they give you multiple advantages such as earning extra money, being on par with technology, speed of transactions and financial freedom without depending on companies, banks and government institutions I think that cryptocurrencies are the most important invention of the century and it is here to stay
  22. For me, the use of cryptocurrencies is one of the best things that has happened to the world economy in the 21st century, given the ease of use, the potential to multiply your income and the speed of transactions make cryptocurrencies an ally invaluable that we all should have, now well personally I consider that given the volatility of their prices they make it perfect for business when multiplying our income but not for common use (savings, administration of our assets, etc.) because it is difficult to maintain a balance under our belt since there is no stability in its price; perhaps in the future it will be possible to reach a stable value and can replace the fiat currency and be implemented once and for all in the global economy,
  23. Governments see cryptocurrencies as a threat to the stability of the economy because it is something they cannot control, that is why they have put restrictions and will continue to put them even stronger, coupled with this there have been many illegal acts regarding the use of cryptocurrencies, governments take that as an excuse to act against the use of cryptocurrencies, however I think we have not seen the worst yet; I think that the real battle is yet to begin, the objective is to get cryptocurrencies out of circulation so that banks and government institutions can maintain their commercial monopolies
  24. The best investment is in trading if you know what you are doing, now it is valid to invest in mining in the cloud, the detail is that all these pages sooner or later end up closing because they are not sustainable for a long time when choosing a page to Investing tries to make it known and recommended, try to choose a recent exit so that you minimize risks, personally I recommend the yobit vmining project since it is a well-known page also that is dedicated to real trading which indicates that it has good support monetary to last a good time and thus get good money
  25. I have been in the world of cryptocurrencies since 2015 and since then I have sometimes won, other times I have lost but the most important thing is that I have learned a lot and I am convinced that it is one of the best things I have done since I consider that cryptocurrencies are the future and the sooner we learn to use them, the better besides that it gives you the possibility of earning good money and thus increasing your quality of life
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