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Everything posted by gody228

  1. Welcome, my friend, you must first read the rules of the forum and adhere to them, your publication must not be less than 100 characters and its content should be related to cryptocurrencies, i.e. it is targeted and useful to all, so you get the good reputation that leads you to success and fame and earn money at the same time.
  2. لقد دخلت عالم التشفير هذا العام في البداية ، واجهت بعض الصعوبات ولكن مع مرور الوقت بدأت أستمتع بالعمل هنا وفي رأيي أنه مفيد للغاية وليس مضيعة للوقت وأثناء المثابرة سأكون قادرًا على تحقيق مكاسب جيدة حظًا سعيدًا حظا طيبا وفقك الله
  3. Welcome my friend yes your words are very true you must be afraid about the loss of comments when deleting the new topic but if the recommended is valuable and useful to everyone then he will have great posts so there is no need to be afraid as long as the topic is useful good luck
  4. . Hello my friend a very good topic for discussion thank you for asking it in all cases, both important to me learning and knowledge in my opinion if we want to acquire knowledge we have to persevere and learn a lot because they are related to each other good luck
  5. Yes my friend I agree with you very correct, this forum aims to provide sufficient information in order to enrich beginners with regard to cryptocurrencies we must work here in a spirit of cooperation and not to offend anyone good luck
  6. Yes, my friend, you are right to achieve our goals, we must be patient, work hard and provide enough time to gain experience here, there is no success without perseverance, and I think that the success we will achieve deserves to be tired for good luck.
  7. Yes my friend when we enter the world of cryptocurrencies we must not put fame in front of us directly there are a lot of steps before achieving fame where we have to abide by the rules and put up useful topics that attract members to achieve good reputation and over time and perseverance we will achieve fame and gain at the same time
  8. Yes my friend you are absolutely right we should not be jealous of the senior members they are in the end older in this field and they have a lot more experience but we must be optimistic about their successes and consider it a source of hope to persevere to seriousness to reach our goals and achieve the best
  9. Welcome, my friend, we all know that posts that are unhelpful or out of topic and violate the rules of the forum will be deleted directly by the competent members, so be careful and work hard.
  10. At first anyone came to this platform to make money and save their lives and of course I was like this, but over time I learned that in order to win here we have to learn and increase our experience about cryptocurrencies, this platform is a platform of education before earning good luck.
  11. Welcome, my friend, yes, I agree with you to have a good reputation, which is very important as a great effort must be made to maintain the standards of effective participation that attract others in order to gain reputation and gain through these posts I wish you all the best
  12. Welcome my friend yes it is a very nice feeling to achieve success on this platform and to see positive results for the posts here especially for me being somewhat new here in the forum good luck
  13. Hello my friend this is a bold step of you congratulate you yes I have noticed that there are many recurring topics but at the same time all useful for beginners and for all members I think it is nice to talk about new topics as long as they are related to cryptocurrencies and do not violate the rules of the forum good luck
  14. Yes my friend I agree with you we must work hard to enjoy and get our goals with confidence and honesty and we must keep away from spammers and warn of fraud sites especially for beginners so that no one falls victim to fraud good luck
  15. Yes my friend you are absolutely right and I would like to thank you for providing these tips most of us here must have started just like you and this is normal as beginners to take easy steps to learn and with time we discover more valuable information about cryptocurrencies in order to get to this level of knowledge must be milking patience and not despair
  16. Yes you are very right we must follow the rules of this forum and try as much as possible not to make spelling mistakes and use simple vocabulary to avoid deleting the post good luck
  17. Welcome my friend yes we can criticize any topic and that's according to each person and his point of view and how he sees this topic but we must not exceed the limits of literature and exceed the rules of the forum but it is enough to express our opinion with respect for the other opinion good luck
  18. Welcome my friend congratulations to you to finish the first step to reach your goal in my opinion the next stage is the most serious and fun we must write topics with meaningful content that attracts members and gain a positive reputation to achieve the desired profit good luck
  19. Thank you my friend for providing this advice and I agree with you completely we must take the lesson in every part we fall into and make it a lesson for us and not failure to succeed must make mistakes and be exposed to failures good luck
  20. Hello my friend depends on how important your participation is whether it is effective and useful for everyone and got positive responses or is it not useful we have to work hard here to reach our goal good luck
  21. Welcome my friend yes in this forum the most beautiful thing with it is the spirit of cooperation between the members so successful work requires the strength of the community Make your post effective, meaningful and useful for everyone.
  22. Welcome my friend what i read about the importance of patience all right and for our interest patience is the key to success in any work you do especially in this forum you need to learn a lot of things and this requires you patience and good luck time
  23. Yes my friend you are absolutely right and beginners should also focus on the rules of the forum and abide by them and try to put up topics or participate in useful and meaningful content and direct their goal of knowledge and science before earning good luck
  24. Thank you for putting this topic I respect your opinion my friend but from my point of view the profile picture has no effect on the negative reputation but the content of what it writes is the one that affects whether it is not useful or not related to the topic or even when you exceed the rules of the forum good luck
  25. Welcome my friend yes from my point of view I see that we can interact and participate in the old publications so during our forum we will find publications of value and benefit to us if he can participate in it, that is a beautiful thing in my opinion good luck
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