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Everything posted by gody228

  1. Thank you for providing this wisdom, my friend, yes, we must share words with simple words and at the same time carry the meaning that we mean, because of the ease of communicating our information to others, we must work cooperatively and easily for everyone.
  2. Welcome my friend no you can not create two accounts on the same network this violates the rules of the forum and you are banned directly if you really want to succeed and earn money here you have to abide by the rules of this forum good luck
  3. When I fall into this situation for sure I will be very disappointed but if I really want to learn and succeed in this field I will stand up again and learn from my mistakes and make sure the sites are correct so that I do not fall back victim to fraud in my opinion in order to be successful must make mistakes they are lessons for us good luck
  4. Thank you my friend for providing these tips Yes in the first place we have to direct our goal to acquire knowledge and knowledge about cryptocurrencies and ways to invest them and not make a lot of money to avoid falling victim to fraud and if we face difficulties we have to be patient and inquire in this section because it is one of the most successful sections to teach and provide beginners with what they need to achieve goals good luck
  5. Welcome my friend from my point of view I think that the division of time is easy for those who appreciate their time we just have to set a schedule of work that we have and use the free time to work in the forum or allocate enough time to work here to cover all our needs of information about cryptocurrencies good luck
  6. Thank you and appreciation my friend for providing this wisdom yes we must not baptizour ourselves and allow our encourages to fall victim to fraud we must be patient and careful at work and consult those who are older than us in order to achieve our goals with the least good luck
  7. Welcome, my friend, yes, you are absolutely right, we must work collaboratively in this forum to benefit us and others, we must exchange information and support each other to achieve our goals.
  8. Yes my friend in the beginning and being a beginner, this stage is the most difficult stage where completing the 100 participation requires us to be patient and save enough time in the forum to gain useful information and share members with what is related to the world of currencies we must enjoy at this stage in order to reach our goals whether in making money or science good luck
  9. Welcome, My friend, yes, I agree with you that when we adopt access to the world of cryptocurrencies, we must be careful and confident of the step they have taken and we must be patient and follow all the posts to gain more information all the best.
  10. You're very right. It is necessary to abide by the rules of this forum to avoid banning or deleting posts and we must address important topics that benefit everyone and enrich beginners with valuable information all the best for all
  11. Yes, my friend, you're absolutely right. In my opinion we can write important and interesting topics at the same time in this forum there are many topics very important and in my opinion also the title of the topic should be important and interesting attracts members to read it good luck
  12. Yes, your words are correct my friend I am reading the topic, and if I do not understand it, if it concerns cryptocurrencies, read the responses and thus get the knowledge I want and gain experience Good luck, may God reward you
  13. Yes, you are so right When we started working here, we were looking forward to the required information and rules that must be adhered to With persistence, we gained sufficient knowledge of cryptocurrencies thanks to the beginners section and all the helpful advice Good luck, may God reward you
  14. Hello my friend, I hope you are fine Yes, in order to succeed and reach our goals, we must be courageous and patient Trying is necessary and ultimately a way to succeed Success doesn't come from our fear and sitting back without trying, and it's okay. If we fail, we must take failure as a lesson for us and it is the beginning of the realization of our dreams. Good luck, may God reward you
  15. Hello my friend Thank you for bringing up this topic Yes, in real life Science is a lamp that illuminates our lives and our cognitive weapon Whether here or in life, knowledge and learning are essential I am browsing all other members' posts and follow comments and tips to introduce my knowledge of cryptocurrencies so that I can make gains. Good luck, may God reward you
  16. Hello friend in this forum Yes, this section is the most important for us for beginners You will be able to provide yourself with information, rates and investment methods for cryptocurrencies And increase your mastery of the English language In this section you will find all the questions you can think of, as well as advice from the senior members Good luck, may God reward you
  17. Thank you for providing these tips, my friend Yes, by following these tips we will gain a good reputation and earn money The most important of these rules, in my opinion, is not to copy other people's posts so as not to be banned Good luck, may God reward you
  18. Welcome my friend Yes, we, as beginners, learn a lot from this platform by reading other members ’posts and senior members’ comments and advice. And through perseverance, we will be able to understand cryptocurrencies, how to use them, invest them, and earn as well Good luck
  19. Yes, my friend, you are completely right As a beginner I am reviewing all the topics here to increase my knowledge of cryptocurrencies I was drawn to the repetition of some topics, not just about forum rules But also frequently asked questions about increasing the good reputation I hope that the person looks at the topics before asking his question, as this forum provides all what we need to achieve our goal Good luck
  20. my dear You should spend enough time here to get enough knowledge about this forum and cryptocurrencies Whenever you have free time, use it to read the topics and increase your knowledge to reach your goal Good luck
  21. Yes, my friend, you are completely right Reputation is very important to all members especially those of us who are junior In the beginning, achieving a good reputation will be difficult, because to achieve it we have to provide ourselves with sufficient information about cryptocurrencies and about this forum. And we have to follow the rules of this forum And the more useful our post is, the more reputable it will be I wish you all the best
  22. Welcome my friend And I'm still a beginner, I've learned a lot of things here You can be patient, follow the rules, post topics or comment in a way that benefits everyone, to avoid deleting the post We also have to work cooperatively and not despair to reach our goal Good luck
  23. Hello my friend Yes, as a beginner I see it as important To get a good reputation, you have to write important topics that benefit everyone The more posts with useful content you have, the more positive your reputation will be Good luck, may God reward you
  24. My friend Thank you for providing these tips As a beginner, I see that you explained the work here in a beautiful and simple way Yes, it is necessary to be patient and spend enough time in this forum to learn more about the world of cryptocurrencies and gain experience. Good luck
  25. Yes, my friend, you are completely right To reach our goal, we must not despair, be patient, enjoy what we do and try as much as possible to gain knowledge and experience from senior members. I hope that everyone will achieve his goals Good luck
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