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Everything posted by gody228

  1. Yes, you are right Reading is very important for understanding or expanding and simplifying our understanding of things I believe that if we follow these steps, we will achieve great success here and be able to bring up topics of value and benefit to all Good luck
  2. Yes, my friend, being a beginner, I totally agree with you I do not deny that this is the most difficult stage that requires effort and patience, but we have to enjoy it and benefit from it to understand the world of cryptocurrencies I wish everyone success Good luck
  3. Yes, you are absolutely right I saw a lot of posts asking to increase their reputation I think, from my point of view, it is enough to direct our goal to publish useful topics related to cryptocurrencies and in agreement with the rules of the forum, and with this we obtain a reputation But if we focus our goal on reputation, we will be subject to mistakes Good luck
  4. Dear Friend As for me, according to what I learned from the older members, I see that there is no difference between a post or a comment regarding gaining reputation Reputation comes according to the content of what you write. If it is useful for everyone and there are no mistakes in it, then it takes a positive reputation, and if it is without benefit, it will be deleted Good luck
  5. Dear friend, I thank you for providing these good advice, especially for us beginners Yes, in order to achieve success, we must set our goals and persist in achieving them step by step and not back down if we encounter difficulties. I wish you the best
  6. Welcome my friend Yes, you are absolutely right I am also still a beginner and I read the posts and comments of the oldest members on them and I really benefit in understanding cryptocurrencies and ways to invest them and in increasing my reputation Good luck
  7. welcome my friend Yes, from my point of view, I see that the future of cryptocurrencies is wonderful and over time it will develop and grow more and more Do not be afraid of being subjected to a ban or warning, as you do not violate the rules of this forum and publish useful topics for everyone Good luck, may God reward you
  8. Thank you, my friend, for giving us these advice I work hard to abide by the rules of the forum and I hope to achieve success here with the help of the older members, which will be of good and benefit to us beginners. All the best
  9. Thank you, my friend, for asking this question Actually, I am still a beginner and working to complete 100 free posts, but this topic I raised helped me a lot in increasing my knowledge to be able to make a profit. I wish everyone good luck
  10. Thanks for this post Yes, to achieve success and professionalism, we need hard work and patience We also need to increase our knowledge of cryptocurrencies and how to monetize them I wish everyone good luck
  11. Of course you are right As a beginner, I have noticed that many make mistakes and break the rules No one is infallible, but the good thing is to remedy it and take the initiative to avoid committing it again so that we are not subjected to the ban. Good luck
  12. Yes, my friend, you are completely right Every start needs a bold and courageous step, for the person to be responsible and not to abandon his goal, no matter how difficult he faces. Good luck
  13. You should write a post with useful content and attract other members to it The rules of the forum must be adhered to, and the post should be beneficial to everyone All the best
  14. Welcome my friend Being beginners, we must first read all the forum rules and also write a post of not less than 100 characters If you encounter difficulties, you should ask here Good luck
  15. From my point of view and being a beginner I think that this section is very important, through which we gain sufficient experience and knowledge regarding cryptocurrencies and the method of investment Good luck everyone
  16. congratulations The source of your benefit from the forum I hope to achieve success here and earn money for my needs Good luck
  17. As a beginner, I thank you for reminding you of the rules of this forum In my opinion, following the instructions is an easy thing, and with practice and spending enough time in the forum, these guidelines will become our obvious. All the best
  18. Yes, I have seen a lot of people asking how to get a good reputation and what are the causes of a negative reputation The answer every single time: We beginners must abide by the rules of this forum, participate in valuable topics and write comments with useful content. Good luck everyone
  19. Yes, my friend, you are right Nothing comes easily, and in order to reach your goal you must fall into some difficulties, and a successful person in my opinion is one who learns from difficulties and considers them as lessons to gain experience and master avoiding them in the future. Good luck, may God reward you
  20. Hello my friend Respect is essential among colleagues and in social life Here, this forum has members who respect each other by sharing ideas and providing assistance No work is successful without a collective spirit and respect among people Good luck
  21. Yes you are right Many posts and comments are subject to deletion if they are outside the topic or have no benefit or violate the rules of the forum Therefore, we must abide by all rules to avoid being subject to deletion of our posts or being banned Good luck
  22. Yes that's right More posts increase reputation However, this does not apply at all times If the post does not contain content useful to each other, this post will be deleted Good luck, may God reward you
  23. Yes, you are right, my friend Patience is the key to success, especially in the first stage of this forum Completing 100 posts requires spending enough time reading the posts of the rest of the members, understanding how to work here, and gaining sufficient knowledge about cryptocurrencies to write comments with useful content and gain a good reputation. All the best
  24. Congratulations, my fame friend Yes you are right. We all have our point of view here, and to continue here, we must accept each other's opinions If a notice is sent to us, we should take advantage of it rather than anger and resentment Good luck, may God reward you
  25. Yes, of course, beginners gain a good reputation and appreciation as a result of their active participation in this forum. The more you follow the rules in this forum and the more valuable topics you participate in, you get a good reputation Good luck
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