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Everything posted by kion

  1. Well, I can't catigorically say that the judge is wrong but still yet, I think it's a crime to stole someone hard work, so may be after some reviews and opinion checks, then the judge might reverse his verdict, because cryptocurrecy theft is definitely a crime. Well, I can't catigorically say that the judge is wrong but still yet, I think it's a crime to stole someone hard work, so may be after some reviews and opinion checks, then the judge might reverse his verdict, because cryptocurrecy theft is definitely a crime.
  2. Nope. My country is not cryptocurrecy accepting untill now, though they recognize it importance, many retailers are still not collecting it as a means of exchange, but we can convert it to other currency and withdraw it through our conventional bank.
  3. Yes, I definitely think that, the use of paper money is really dangerous at this time because it is a means of transmitting the Corona virus easily, bit if we can adopt the use of crypto coins, then the rate of infection would reduce drastically.
  4. Well, I think that the time has already come where we pay for things online using our mobile phones, I have seen where people buy phones and other things, the only thing that we are still waiting for is to start buying stuffs with cryptocurrecy .
  5. It not fun to here someone lose their investment, so am really sorry for the loss, my advice to you is just to to seek the advice of experience investors despite been introduced to some trustworthy sites, you still need to be guided on the sites too by someone who knows better.
  6. Yes, many people are using cryptocurrecy and cryptotalk because of me, though I my self did not register early, but I just introduced them to a course mate of mine who was a cryptocurrecy enthusiast, so almost 20 people are working on cryptotalk just for my sake.
  7. In my opinion, I don't think that there is any specific month that's really a good month for the trading of cryptocurrecy, I have not read it nor hear anyone talking about it, so I guess the market has no specific month.
  8. Generally, I do think that it's ignorance that led people to have negative impression on a particular thing, and instead of them to do reaserch on it, they would just conclude that the thing is bad, and so they won't listen to it. To convince people easily, just show them the evidence of earnings.
  9. Wow, this post just made my day, I mean I o know all the points you mentioned one by one, but to bring them into a single write up like this is really fascinating and a great job welcome, we all should read and understand this points.
  10. Hello friend, I thank you for sharing your knowledge about the yobit investbox, though I still don't know anything about yobit that much, but I would try to see if what you said is actually real, thanks again.
  11. It not just as easy as people think, it takes time and patience to become a rich person in crypto because it is just a thing of luck, there are people into cryptocurrecy for long and still they did not get rich from it while others joined recently and already make a good fortune from it.
  12. I joined this forum some few weeks ago, and already I have make the observation that almost all the topics are old, meaning that there are no more newer topics been created by the members, and I think it time that we challenge our selves to make new topics so that others too can benefit from the topic we created.
  13. Thanks for the reply, I know all this, I thought he was just asking if the new comment would be accepted again or not. Anyways, thanks for sharing more light on the topic.
  14. Well, even though I have not yet earn anything from cryptotalk or cryptocurrecy for now, I heard my friends saying that the withdrawal fee of BTC is high and that's why they prefer to convert it to litecoin before withdrawing, because litecoin fee is less.
  15. Long confirmation are very scary and frustrating, there was a time one of my cousin was trying to transfer from yobit to his wallet, and it took the whole night to recieve a confirmation, I tell you that he did not sleep for the whole night.
  16. Yes, I had faced the same situation while I was trying to introduce cryptotalk to my friends, I did try my best to convince them but they said I should try to show them the evidence of my earnings before they would agree to join. After my withdrawal, then they started getting involved.
  17. As for me, I would definitely invest in BTC, because it was already proven to be worthy of an asset, while xrp is just coming up and probably would not be so good as BTC, and also a long term investment would be good for the xrp too, base on waiting and hoping.
  18. As for me, I would definitely invest in BTC, because it was already proven to be worthy of an asset, while xrp is just coming up and probably would not be so good as BTC, and also a long term investment would be good for the xrp too, base on waiting and hoping.
  19. There is absolutely nothing to worry about, the fact that you made a comment and it was accepted means that it is still valid to make another comment in the same topic, the only place where there would be problem is to make a comment immediately after you made a previous one.
  20. You are absolutely and definitely right, knowledge is the most important thing to seek before engaging into any practice, especially in the world of cyptocurrency where everything is just kind of digital and difficult to understand without proper knowledge and guidance.
  21. Well, thanks for the comments, I personally have not used any crytpto ATM before, because its not in my area, how ever, sincerely that's charges is too high, infact the charge should be less so that other people can be encouraged to try using the machine.
  22. To me, I think that's how it should be, bacause having many crypto ATM ponts is a sign that cryptocurrecy is gaining the attention of the populace, so hope to see more of those ATM points in every nook and cranny all over the world.
  23. Yes, I think that it would solve the unemployment problem, taking me and my friends for instance, we have nothing doing after finishing our university education, but within the small period of time that we knew about cryptotalk, it has solved alot of our financial problems already.
  24. If I had what it takes to accumulate xrp as much as I could, I would accumulate it, because in my opinion, xrp one of the the most promising cryptocurrecy out there, it might not be expensive for now, but in time it would be a hot cake.
  25. Well, that's one thing with cryptocurrecy price prediction, you can never tell when they would change or remain stable, so you don't need to worry your self much, just keep your self updated on the latest development so that you can be in the loop.
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