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mazen rm

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Everything posted by mazen rm

  1. Dear friend, i think that Jealousy drives a person to develop himself, to see what he can acquire and how he can improve what can be improved, how to develop himself from his experiences in life and from getting to know others and seeing what distinguishes them and exchanging benefit with them but If you encounter an envious person who envies you, do not accuse him of envy, but confront what he does or say to show his envy firmly, show a lack of respect for his bad behavior, such as embarrassing him, he will not notice that he detracts from others unless he drinks from the same cup
  2. dear friends, i think that we all have to make sure to create a strong and unique password for each account to avoid these risks, and make sure that all passwords you use are difficult to guess, and it is best that each password consist of at least eight characters and include numbers and symbols. It can be difficult to memorize and remember many different passwords, and to help with this you can use a password manager application or service To help you create, protect and track all passwords and if that gets tough for you, you can even write your passwords on a piece of paper - but keep them in a safe place - and since hackers are always on the Internet, they won't be able to access this sheet.
  3. dear friend, i think that many of us hate criticism, and feel its weight on oneself upon hearing it .. and be ready to defend himself when facing criticism, as if he is facing an attack on his person or himself, and he has to prepare with the best methods and ideas to defend his logic or style. Exposure to criticism is not an indication of the need to respond violently, but the most appropriate action is by trying to benefit from the words of criticism by making them our guide towards finding better ways to improve our efficiency in the coming times. But if you are one of those who take criticism personally, you should resort to silence for a while, such as taking two or more deep breaths and then responding. Doing this will cool your anger and make you more able to control your nerves.
  4. dear friend, i think that the importance of reading mainly lies in the fact that it is the only way in which a person can acquire knowledge in an unbroken and continuous manner. A single book gives the reader a great experience that the author could only gather after spending a very long time in seriousness, work and diligence. Hence, reading was an important non-secondary issue that all people should make it one of their top priorities. So that it becomes an integral part of daily activities. and more reading doesn't just increase information. Rather, it increases the ability to analyze and relate things to each other, and a person who reads a lot acquires new skills, including: the ability to understand faster
  5. Dear friend, it is an interesting question you asked.. i think that digital currencies are not subject to any controls of any kind and here lies a new problem that would weaken the global financial system, which is managed by countries with the strongest economies, as these countries possess a currency that has gained wide acceptance to be traded in financial markets around the world. Which has an impact on the global economic movement and the entry of digital currencies would weaken these countries from their control over the economy if other countries rushed to follow the same approach. i hope i made my point clear
  6. Dear friend, i think that you are totally right and It is noticed that young people are the most popular group in dealing with these currencies, because of their good knowledge of technology, and on the other hand, their desire for quick profit to meet their needs and aspire to a better life, and to obtain amenities and enjoyment. i think that with time, digital currencies will impose themselves on the world, especially after some major capitalist economies have succeeded in dealing with and containing them, and making them under the eyes of central banks. so keep going and i hope you the best in this platform and in your life.
  7. Dear friend, i hop you are all doing well in our platform i think that we should depend on our self and invest our time in learning: you cannot profit from investing in digital currency through luck, it is necessary for you to have deliberate and tight steps, and this will not be achieved unless you get acquainted with the characteristics and types of digital currencies, the characteristics of the market and the companies that adopt cryptocurrency trading, and therefore you must Diversify your sources and always be informed of more news about market fluctuations and everything new in the world of cryptocurrencies
  8. Dear friend, i think we all need to pay attention and not fall into the net of criminals who promote trading platforms and links to earn money, advertisements for fake jobs or the sale of unreliable educational programs and unaccredited training courses, especially in light of the global pandemic and the spread of the Corona virus, i believe that when wanting to trade, one must go to Trusted platforms such as stock markets in the country, ensuring the right of the trader. and i advice you all not to enter bank data in unreliable sites, which may be fake pages that steal a person’s data and illegally exploit it, and pay attention to ATMs when using them and make sure not to add any new parts
  9. Dear friend, my advice to you is to direct your entire energy that you feel surrendered and turn it into an inspiring energy for others through your talent. When you develop your talent more than anyone else then you will inspire them with that talent, surrender requires a lot of energy, so it is better to use this energy in a good way. You may feel that giving up is the only option, but the situation is not that bad, whatever the reasons, the main reason is that you convinced yourself that it is very difficult and there is no reason to continue, but it is not that bad, my dear.
  10. Dear friend, i think that a person must force himself to join and join places that help him learn and prosper, if his job or hobby does not require education and continuous development, then he must change it, as sitting in front of a computer screen and receiving orders does not help to create new ideas, so the person has to take risks And choosing the right environment for learning . A person can learn anything through the Internet nowadays, as there are many programs and educational lessons that cover all areas on the Internet, where a person can learn through the blogs and videos spread
  11. Dear friend, i think that Just thinking about the possibility of investing money, even in small amounts, this step indicates the awareness of the owner. Although investing money wisely and intelligently is not an easy thing, everyone can invest their money if they are patient and acquire the appropriate knowledge and skills. Investing is one of the best ways to build wealth and financial independence. The concept of investment in general is to take a sum of money (capital) and try to develop it by purchasing assets that you expect that their value will increase with the passage of time, and there are multiple and varied types of investment according to the goal, method, return and risk. Whether the sums of money you want to invest are small or large, the goal is one: to make this money grow and get additional money through it.
  12. Dear friend, i think that the growth and spread of electronic currencies will continue in a frenzy and it is expected that the size of its market will increase to more than five times within the next two years. The most important question is what is the role of electronic currencies in facing global economic issues that the countries of the world have agreed to confront, such as money laundering and terrorist financing? The importance of this question lies in the fact that these currencies are decentralized and are not subject to any international law or financial system, so it is easy to use them in financing terrorism and illegal trade. Although it is a technological breakthrough in the world of currencies and has wonderful features that attract investors, there are concerns about its role and its ability to cause serious turmoil and chaos in the global economy.
  13. dear friend, that is totally right ..You only think about money, it is not enough about your trading or your trading plan or strategy. Trading about “money” shouldn't be just for you. Money is just a way to maintain a score in trading that tests your viability if you trade right, focus on the process and excited about the process, you will make money and that money is like the result, if the result goes up, you win, if it goes down, you lose.You should trade because you like trading. You must love the process of trading, not just the dream of the ultimate goal
  14. hello friend, in fact i have many goals that t want to achieve this year, foremost among which is success in the university, and finding a good job, traveling abroad and seeing the world after the corona pandemic and also i hope that my work here will succeed on this platform and learn more about trading and digital currencies.
  15. hi friend, i saw it today too but i think it is a spam or some kind of advertisement so do not use it if you are not 100 percent sure that it is save. you have to be careful brother
  16. hello dear friend, i think that the near future will witness a major shift from the monetary community to a non-monetary society through the deployment of digital currencies, facilitating e-commerce operations and more accurate monitoring of the official market. Cryptocurrencies do not follow any central banks, and they do not have any physical presence, in addition to being able to move and invest in them between people without an intermediary, so they are called decentralized currencies.
  17. hello friend, There are differences between work via the internet and traditional work in terms of wages and working hours, as the individual working via the Internet does not get the same wage that the individual gets in the traditional work system. and the work contract may require that accounting be done on the hour system, daily wage, or a certain percentage, and so on, and this is according to what the contracting parties specify. Some organizations that have online work systems rarely resort to signing contracts, as this pushes the worker to demand Part of the amount is paid in advance before starting work.
  18. hello friend, Bitcoin price is fully governed by the laws of supply and demand. Therefore, the entire bitcoin community controls the price, at least in theory. The more Bitcoins an individual owns, the more influence it has on the price overall. Bitcoin is distributed differently from one individual to another, as there are individuals termed "whales" who own 1000 bitcoins or more, and these currently represent 40% of bitcoin owners. When a whale makes a sudden move, it could affect the Bitcoin price. Last year, Bitcoin's price fell 14% overnight due to two separate sales of 25,000 and 14,000 Bitcoins, causing a wave of panic.
  19. hi friend, the Bitcoin, is a digital alternative to cash or coins. Although this currency is not an official currency, because it was not issued by a government or state, it may be used for online payment, and it can be converted digitally, to avoid falling into the maze of bureaucratic procedures for banks that consume long hours, and save transaction fees and waiting times. The total face value of all Bitcoin in the world has now exceeded $ 167 billion, knowing that Bitcoin is the first digital currency of its kind. and that is why it is important.
  20. dear friend, thank you for your information and advice. i think that Patience teaches a person the ability to withstand the various ups and downs of life, strengthens his personality and makes him able to face situations with courage. Patience is a way to obtain the respect of all people, because a patient person is always able to bear others in all their moments, and also has the ability to communicate with all parties around him and take responsibility for things with strength and calm. so it is one of the most important qualities that every human should possess to be a better person and have a good life
  21. hi friend, i know that Bitcoin was the first digital currency of its kind, and accordingly, it is believed to be the leader in the group. However, investors should not surrender to this fact and overlook other options, as there are many other interesting cryptocurrencies at this point. Although they are not considered as valuable or well-known as Bitcoin, they are similar investment opportunities, and the list includes the most important alternative currencies that should be considered, such as Ethereum, Ripple and Bitcoin Cash. And no currency is distinguished from the others, in return there is no harm in looking thoroughly at all the options.
  22. hey friend, The funny thing about criticism, though painful, is a crucial component of becoming good at something. Embracing criticism and turning it into something constructive is a learned skill. If you are not good at accepting criticism, you may want to work on improving it. Not only will it help you improve your interactions with others, but it will also help you improve yourself and feel better when problems arise. so Try not to think about criticism for being personal or opposed to other things you do. Take the criticism as it is and don't add anything to it or make assumptions about other aspects of your personality based on what has been said.
  23. hey friend, i think you are right because money must be a means and not an end. It helps a person live in this life. The purpose of knowledge is to work with it and teach it to others, and if money were an end, the person would be a “trader” and not call himself a “seeker of knowledge,” and why would he claim that person who says He studies the law that it aims to benefit the people and raise the prestige of the country, while he is only looking for money and money.. so we all must keep learning to get better and better every day.
  24. hey bro, i think we all have our ways to work and i think that most of us joined cryptotalk without prior knowledge of how to work here and how to use this site but in the end we all learn from our mistakes and it is surly a new world for some of us so i think -carefully designed plan- is not the right word because no one will ever know every thing or what would happen in the future, of course we have plans but just for the near future and i hope every one learn and know what is the best for them
  25. dear friend, i think goals are useful for creating a plan to accomplish a certain thing, but it is action that gets the achievement in the end. Focusing on the goal can chart the path you are looking for, or it can even motivate you and motivate you in the short term, but in the end, the action plan and its implementation are the ones who will win, and it will tip its balance. In conclusion, having a system in your life is the most important, and following this system to accomplish goals is what will make the difference in the end.
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