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Everything posted by Ms.o

  1. You have to pass kyc verification first in your uphold account for you to be able start seeing your earnings there. If ever there are still problem,contact support team,they will help you right away.
  2. "Next unread topic" is those comments that you haven't read,it doesn't mean that button will lead you to the topic you haven't commented,instead it will lead you to those pages or topics you haven't read. Try to notice it,if they brought you to the topic you already commented,you will see that you are not on the first page,but you will be on the page where there are new comments which you never read after you made a comment on that topic.
  3. Having more referrals boost our earnings in faucets,because faucets alone will take longer before we gain good amount,and the best way for this to have it is using social media,no need to spend money for advertisement. Just post it,share with friends and family,post it in different groups or sites,and better yet through youtube.
  4. This is very true. Many invested right away especially during ieo and end up losing,we should need to be wise choosing coins,not all low value coin are profitable,making thorough research and see the use cases of certain coin is a must,and if not,asking for advice from others is also effective.
  5. Of course you can.there's nothing wrong with that,and we should actually share this opportunity to others for them to get the benefits also and help them somehow. It is only not allowed to share same connection with you family when using this forum.
  6. This topic is actually discussed by others already,but many still confused on how they will know if they commented already or not,so i hope this post will inform many members especially newbies so that question about it will not be ask over and over again.thanks for sharing.
  7. Crypto are known as decentralized,meaning any one can stay anonymously,and this is what i like most,having privacy. Privacy is important to me than those regulation that can break. Because having privacy you can be somehow protected on malicious attacks.
  8. True. Our safety depends also on us. It is our own responsibilities also on how to keep safe in such malicious acts. So by doing thorough research or checking before making any act can save us from unwanted things.
  9. This is just a simple topic but interesting as many,especially newbies doesn't know sometimes those terms. And honestly,i didn't know bitshaming,and through this post i was educated. In addition to this,another crypto term mostly used are; Shill- A shill is someone who promotes a particular coin, probably because he is HODLING a *BAG of it hoping that promoting it over the top will help it MOON. The process is called SHILLING a coin. Fomo- FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out. It means don't make rash decisions base on emotion, like when you see a coin value rising rapidly and buy in to get some of the action.
  10. Yeah,google authenticator is indeed much better than sms. As anyone can easily have get codes from our mobile. Thanks for clarification.
  11. Mistakes is the best teacher to us. And it is sometimes good to made a mistakes as this will serve as a lesson for us to know what is right and wrong,what to do and not to do, and this will show us the results on everything we are doing. So this will be our guide to make it better the next time and not to do the same thing over again as we know what could happened.
  12. It depends on the situation,if old yobit accounts doesn't gave any funds,then its okay to leave and do nothing about it and make a new one but if it have funds,try to contact the support team,to help you with you problem.
  13. Online world are very dangerous,as the technologies are getting more developed,there are risks associated with it and one of this is those hackers who are born and multiplying everyday. So to keep your funds safe and secured somehow,the following can be helpful; Using Cold Storage or hardware wallet- storing it on a cold storage can prevent you from online hackers attack as this kind of storage is the safest among others as it is not accessible via internet. Enable Two Factor 2FA Authentication-2FA is the most important factor to ensure security. Every access in your accounts requires you to input code sent via your own email or sms,this will let you know if someone's trying to attack your account and not letting them to get access. Double Check the Address- double-check the URL address of the exchange having your assets. Phishing attackers use a similar URL address for getting login address information. Even while you are withdrawing your assets to a particular address the hacker or phishing attacker may change the address to their own, so in that case, you should double-check the address too. In both cases please be very careful while dealing with your assets on the exchange. Emails Phishing Attacks Prevention - do not click on any link on email regardless of its authentication and confirmation. Update your antimalware and antivirus software as always along with web protection if possible as an extra security layer to prevent such attacks. Check the Locks and SSL certificate- this is also one way to keep safe,checking every connection or site your visiting if they are secured or not.
  14. Absolutely right. This forum will stay longer if we,as a member will have discipline in following rules and maintaining the cleanliness of this forum and making it more resourceful with valuable informations. Doing those you mentioned above will not only benefit the forum but also us.
  15. Nice tips. But actually there is more easier way without clicking too much section. You can see your activities or topic made on the activity button,on the upper left part of the page. Click that and select "content that i started".hope this make it easy for you.
  16. This is what the phrase "what i am suggesting is a hard work,it can be slow work but the rewards are well worth" applied. Making post daily,and getting deleted or not counted as useful is sometimes tiring but if we put heart and enjoy what we are doing fruit of it is worth it.
  17. The team of this forum are really working hard to achieve the best in this forum,we all suffer from deletion of post and banning of some countries which is the sign where we can prove that they make their way to improve this site and as this evolution not just in this forum but in this modern era,it will be no surprise to see other sites like this that gives us potential to earn money and gain knowledge.
  18. Well said. This is why rewards should not be prioritize much as it is sometimes the reason why many cannot give proper informations,they just eager to complete daily posts and earn. Giving valuable information and helping or educating others is what really matters then rewards will surely follows.
  19. This is really a must. Knowing the rules gives you exemption on making such things that are against this forum as you know what to do and not to do. Our stand in this forum depends on us.
  20. It depends,high investments gives higher chance of earning big profits and it also depends on how good are you in trading especially in scalping. Scalping is the fastest way to earn profit but it requires good understanding about it.
  21. Nice analysis, many indeed are here for money,but i think 90-95 percent are for that,only 5 percent are for knowledge and not because of money. And luckily,spammers are lessen unlike before where 70 percent are spammers and just to earn money. This is the reality,unfortunately,many in needs of money,so they will not waste their time on this forum if not for money and not to give proper and valuable information.
  22. Exactly,everytime that there's having an issue about payments,many panicked already and when post counts decreased they reacted. This must be informed everyone that those issues are normal. Cryptotalk team have the power to delete or do what they want for the sake of this forum and post about those issues will also be deleted so lets just understand,respect and have patience. Besides its just easy to earn here so don't lose hopes.
  23. It happened to me before,and the reason for this is i have an buying order of xrp coin which is not yet filled,so those coins i used to buy xrp remains on my balance when i withdraw,so check your order history.
  24. Halving effects cannot be seen not just on that day,but effects of it can be seen even after as the miner blocks rewards are cut into half so the selling activity of the miners will be lessen also which can cause price increase.
  25. Yoda coin drops its price due to those who got free coins during airdrops,they sell right away even on the lowest price due to panic,and its hard for it to recover on that high as it doesn't have any information that can tell us that it is worth investing for.
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