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Everything posted by Alice21

  1. It is very true what they say that we must always learn from life because it is life that teaches us a lot of things and of those things is that we are learning and we can do things that we could not do before and that is all Because thanks to life we are learning and it is not that we learn from one side only if not from several in order to be successful in life and in what we never want to give up.
  2. I think the same as you, the best way to win is by learning because if we do not learn we could not achieve anything that is why day by day is that we are constantly learning in order to win or achieve many things that we could not have achieved before.
  3. This publication that you have made a friend is very useful for everyone who is here and does not know what to do to obtain future benefits now at least thanks to this guide that you are giving us with this information if we can know what to do to obtain many benefits futures.
  4. First of all welcome friend here to this platform and site here what you must do first is read the rules and follow them to the letter because if you do not follow the rules what could happen to you is that they remove you from this site or Some work that we consider and what you should do is create topics or limit other people's publications in order to help in that publication by providing or giving information that is useful for that topic itself.
  5. Friends, this problem has also been happening to me, I do not know what is happening because I always try that my publications have been good so that people can give me positive evaluations in my publications so that I can collect all my annotations that make and have a good profit hopefully this problem does not continue and they fix it since it is not fair for us to lose profits or money because we work to obtain it.
  6. What you say is very true friend if we do not have knowledge about that publication or topic we should not write or speak because if what we should do is inform ourselves or look for information so there if when we already have the necessary knowledge or data there if we do that topic or annotation towards a publication.
  7. Friend did not know about this thanks to this publication that you have made now I will be or may be informed and aware of this and other people may also be informed and aware of this so thank you for making this topic of great help to us and those who have recently entered the forum.
  8. From what I know and I have been informed of several people and information if cryptocurrencies can be converted into cash since people the cryptocurrencies that earn or obtain what they do is convert it into cash to pay the bills or basic needs or just to have money if you can convert cryptocurrencies into cash, so I have been informed and researched.
  9. It is true what you say we should make new topics with new information or limit new information what happens that people here in the forum as we concentrate more on giving annotations instead of making topics with information and also there are times that we do not find information to be able to make themes or we are afraid that it will not turn out the way we want that is why we almost always give annotations to other subjects instead of doing them.
  10. I believe that the reasons for using bitcoin is not just one but there are several because now bitcoin is increasing every day it is worth more that is why people prefer to invest in bitcoin because bitcoin is what is worth the most today in day and how it is going, it seems that it will continue to increase even more.
  11. Friend, thank you for giving me this information and I think you are right that I should wait and not spend my conversation tokens and wait for it to be multiplied so that I can spend them but at the same time being able to multiply them is as you say, I just have to be patient and wait for the right moment.
  12. I also think the same as you, there are publications that should be supported and that we should support because they deserve it and we should but I think that there are people who don't do it because they don't want to support or help those people because They are afraid that they will pass that is my opinion about what is happening here.
  13. Friend did not know that you could buy vehicles with crypto now thanks to you now if I know and surely that I am not the only other people who do not know will also come to inform themselves to this publication so they know and also to be able to buy a vehicle thanks to you.
  14. This is very true, the earnings that we have or that we receive is thanks to the fact that people give us valuations, that is, heart, + 1 and +2 etc. that is why we must always make quality themes or dimensions so that they give us hearts and so we can also earn money which is what we want.
  15. It is very true friend we can win if we continue writing a considerable amount if we are smart about cryptocurrencies that is why we must always keep writing in order to have a considerable amount of cryptocurrencies and after that make money to have in our pocket or for our things or basic necessities of the life of the day to day.
  16. I think that we cannot criticize any topic, we can criticize a topic but if in that topic we have to say something that in that topic is not true or there is something wrong for that way the creator of that topic can fix it but if not, no We can criticize issues because if we must always have a justification, it is that he did something wrong who created that issue and there we can help him by saying there if why we are criticizing him but also helping at the same time with criticism that is what I think.
  17. It is very true what you say friend every time we have an idea or an inspiration to write we must do it at the moment because if not the idea or inspiration that we had to write if we do not take advantage of it then it will go away and what we could have done in the moment that we did not do it now it is lost.
  18. What I advise to do to explain bitcoin to those people who do not know bitcoin is that we show them what it is about how bitcoin is used in the market as it increases as it decreases to show them everything related to bitcoin that we know show those people so they can also understand what bitcoin is.
  19. This friend you have said is very true and you are absolutely right, it is better to work with sincerity and that everything comes in due time that surely if we do that there will be great rewards for waiting and not cheating that if we cheat what we can take is That they take us out is why we always wait and do things well so that everything turns out the way we want.
  20. I don't start to think what would happen if I got stuck in this crisis because if I started to think I would be all the time insecure or nervous that is why I take advantage of the day to day that I am here and also I always try to follow the rules so that don't give me warning points and they can't block me because we just have to follow the rules to be safe on this site.
  21. Friend I do not think there is a problem that they are in the same location as long as they do not use the same wifi or IP address because there it would be a problem for both because from what it says in the rules you can not use the same wifi or IP In order to work, but since you don't do that, what you do is use different devices and different Wi-Fi, there should be no problem.
  22. I think that if we can learn and win at the same time because the truth is that if we do not learn we cannot win so it would be that without one we cannot achieve the other so we need one to be able to reach the other without any problem.
  23. In my opinion I do not believe that there is a correct amount of investment, what we should do is invest what seems to us or we want to invest at the moment but that is my opinion about what we have to invest or we want to invest.
  24. I believe that we must always challenge ourselves because that is how we can improve even more than we are already doing by challenging ourselves we can improve and set new goals every day while we strive even more than what we already did.
  25. Friend I did not know what kyc was now thanks to the fact that you have made this topic and several people have commented now if I know what it is and what kyc means now if I can know since I am informed about this and that it is thanks to you and others They have defined what it is and what it is used for.
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